Power struggle

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Writers note..
Idk if anyone still reading lols but uh I literally have had writers block for the longest time so i gave up updated for a while but uh got my motivation back a bit so here we go

"Which eye thing" i pouted looking up at him innocently, flashing my vampire eyes.

"Not that one" she said sternly glaring at me, little did he know this little game was giving me to much enjoyment. There was something dangerous about him, something different and it wasn't just void, it was more. It was him.

"Ohh you mean the eye rolling thing" his grip tightened sending electric waves through my body, "yeh well I can't help it, just happens in the presence of a wanker" i smile shrugging him off before speeding up the stairs to my room. My heart was racing faster than it ever has before. The lust i feel for him is strong and its not the lust for his blood, its something else something wrong.

The way he isn't scared of me even though he's a human and i could easily over power him at any time, hurt him or even kill him and yet he speaks to me fearlessly. The way he dominates the room with his presence, making the air feel thinner and the world quieter. Better than anything, when he touches me my body feels warm, alive, something it hasn't felt in decades, centuries even. I want-

I'm snapped out my thoughts by the sound of a throat clearing in the door way, i spin round to see Stiles standing there with both his hands behind him back.

"Lena get on the bed" he mutters no emotion evident on his face.


"Lena." He says again slightly louder with a more threatening tone. "Get. On. The. Bed."

So the game continues.

"No" i reply a smug smile settling itself on my lips, "you're gonna have to make me".

He lets out a frustrated sigh before slowly stalking towards me, i watch closely his eyes filled with the same lust i know i have. My mouth suddenly becomes dry and i feel the blood in my veins boil from excitement. Before i can even register what is going on i hear metal clashing together as it hits the ground and Stiles lunging towards me grabbing both my small arms in his large veiny hands trapping me momentarily as he inserts something into my side.


"You son of a bitch" i attempt to push him away but the poison is already taking effect and i feel myself becoming weaker.

"What's the matter angle? Don't you think its only fair i level the playing field a little?" He smirks down at, me with satisfaction. "Unfortunately or you refusing to follow instructions is not the best idea and is not going to end well for you," there's humour in his voice, "however for me, well lets just say its going to be more than enjoyable".

Like lifting a feather he picks up my weakened body throwing me onto the bed carelessly before retreating back to pick up whatever he had dropped.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops as the objects come into view, in one hand he is holding 4 sets of hand cuffs and in the other what looks to be a vibrator.

"Close your mouth angle there will be plenty of time for that later" he cocky voice combined with the possibilities in his hands cause my insides to twist more core already heating up.

"What are you doing with those?" I ask squeezing my thighs together, he clearly notices the gesture as his eyes flicker down and a full on grin takes over his face.

"The question should be what am I going to do with you?" He pauses "or to you?"

With that he grabs me by the thighs yanking me to the edge of the bed.

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