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She looks down at her arm that I am gripping tightly in my hand, and let's out a breath.

'Everyone has a past' she sighs, her arms where covered it white scares from the top right down to her wrists, some of them seemed to have makeup residue on them where I assume she's tried to cover them up.

'Shit, Lena why and how did you do that' I ask still gripping onto her,

'Jesus stiles calm down, one it's none of your business and two they scared because it was before I turned. Now take my blood and be done with it' she sassed obviously trying to acted unbothered my my discovery, i brought the knife down to her wrist and hesitated.

Agonising pain ran through my neck but I just couldn't do this, it felt so wrong in so many ways, I put he knife back into my pocket and Lena looked down at me confused. Scott stood up and left the room not saying a word, tonight had taken a very weird turn and I'm guessing he needed to speak to Deton.

'Umm, so how old exactly are you?' I finally said breaking the silence,

'I'm 17' Lena looked at me, her face showing no emotion what so ever,

'How long have you been 17?'

'Like five hundred years give or take' she said and I couldn't help but gasp, that's a really long time to be stuck as a teenager. I couldn't help but feel bad for her,

'Stiles' she began again, 'you shouldn't have driven me to feed' tears were now almost forming in her eyes and I was shook a little bit from the sudden personality change. 'I-I don't have it under control a-and I just w-want more'

'What do you mean?' I asked getting up onto the sofa next to her.

'The blood' she blurted, 'I can't control it, i haven't fed from a person in years and n-now' her body suddenly relaxed and I edged back knowing the venom had worn off. Lena noticed this to but instead of bolting or attacking she pulled her legs up to her chest and began to sob quietly, I saw as Scott poked his head round the corner and I shot him a look telling him to leave us.

'Lena it's okay, it's just blood and I'm sure it's not that bad. You're in school every day around loads of peo-'

'Stiles please slow down your heart rate!' She stood up quickly, the whole of her eyes were a flaming red and I could see her fangs and she spoke to me. Quickly, she brought her wrist up the her mouth and bit down on it hard squinting her eyes before she was suddenly on me forcing her blood into my mouth, the blood was warm and metallic tasting. Surprised at Lenas sudden action i tried to pull away but he was now gripping the back of my head with such strength I couldn't move.

Finally she released me and stumbled back slightly hitting the wall behind her. Tingling sensations began on my neck and I felt the wound close up and the pain seeped away as I just sat there completely speechless, Lena just looked at me with a serious look in her eye

'Stiles! What ever happens don't die!' Then all of a sudden there was a blur and she was gone.


For some reason that's all I could feel right now, she has obviously been through a lot and I can't imagine pretty much forcing her to drink my blood was a good idea.

Of course we didn't think that it would lead to Lena feeding on me but thinking about it it's hardly surprising, we weakened her to the point were she passed out.

Red and blue strings covered my wall connecting in all different places, there were so many myths and legends on vampires I wasn't sure what to believe and after what we just pulled I highly doubt Lena will be willing to tell us, in fact we should all be watching our backs. After I had announced Lena had disappeared the pack had had a discussion on what to do about her, most of the pack what's her dead, they believe that she's been around long enough and everything about vampires is dangerous and should be disposed of.

However I knew that Scott would never agree to killing someone, even if they was already dead, so he has come to the decision that we could capture and contain her un till she agreed never to harm anyone again and to leave Beacon hills.

Obviously this is allot easier said then done, since she is a supernatural being she is being drawn here by the Nemiton, according to old notes and diaries vampires aren't usually territorial as it's more a wolf thing but something tells me that Lena is different somehow.

The pack spooked her a lot, we caught her off guard and in theory we could have killed her, this should have sent any vampire fleeing but here I was back in my room, one o'clock in the morning and my phone was buzzing. The name that flashed up shocked me.

Lena Sutton.


Everything inside of me was screaming.

I just wanted more blood, I wanted to tear through this pathetic town and then the next one over and so on forever.

This urge that I had kept inside of me for the last sixteen years was now ripping down my walls, it's as if a war was happening in my very own body. I reached for my phone, I needed help, I needed blood.

I saw his number on my phone and without a seconds hesitation I pressed on it and my phone began to ring.

'Lena?' Stiles confused voice came through my phone, I took a deep breath,

'S-stiles, p-please come. I just, I just need some help a-and i feel like you're least likely t-to try and k-kill me'

'You want me to come to your house? Now?'

'Stiles' I screamed down the line, 'it hurts', I fell to my knees welcoming in a much to familiar sensation, if I didn't get this under control soon I was going to wipe out this town.

'Lena? Lena? Oh shit' the phone went blank.

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