Memory Lane 

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I have a feeling Stiles is suspicious of me, I'm not entirely sure what he thinks exactly but i know that he believes I'm hiding something and it's all most irritating.

I mean I am hiding something but that's not at all the point. As I walk away from him a notice him pull out his small bottle of pills again, I want to go back and ask him what precisely they are but I don't what he to get mad at me like last time.

I have my own suspicions about stiles, he gives of a weird kind of vibe when I'm around him, it's dark and mischievous and it's all around him. Thankfully, due to my compulsion at my party I know that Stiles is not any type of supernatural creature, however I do believe that there is something not right about that boy, something about him just reeks of pain.

'Lena! hey' god I hate this kid.

'Scott, you okay?' I smile innocently, I'm about to get into my car and Scott runs up behind me undoubtedly keeping a check on me. They have been doing it all week.

'Yeh I'm doing great, me and the pac-' he slowly trailed off and I tried to fight back the urge to burst out laughing at his stupid mistake, almost outing him and his friends.

'Me and my friends, were wondering if you wanted to come over to mine for pizza later on' he cleared his throat before correcting himself.

It's priceless right now to hear his heart racing faster than a car in the formula one. Still trying to hold back my laughter,

'oh that would be great, I'd love to get to know you all better'

'That's great I'll text you the time and address', the brunette pulls out his phone waving it in the air before making his way back across the car park, over to stiles jeep where I notice he is now lent up against it, only being torn away from his phone when Scott begins to approach.

Five minutes has passed and I'm sitting in my car, a small, black Aldi, listening into Scott and Stiles's conversation, they haven't said anything interesting up until now;

'So are the pills helping' Scott lowers his voice into a low whisper, so I try to concentrate and focus my hearing harder, blocking out any thing else distracting.

'Well-' stiles begins 'the flashes of rage and pain have definitely been diluted but I still have absolutely no control over them and it starting to become a bit of a problem'

'Do you think there's still a part of void that might be gripping onto you?'

'I mean, it was my first time being possessed by an evil spirit, so I'm not totally an expert on that yet Scott' I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

Holy mother Teresa, he was possessed by an evil spirit, that makes so much sense, it fully explains the darkness that surrounds him and void, well I can only imagine what Stiles has gone through.

Unfortunately, i know that the only way to completely get rid of a spirt that has a grip over you is to die.


Red flashing lights take over my vision as the full moon rises above me, I can feel it's strong grip begin to take hold if me and I want it to swallow me whole.

Chanting is all I can hear now, the same five words being repeated over and over becoming a muffled sound. Struggling against the restraints on my wrist I try to break free, but a course of electricity suddenly runs throughout my body, I yell out in pain as my claws grow and fangs form in the top and bottom of my mouth.

I manage to just about make out the shadow of a tall figure walked past me and release the chains from the metal gate that was still buzzing with electricity, every part of me is screaming and I want to get up and fight back but my body is practically paralysed and shaking.

Without warning, I feel a cold object being fastened around my neck and I feel myself being ripped away from the moons grasp and the chanting falls to a silence as my vision slowly starts to return.

'You are now collared' a voice speaks, I look up squinting my eyes, my head is pounding.

'Whilst you wear this chain you will be unable to access your werewolf abilities and be disconnected from its nature', my blood ran cold.

'What, what are you on about?' I asked, trying to pull myself off the ground but to my disappointment failing completely.

'Due to a promise this coven made many years ago, we are unable to kill you however we can not allow you to keep murdering innocent people because you can't keep your anger in check and wolf at bay', the voice was a posh British accent and I recognised it to be the voice of the southern witches coven leader, Michael D'tyler.

Anger is all I could feel, they has taken a part of me away, the part that made and now all I was left was my useless magic and fragile human body.

Quickly I opened my eyes, scaring myself awake, no matter how many years it's been that night still haunts me and the chain keeping me from the moon and as a slave to the coven continues to hang round my neck, only now i have decorated it with a number of charms.

Sweating still from my trip down memory lane, I glance over to my phone to check the time, its four thirty and I need to be at Scott's at five.

Only thirty minutes to get ready and so much to do, although I suppose it doesn't matter if I turn up a little late as it shows I'm not to desperate and plus I definitely don't want to be the first one there.

I pull myself out of bed and quickly make my way over to my shower, shaking away the memories of my past.

When I was once a wolf.

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