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Pulling into Lenas huge driveway I was becoming more and more nervous, I was completely un armed, hadn't told Scott where I was and in a moments time would be walking into a spiralling vampire.

I noticed Lenas car wasn't on the drive, she must have left it at Scott's when she fled. Quietly as possible I got out of my jeep and made my way over the the front door, my hands were shaking and I hovered my hand over the door knob for a moment rethinking this decision, should I call Scott? Seconds before I was about to turn back to my jeep I heard a scream come from inside the house, without a second thought i darted inside however my eyes were not prepared for the hell they were about to see.

'Lena? W-what the fuck are you doing' she was on her knees in a river of blood, knives in her hands and tears streaming down her cheeks.

'I need to d-dry out' she whimpered, her head swaying back and forth. 'W-what are you doing here S-stilinski?'

'You called me about fifth teen minutes ago, you don't remember?' I asked, moving further into the living room, a crouched down beside her putting my hand on her back.

'N-no, I don't think I do. I just wanna, I wanna-' Lena fell into my lap, completely passed out, her skin was Snow White, and freezing to the touch. Of course any evidence of wounds had healed up already but that did not take away the fact that we was both sat in the middle of what looks to be a mass murder scene.

Honestly, I'm not even one hundred percent this is all her blood, I hope it is but with the state she was and currently is in I'm not sure I'd be completely surprised.

After some time of careful consideration, I decided to take Lena up to her room.

Red blood still painted her skin, she was covered head to toe but being the respectable person that I am I thought it best to not try and change her.

Carrying her up stairs I could feel her harmonised breathing and her heart beating, it was a strange feeling knowing that technically she's dead and yet here she was in my arms breathing appearing to be alive.

Entering her room i placed her carefully on the ground and rushed over to her bed yanking off anything that looked white or expensive wanting to save it from being stained by blood. Gently, I lifted the unconscious girl onto the bed, somehow even covered in blood and half dead looking, she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes upon. I noticed a ring on her finger, it to was covered in blood so I carefully slid it off her finger and placed it into my pocket, I'll wash it for her later.

For now, whilst Lena laid there silently on the bed I wondered around her room huge room, looking for something that could give me an idea of this girls past and who exactly she was.

Rummaging through draws and skimming through books I finally found something interesting, there was a rather large folder labelled ultio. Unsure of what this meant I opened up the folder and I was met with a flood of paper falling onto my lap. Sat beside Lenas desk across the room from her, I glanced over to the bed making sure I hadn't woken her, when I was sure she wasn't awake I turned my attention back to the folder and it's contents.

I read through a number of different notes, it was almost like reading a diary, a diary of an extremely angry person. Horror filled the folder, stories of witches, vampires, werewolves, banchees and demons, something terrible told me there weren't just stories and that this seventeen year old girl who lay only metres away has actually lived through all of this.

Fear was seeping into my veins as I read this particular entry, it spoke of sadness, emptiness and anger but worst of all it contained a spine shivering account on the events of a village massacre, my heart dropped. Lena had described in detail how hundreds of years ago she had torn through a whole village of men, women and children. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

"I woke up early this morning, just as the sun broke through it's dark barrier. My head was raging with a headache and I was in a house I was unfamiliar with surrounded by mountains of dead bodies, but I couldn't feel remorse. Women and children laid among the piles but I just sat there, it was a weird feeling really, my humanity switch was still on but I just couldn't find it in me to feel bad for theses people, this village. All I could think of was how good it felt to rip through them, draining the life out of them, hearing their pleading screams. I remember how close I came last night, how close I had come to filling this void inside of me, this huge missing part of me, I just needed more"

Stirring came from behind me and I jumped up, my hands shaking like the tail of a rattle snake.

'S-stiles?' Lenas voice creaked then she suddenly shot up, a sharp breath of pain left her lips 'oh shit, I didn't? I mean... everyone's still alive?'

'Uh yeh I think so, as long as all the blood down stairs is definitely yours' I replayed sarcastically.

She nodded before lifting her hand up to her head, obviously she was still in extreme pain. I looked over the the pink haired girl in front of me covered in blood, she had killed people, thousands of them and here she was acting completely normal, going to school and throwing parties.

'W-what was you looking at' her voice was now in an angry serious tone, she was pointing the the open folder and papers that lay on the floor, her eyes flared again but I watched as she squinted then away.

'You've killed people' I murmured,

'Stiles you don't understand, they, they deserved it' she almost whispered now,

'Children, Lena, what could they possibly have done?' my voice was raided now.

Lena looked down to the floor, almost guilty. What? I thought she felt no remorse for them?

'You can't tell Scott, he'll try and kill me, Stiles'

'I thought you was already dead?' sarcasm was clear in my tone,

'It's complicated I know, but stiles I can't die. You have no idea what will happen' she edged towards me and I took a step back, my heart was racing.

'I need to go' I turned to walk out but she was blocking the door in an instant, 'my god'

'Please stiles, don't tell anyone' she pleaded.

I pushed passed her and to my surprise she allowed me through.

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