Settling in

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Writers note:
Sorry it's been so long, schools been keeping me busy so this is pretty short but imma try make this more frequent for anyone that's still actually reading.


It was now early evening and Lena was back at my house, the day was clinging onto its last rays of sunlight leaving the floor of my room a vibrant orange. I'd sent a text on the way over here to my dad filling him in on what's happening with Lena staying at ours and it was safe to say he was less than pleased, however he did agree since Scott and assured him it would be perfectly safe for us and would help In protecting the town.

Scott always new exactly how to get through to my Dad, plus it help that he trusted my best friend more than me. Carefully and silently, Lena had been observing my room for the past ten minutes whilst I watched her from my bed, looking up from my phone every once in a while. There was a small amount of tension in the room undoubtedly due to my little stunt earlier but I tried my best to keep my heart at a semi normal rate.

'Do you need to get anything from your house?' I asked causing the girl to jump, which made a smile.

'Uh yeh I just need to get some clothes and wash stuff' she spoke softly, 'I'll run and go get them later'.

'I can't let you do that' I replied remembering what Scott had told me. Don't let her out your sight.

'Why not' she crossed her arms pouting,

'You know why, I'll take you myself'

'I'm not gonna run, why would I?' She had a fair point, there was no good reason for her to run, she wanted to stay in town and if she did we would just recapture her.

'Look I'm just doing what Scott says, okay? He's the Alpha or whatever'

'If you're not a wolf, you're not even supernatural so you don't have to listen to Scott. He can't actually control what u do and don't do like he can the others' a smirk had made its way onto her pink lips.

'What do you mean, Scott can't control anyone' I say slightly confused

'Of course he can, not you and Lydia but the wolves and I assume the other things. Yanno whatever Malia and Theo are. Scott's the Alpha so what he says goes, If he makes the order, if he wills it the pack won't be able to do or say whatever Scott decides' Lena explains edging closer to me.

'That's not true. Scott can't do that, he would have told me' I protest

'Lies, Scott knows what he's capable of, he just doesn't wanna give into it that's all. I myself have been under an order before, it was simple really, just to keep the werewolf Secret' Lena was now sat next to me her explanation sinking in.

Even if Scott could do that I know my best friend to well and he wouldn't want to take away someone's free will. Although I guess that was what was happening to Lena right now, but then again this is a totally different situation.

'Well in this case i still gotta do what Scott says' i huff looking the girl in the eyes.

'So what you're just his bitch?' The smirk on her face grows, anger begins to form in my stomach.

'Don't you dare talk to me like that' I spit grabbing the sides of her cheeks wipping her smirk right off her face.

'Or what-' she breaths! 'Bitch'.

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