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Like a bag of weights Lena dropped to the ground whimpering in pain, I was so flustered and confused so I just stepped back and watched as she suddenly put her hand into her wound, squinting her eyes shut.

Within seconds she pulled it out again throwing three small bits of wood to the side of her and taking a huge breath, she tried to stand up before collapsing back onto the ground, rolling her eyes.

'So human, what is it that you want to know?'
'Who do you want revenge on? Why do you have a whole binder dedicated to it in some weird language' I asked, crouching down to her and she leaned close to me

'Witches' she smirked rolling her eyes, 'and it's mostly in Latin idiot'

'No that's impossible we checked it in Latin and it didn't make sense'

'That's because it's old, people wrote it in different ways' she rolled her eyes again,

'you'd better stop doing that, I'm sure you'd hate to have electric currents running through your body again' she looked now almost frightened and a smirk made it's way onto my face, 'so why do you want revenge on some witches?'

'Because Stiles.. they took something from me, the most important thing that made me me and now are using it against me' anger lingered in her voice but I could tell she was far to weak to put to much energy into what she was saying.

'W-what did they take?' I pushed,

'Stiles' her voice was quieter now 'Stiles.. I'm a werewol-' she passed out before finishing the word but I knew exactly what she was saying, not another fucking werewolf.


It was now light outside and I was in a series of dark tunnels with an angry, probably hungry, mass murdering vampire werewolf thing.


Curly pink hair was sprawled across my legs and Lenas head was laid gently on my lap, her breathing was perfectly synchronise and I could feel her body flinch every few minutes.

About thirty minutes went by and I began to notice that she was getting colder, I realised that it was probably due to the lack of blood in her system, one of the books Deton gave me had said that the more blood a vampire drinks the closer their body comes to functioning like a normal human being and that lack of blood will slowly strip that away starting with body temperature.

'Lena' I shook her a little, 'Lena you doing okay... well I know you're passed out but. Ugh, Lena please wake up', she began to stir a little, beginning to whine.

I felt kind of bad for her, I didn't want her to die and she'd told me before that she doesn't want to either, hesitating slightly I lifted my wrist up to her mouth,

'Lena baby, drink my blood' she tensed up slightly and pushed her head back away from my wrist onto my crotch area, ah crap. 'It's fine just do it'

'No I-I..' she pushed against me and i turned her head up to look at me,

'You can' I whispered, she eyes closed for a brief second before reopening a dark red,
and he mouth opened slightly showing her teeth.

I nodded down at her before she softly took hold of my wrist and plunged her fangs into me, a strange painful sensation ran up through my arm as the blood was being drained from me, all of a sudden I felt her rip away from me and she was gone.

Knowing she couldn't get far I took a moment to regain my strength, the draining of my blood had made me a little dizzy but the wounds in my wrist were small and not bleeding to much where Lena has been gentle.

Carefully standing up I made me way over to a small table where a small piece of cloth was laying, I took it and tightly wrapped it around my wrist before grabbing a dagger shaped stake from the floor and rushing into the main tunnels.

Lena still wasn't in possession of her daylight ring and the sun was still brightly shining outside so I was confident she couldn't escape, I was however aware how she was now loose in the tunnels, agitated, thanks to me.

Quietly I creeped through the passages, looking for any sign of her among the arrange of pipes and the loud clanking noises ever ten seconds. After about twenty long minutes of searching I finally spotted a small figure with their back to me looking around another corner, pink hair reflected off the walls confirming it was Lena.

Silently, I began to stalk towards her hoping that she wouldn't sense me behind her. Swiftly, I grabbed hold of her shoulder and spun her around slamming her back against the wall with my dagger at her throat, both of us heavily panting.


Stiles tightened his grip on me and held the dagger up closer to my throat, firmly pinning me up against the cold wall behind me.

Utterly surprised, i tried to push him off but some how he was able to completely over power me, a smirk forming on his lips,

'I going to be honest here, I thought you'd be more challenging',

'and I thought you was just a harmless human' I teased back at him, his eyes narrowed and I bit my lip trying desperately not to saying anything stupid.

Looking directly into his eyes I began to push forward against the dagger, beginning to draw blood,

'do it' I whispered 'kill me Stiles', I kept pushing against the dagger and the pain was becoming more and more apparent.

Stiles's brown eyes stared into mine as if he was reading into my soul, I rolled my eyes at him and he suddenly leaned in close to my side whispering in my ear,

'what did I say about rolling your eyes at me' Stiles threw the dagger down to the ground leaving me momentarily confused and expecting some kind of electricity but instead I suddenly felt Stiles's soft lips clash forcefully into mine.

Harshly I was slammed right back up against the wall, one of Stiles's hands was pushing down on my hips whitest the other was on the wall cadging me in whilst I allowed his tongue to dance it's way into my mouth.

Small, quiet moans escaped our mouths echoing down the long corridors as stiles brought both his hands down to my waste listing me into the air.

Spontaneously, I wrapped my legs around him bringing us closer together to the point I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

Mine and Stiles's mouths were moving in perfect harmony, it was like nothing I could have expected, it was rough and yet still amazing making me tingle all over.

Lust fuelled us both making us kiss harder, the sound of his heart drumming filled my ears making me squirm in his arms almost grinding against him.

I loved how excited I was making him but I could also feel the anger behind him.

'What the actual fuck!'

Oh crap....

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