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Cold air filled my lungs as I opened my eyes to see Lydia, Theo and Kira standing in front on me. Surprised, I went to run but I was suddenly aware that my hands where stretched out to my sides and cuffed up to my head height to a metal kind of wall.

'Welcome to the tunnels of Beacon hills sweatheart!' Lydias voice ringed in my ears, I pulled agains the restraints harshly but they didn't break. I heard Theo snigger at my attempt to get free, that little asshole.

'So would you like to answer some questions now?' Lydia smiled walking up towards hands on her hips, 'why are you here?'

I looked up into her eyes 'your mum' I said leaning out as close as a could to her.

'What the hell does that mean' it worked, the stupid American is confused.

'Nothing really just a little bit of British banta' i leant back against the cool metal wall smiling smugly, god of only Americans understood the power of that phrase.

'Well what does it mean' Kiras voice came from behind lydia and she stepped forward into the light, revelling her shiny dark brown hair.

'Well it can literally mean anything but in this instance it means fuck off' I pulled at the cuffs again, I knew I could get out but it liked the way it made Kira flinch.

Theo just stood there smiling for a while before he finally spoke,

'Kira, do your, well you know... thing'

'Okay' she smiled and walked other to what looked like a set up of computers attached the the metal wall by a chord, I didn't like where this was going.

Suddenly I felt a shock of electricity course through my body causing me to yell out in pain, my legs and arms when limp and the only thing holding me up was my wrists that ere connected to the wall.

'You bitc-' I was cut of my the current running through me again this time triggering my healing so much to the point my fangs automatically appeared and my eyes headed up and I assumed they were blood red by now.

'Sooo, this is what full vamp looks like hey' Theo mocked, walking towards me, 'Girls you can leave now, me and Lena are going to have a little chat' he made eye contact me never looking away and just smirking at me.

With that Lydia grabbed Kira by the ram and dragged her out of the huge room, closing the door behind her.

A shiver ran down my spine, I was left alone in a room tied to a death wall with Theo fucking Raeken, not my ideal evening.

'It's strange how the whole of your eyes go red and not just the coloured bit like ours' he said flashing his beautiful golden werewolf eyes at me,anger raged trough me, only making my eyes redder.

'Do you mean the iris? Retard' I rolled my eyes and his eyes flashed gold again, yay I pissed him off. Before I could say another word his claws where at my neck, he was applying enough pressure so that they where only seconds away from piercing by skin but they still hurt like a bitch.

'I-I'm s-sorry' i spluttered and he applied more pressure now begging to draw blood.

'Wow, you're sorry? That's real cute vampy but honestly I'm just doing this for fun' he took his other hand and dug his claws into my sides before removing both his hands in one quick movement causing me to pull once again on the restraints.

The monster that stood before me turned around so I could only see his back and that he had reached into his packet pocket to retrieve something.

'What the hell is that?' I asked him, nerves obvious in my voice,

'Just a little present for you, like a parting gift' out of the blue, he wiped round and drove a wooden stake through the side of my stomach and I cried out in pain, i hissed aggressively at him.

'That's the sound vampires make? I'll admit it's pretty freaky' once again a smirk made its way onto his face as he turned away from me again and began to walk towards the door. I was still cuffed there in extreme pain,

'Wait, wait, please' I cried, but he carried on walking, 'there's no reason why I'm here really, I just felt drawn here... please'

'Good to know' he opened the door and turned back around to me, 'and just so you know it's actually Stilinski who suggested the torture so if you're looking for someone to blame it's him' and he slammed the door shut behind him, I could hear his chuckles.

Waves of discomfort filled every one of my slightest moves, with the stake still wedged inside my stomach, tears drenched my face and i knew I had to get this all out my system now so I that could be strong when it came to facing the pack again, I had to show zero emotion and get out of here alive.


What felt like hours had passed, my joints felt like sand paper and with every breath my lower chest moved up and down allow the stake to slowly leave splinters inside of me.

Black blotches covered my vision as I tried to allow myself into a state of unconsciousness but the feeling of relief never came and my body was screaming out at me.

Suddenly the door began to slide open making me jump before yelping in pain as the stake moved around,

'ouch, that looks painful' I lifted my head up trying to make out who it was, my eyes were still blurred and a ringing was hovering in my ears.  'Who knew electricity would work on vampires as well? I took a risk with that one'

'Stiles Stilinski' i breathed leaning my head back agains the metal, 'I heard that this was your idea, if only you had all the facts'

'Well that's why I'm here, your little folder I found labelled ultio' he looked over to me, making sure that I was following, 'well we translated it to revenge, but lots of the other papers in there were way to complicated for us to understand. What are they about?' I'd never seen any human like this before, so concerned about supernatural affairs, Stiles looked hot when he was serious.

Right now he was wearing plain jeans and a blue top under a red checkered shirt, I loved his style, it suited him so well and oh my god was he hot. Looking him up and down I took a deep breath,

'How about you take this bloody stake out of me and then I'll tell you anything you want to know', slowly he walked towards me and grabbed ahold of the stake pushing it in a little further,

'ugh, like it ruff huh Stilinski?' I joked before he yanked the peace of wood from me and throwing it behind him.

He's so sexyyy.

'Okay so now can you te-'

'Fuck! Fuck! Stiles get it out!' I could still feel splinters in my stomach stopping me from heeling, Stiles shot me a worried look. His stern expression had now softened and he looked almost worried,

'what? I look it out, Lena is gone',

'The splinters Stilinski! There's three, p-please' panic was now dawning on me as I felt the splinters begin to enter my blood stream,

'Fuck.. um okay...' Stiles waves his hands around in the air before reaching for some keys on the table beside him and reaching up to unlock my wrists.

As my last wrist was realised I felt , my legs give way and I fell to the floor.

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