Legend or myth

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Monday's has rolled around again and let's just say I pretty exited for school today.

Over the weekend I sorted out my little blood incident from Friday and have decided that it's time I start putting vervain back into my blood supply, considering the weird supernatural pack in town I've decided it's not a good time to fall of the rails, plus I do quite like it here and I think messing with theses werewolf dipshits will be fun. I mean their American how smart can they be?

I peel myself out of bed before going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, washing a conditioning my hair. Once dried I pull on a black a white checkered skirt, fishnet tights and a small black cropped top paired with a thin, plain black hoody. Luscious coconut sents off my hair cloud my head as I blow dry the pink curles before leaving them to hang loosely around my shoulders, I add some light make up and a small amount of eyeliner to finish my look before admiring my work in the mirror.

I actually look pretty good today and I feel super confident, I brush my teeth, welcoming the cool minty taste in my mouth and then grab my bag off my bed before running down stairs and out the door to school.

'Good morning everybody, happy Monday!' Mr. Yukimura beams as students begin to flood into the classroom, 'today is a bit more of an interesting subject, which I'm sure many of you will enjoy' he begins.

From my seat I can just about see Scott and stiles, they seem to have moved from the last lesson and are now sitting next to each other one row infront of me.

'The topic today is the history of the supernatural', I noticed Scott and stiles exchange some looks before giving a concerned look to Mr. Yukimura who just nods and smiles. I can only assume he must know about Scott and his friends consider is daughter is some kind of fox spirit thing.

'Werewolves, vampires, banchees' he starts 'myth or legend? Lydia?'

'Myth' she says in an almost sassy tone, but before anyone can move on,

'Wrong', I smirk and everyone in the class turns to look at me.

And so it begins.

Sorry what!

I can't decides if I'm more surprised that Lena believes in the supernatural or the fact she just called out Lydia, the Lydia Martin.

Frustratingly for us, in a town like this it's hard to know if someone truly knows about the existence of supernatural beings or if they just like the idea that there could be and have no hard evidence to back up their beliefs. Lena sat there, the whole class gawping at her, with a huge smirk on her face, she seemed completely unfazed by all the staring students and she just sat the slouched in her chair with her arms crossed and pink hair trailing down over her shoulders. Looking at her now and the confidence she had, i truly had time to take in her beauty and how I really loved the dark aesthetic she had going on.

'So you're a believer, are you Lena' Kira's dad spoke over the hushed whispers of the room.

'I am, I have been for a long time'

'Well that's wonderful, do you have any particular reason why?' Scott shot him a look, he was right to, if this girl knew anything age could easily caused problems for the pack.

'I do, maybe I'll share them with you one day' Lena finally relayed staring Yukimura
Straight in the eyes as she sat up slightly in bed chair and resting her elbows her desk,

wow this girl was something else.


All day I've been thinking about what Lena had said in class and I could tell that Scott had been as well, we had to find more out about her without causing suspicion.

The pack had decided not to talk about it at school just in case unwanted ears heard our conversation so I decided for today my best move would be to make sure I was on Lena's good side, our lockers were next to each other and we had lots of the same classes so I bumped into her quite often.

Moving down the hallway I make my way over to my locker when I spot Lena by hers with her head buried into a book, she looks   so concentrated as she pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth, biting it slightly and a small, smile begins to form on her face.

Slowly, i start to sneak up behind her and then,

'Rarr!' I yell shaking her shoulders,

but before I can even see her reaction she whips around grabbing my arm with one hand and grabbing my shoulder with the other before slamming me front first into the rows of lockers with an extreme force.

'Oh, hey Stilinski' she beamed, loosening her grip on me and backing up slightly, as I turned around I noticed a few people staring but I shoot them a glare and the swiftly move on.

'I am so sorry about that, I was reading some creepy stuff and it made me a little jumpy' she giggled,

'Lena, that's not jumpy that's was like insane, the the hell was you reading'

'Insane? I don't know about that but I was reading a strange book that I found in the school library, it's like a load of newspaper cut outs from the weird tragic things that have happened here in like the last ten years. Some of this stuff is mad' she lifts the book up into my eye line, it's a red leathered book with a small buckle keeping it shut.

'Oh right yeh, this is a crazy town, I've lived here my whole life so I've seen a few things' I say, ' your family didn't research the towns history before coming here?'

'Family?' she begins as if she's confused for a moment, 'oh right, um no not that I know of, we was just kind of drawn here' she shrugs.

I'm aware I get suspicious about a lot of people but there's just something now right about this girl, first Lydia gets a bad feeling, then the secrecy of her house, she admitted that she believes in the supernatural and now she just got all weird when I mentioned family, something isn't right.

'Yeh, some pretty crazy stuff has gone on here but you really shouldn't look into it to much it will drive you mad' I say to her knowing full well the Argents case and human sacrifice will be in that book and her digging won't help anyone. Lena gives me an awkward smile as if she's not telling me something and then throws the book into her locker and swinging it shut.

'I've gotta go I'll see ya later' her British accent came out strong and she walks away, a smirk appearing on her face and giving me a wave.


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