Lotus Pier

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Wei Ying awakened in a groggy mood. He tried opening his eyes, but his head spun as he did, so he quickly snapped them shut. He groaned. A cold hand placed itself over his eyes. Rather, what he thought was a cold hand was in reality his hand holding down a cold cloth on his forehead.

Wei Ying mumbled something incoherent. "Lan Zhan...?" he spoke a little louder. There was a hum as a response. He felt something heavy on his ankles fall off. The sound of clanking as something hard hit the floor. It sounded like chains.

"Wei Ying." The voice was a woman's. Wei Ying stiffened. He knew that voice very well. "Wei Ying. It's me. Wen Qing."

Wei Ying: "Wen Qing? What are you doing here? Where am I?"

Wen Qing: "Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng dragged you back here and locked you away in the dungeon. I'm here to help you escape."

Wei Ying tried to sit up, but Wen Qing held him down. "Why won't you allow me to move?" he demanded.

Wen Qing: "You've been poisoned. If you move around too much, it will spread faster. Don't worry. I've contacted Lan Wangji. He's on his way here."

As she finished speaking those words, there was a soft knock on the door. Wen Qing ordered Wei Ying to remain silent, while she checked the door.

Wen Qing: "Who is it?"

"Lan Zhan. Lan Wangji," the voice replied from the other side. Wen Qing sighed in relief. She opened the door to find a tall, jade-like male standing at the door. "Can this one see Wei Ying?" Wen Qing nodded and moved aside, allowing him entrance.

Wei Ying perked up, his ears rising to their fullest height. "Lan Zhan?" he inquired. The soft, baritone hum of the other confirmed they were indeed Lan Zhan.

Wen Qing: "He's been poisoned. He can't move around too much, or it will spread faster."

Lan Zhan picked Wei Ying up. Wei Ying at once gripped onto whatever his hands could find. Lan Zhan adjusted the fox boy's grip, so Wei Ying's hands were wrapped around Lan Zhan's neck.

Lan Zhan: "Where is the antidote?"

Wen Qing shook her head sadly. "I didn't have time to create one. I'm sorry. You will have to do it. It's a paralysis poison. That's all I can tell you. Now. Hurry! before Jiang Wanyin finds you here. Be quick and move silently. Don't get caught!"

Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying's face was buried in Lan Zhan's chest. His head was pounding, and he felt extremely cold. "Lan Zhan. I'm freezing." Lan Zhan shushed him, wrapping the ragged blanket around him to help warm him somewhat. He ran out of the dungeon. He spread his wings and flew off in the direction of Cloud Recesses.


What happened before:

Lan Zhan followed the scent trail as well as the footprints toward the forest. Everything ended just before the open field. There was another two sets of prints: one a man's and the other a canine's. Lan Zhan knew at once who it was - Jiang Wanyin! Unfortunately, the trail ended there.

Lan Zhan searched all around the area for Wei Ying, but found no trace of him. It seemed as though the scents vanished as well. He didn't sense any magic in the area, but maybe he'd missed something, so he went back. He concentrated on searching for even the minutest traces of magic. After about an hour, his search was successful!

It seemed, whoever they were, they had used a teleportation talisman to transport all three bodies. However, there was no sign of a third person.

A rustle was heard nearby. Lan Zhan was immediately on guard. He waited. A woman finally emerged from the bushes nearby. She was dressed in simple robes of red and black. "Hanguang-Jun? I am Wen Qing. I am here to help you find Wei Wuxian."

Lan Zhan didn't know if he could trust her or not. He only nodded for her to continue. "As you know, my master, Jiang Wanyin, can be a violent man, but he means well for the young fox. Unfortunately, I feel he has gone too far this time. He stole my needles and came searching for him. Now, he is in one of the cells in the dungeon. I will lead you to him. When we arrive, you hide away for a while. Wait for my signal and then come to the cell door. Wei Ying and I have known each other for years now, since we were children. He trusts me. You can trust me."

Lan Zhan thought for a moment on whether or not to allow the woman to help him. He eventually agreed. She smiled sweetly. They took off toward Lotus Pier.


Wei Ying had fallen asleep in Lan Zhan's hold. He was so cold, and Lan Zhan was nice and warm. Even the blanket wasn't helping much. They arrived at Cloud Recesses. There was no one at the gate as it was passed curfew. Lan Zhan was about to enter when a tall figure stepped into view.

"Wangji? Why are you here late?" The figure was Xichen. "I thought you were staying the night with Wei Gongzi in town. Who is this?"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying," he replied. "Been poisoned."

Xichen: "By whom? Do you know who it was?"

Lan Zhan nodded. "Jiang Wanyin."

Wei Ying shivered in Lan Zhan's hold. Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around the fox to help keep him warm. Xichen was very concerned. "Bring him inside. Hurry!" He bid them entrance. They hurried to the Jingshi. Xichen woke the healer and fetched him to the room. The healer examined the fox boy.

Healer: "I'll prepare an antidote right away." He left.

Xichen turned to Lan Zhan who was trying to help keep Wei Ying warm. "How did you help him to escape?"

Lan Zhan: "Wen Qing. A childhood friend of Wei Ying's helped."

Xichen nodded his understanding. "Be careful next time. I suggest you sleep in the same room to guard him. I won't tell Uncle he is here. I had promised you that before, and I meant it. Guard him well and don't allow him outside these walls. At least, not until we are certain Uncle won't have an attack over it."

Lan Zhan nodded his understanding. He would protect Wei Ying with his life!

The healer returned some hours later with the antidote. Wei Ying was unconscious. Lan Zhan didn't know how Wei Ying was going to drink the medicine. Xichen smiled knowingly and walked away to his room.

Lan Zhan thought for a moment. He took the medicine and drained it into his mouth. He opened Wei Ying's mouth with his thumb by pulling his jaw down slightly, and kissed him. He used his tongue to guide the medicine into the fox's mouth. Some of it drizzled down the side of the other's mouth. Lan Zhan licked it up. All that was left to do was wait.

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