Yuan's Adoption

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Wei Ying was baffled to say the least. Words entered his mind, but it was as if his mouth had frozen. When he did manage to open his mouth, no words resounded from it. Lan Zhan laughed internally at the picture before him: Wei Ying looking like a gaping fish on dry land.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying."

Wei Ying finally managed to speak a few words, though they were stuttered and nearly inaudible. "W-what d-do y-you m-mean I'm...I'm a L-Lan?"

Lan Zhan knew the fox was uncertain about the entire ordeal. "It's as this one has spoken."

Wei Ying lowered his head, so his face was hidden. He was afraid. "Wei Ying..."

Wei Ying: "No, Lan Zhan. I can't do it. You'll be in more trouble than you already are if you make me as part of your family." His shoulders shuddered as he fought to hold back tears.

Lan Zhan held him close. "Wei Ying. No one can take away what this one has decided upon to keep. Should anyone speak a word against us, this one will strike them down without hesitation."

Wei Ying's throat dried up, and no words would escape his mouth. He knew the dragon was serious. Only, he couldn't bring himself to accept it, especially after everything that happened. He felt bitter and angry with himself. He felt he didn't deserve the love and affection of another. After all, he was once a slave, and he would always be one in his mind.

Lan Zhan held tightly to the fox boy's jaw to keep his attention. He was upset, but he also knew why his fox was rejecting him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Wuxian!" It was the first time he'd called the fox by his courtesy name. "When will you awaken and realize I am only trying to protect you? If having you as part of my family is what it will take, than so be it. Do not ever question my decisions again."

Wei Ying's jaw was hurting. He listened to every word the dragon spoke, however. He cried silent tears as he looked into the other's eyes. He found no real form of rage there - only love, care, gentleness, and tenderness. His heart quickened it's pace as he studied the other's face. It was smooth with no signs of aging. Without warning, the dragon pulled him into a tight embrace and cried.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying! You've no idea how worried I was when all those things happened to you," he whispered gently to the fox. "I was afraid of losing you forever."

Wei Ying calmed down immediately. He knew he was happiest when he was with Lan Zhan. He thought that to protect him, he shouldn't be around him, but that wasn't true at all. Wei Ying returned the hug as best as he could.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you felt so deeply for me. Forgive me for being selfish?"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. There is nothing to forgive, so long as Wei Ying realizes this one's point."

"So it's official! He will become one of us! Of course, with how close he is in age to you, Wangji, I suppose you can't adopt him as a son like you can Yuan. Let's see. I know! How about you marry him instead?" Lan Zhan glared hard at a laughing Xichen, his ears having turned a bright red, streaking down his neck.

Lan Zhan: "Brother..." he warned.

Xichen: "Don't worry, Wangji. He's all yours. I won't try stealing him from you." He winked at Wei Ying. "Besides, having another little brother will be fun."

Lan Zhan stood and drew his sword all in one stroke. "Remove yourself from this place."

Xichen touched the blade, moving it to the side and down with ease. "Easy, Wangji. I was only teasing. Uncle wants us for the official adoption ceremony of Yuan into the clan. He said to be there in half and hour's time. I'll see you there, Love Birds."

Lan Zhan's grip on Bichen's hilt tightened. He despised the way his brother teased him about his Wei Ying. Of course, he was going to marry the fox! No one was going to stop him either! He'd slay anyone who interfered in his love for his beloved ward!

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan? Are you alright?" he asked in concern.

Lan Zhan: "Let us leave now." He sheathed Bichen and began walking away.

Wei Ying: "Oh...uh...alright." He ran after the dragon out of the Jingshi, nearly tripping a couple of times on the way out the door.

Wei Ying followed Lan Zhan. At least, he tried too. He stumbled and nearly fell again. Luckily, Lan Zhan was holding on to him by his waist. The dragon helped to guide the fox to the Lanshi. Everyone was waiting inside for them. Yuan was sitting gracefully on a cushion in front of Qiren and Xichen. They all looked the direction of the fox and dragon as the two stumbled through the door like a pair of drunk buddies.

Qiren glared at the fox. "How dare you bring that miscreant in here, Lan Wangji? Have I not taught you better?" He scoffed at the fox, pointing an accusing finger at him.

There was a sudden surge of qi in the room. It was a frightening qi. One which held a threat of doom and destruction. All at once, Qiren stopped and stared in shock and fear, his hand dropping back to his side. He had never before felt anything quite so threatening and dominating coming from his beloved nephew.

Yuan just stared in amazement. An expression of excitement and curiosity plastered on his face.

The room was filled with an overwhelmingly heavy silence for what seemed like an eternity. That was, until someone finally broke it.

"Daddy." It was a soft voice. You would miss it if you didn't have as good of hearing as Lan Zhan did. Lan Zhan ignored it, continuing to glare at his uncle with menace. "Daddy." It came again, only a little louder. Lan Zhan felt someone hug his leg. "Daddy, stop!"

The flow of qi stopped as fast as it had started. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Lan Zhan glanced down to see When Yuan clutching his leg. He sighed, calming himself.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. "Lan Zhan...I can't breathe..." The dragon hadn't realized how tightly he'd been holding onto the fox and at once released his grip. Wei Ying breathed in nearly dramatically. "Thank you! I thought I was going to die for a moment there!"

Xichen laughed silently, while Yuan giggled loudly. Qiren only rolled his eyes at the stupidity of the scene.

Qiren: "That's enough now. Yuan, come sit down." The command was given, and the child obeyed at once. Qiren had to smile for a moment at the sight. It made him think of Lan Zhan when he was that age. Always so obedient.

Yuan sat still throughout the entire ceremony, only speaking when he was told to. After it was all done, the three of them - Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and Lan Yuan - frolicked all the way back to the Jingshi. Well, Wei Ying and Yuan did.

Wen Yuan was now a Lan.

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