Raging Storm

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It rained the next day. It began in the early morning and didn't stop, even into the evening hours. Thunder resounded through the sky, echoing through the empty streets of the town. Wei Ying was curled up, hiding under the blankets from the moment the storm began raging and even before it had reached them.

Wei Ying had very good hearing. He could hear loud noises for miles. Lan Zhan had rolled his eyes when the fox had mentioned a possible storm brewing in the distance. He knew better afterward when the other hid beneath the blankets and wouldn't leave them even to eat.

Lan Zhan tried coaxing the poor, frightened fox to leave the safety of the bed, but Wei Ying wouldn't. The fox boy was shaking badly. Lan Zhan didn't know what to do. He had already closed all the windows and erected a barrier to block the sounds of the storm, but it didn't seem to help any.

Wei Ying was having a flashback of a certain incident in his childhood. The night he witnessed his parents' deaths it had been raining and thundering. He had hid under an old, tattered blanket just behind a pile of garbage. He felt safe and warm. Since then, he's been hiding like that whenever there is a storm raging outside.

Lan Zhan wanted so badly to comfort his fox, but he didn't know how, and Wei Ying wouldn't let him touch him.

Wei Ying: "G-go away!" he shouted at the dragon.

Lan Zhan tried to ease the frightened fox. "Wei Ying. Am here. Wei Ying is safe." He slowly and gingerly lifted the blanket just enough to see Wei Ying's tear filled face. "Wei Ying..." The sight was breaking the dragon's heart. He decided to leave the poor fox alone. It was bad enough he half-invaded the fox's safety net by lifting it enough to peek underneath.

He had only begun to walk away when he heard a muffled, "Lan Zhan...w-wait...?" The dragon turned around only to find the young fox gesturing for him to move closer. It was only the hand showing, but Lan Zhan knew what the other wanted. "Could...could you join m-me...?" Wei Ying asked with a shaky breath at the end.

Lan Zhan lifted the blanket and covered himself with it alongside the fox boy. Wei Ying cuddled closer. He sighed in satisfaction as he hugged the other. Lan Zhan didn't mind so long as it made Wei Ying feel safe. He hugged the fox in return. Wei Ying buried his face in Lan Zhan's robes. Soon soft snores were heard from the fox boy as he fell asleep.

Lan Zhan felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't understand what he was feeling or why he was feeling the way he was. He closed his eyes to calm his racing heart. It worked - at first. As soon as he opened his eyes, he startled. Wei Ying had moved in his sleep and was so close to Lan Zhan's face, they were nearly kissing.

Those cherry red lips were tempting him. He needed to control himself. Yet, why couldn't he kiss the other? After all they were his - his ward! Yes, they were his ward, but he desperately wanted to make Wei Ying completely his.

Wei Ying seemed to inch closer. Or was that Lan Zhan moving closer to him? Either way, Lan Zhan was sweating with the resistance he was putting up. Finally, after an eternity, Wei Ying rolled over, mumbling something incoherent. Lan Zhan sighed in relief.

His relief didn't last. Wei Ying rolled over rather quickly and -

Kissed him...?

It wasn't exactly a kiss. It was more of a soft brush of their lips as the fox boy had rolled so close to him, Lan Zhan could feel him breathing. Lan Zhan's heart raced and beat so loud, he was certain the other could hear it. Given Wei Ying's excellent hearing, that was very possible. A light blush crept up his neck, coloring his ears and cheeks a deep red.

Wei Ying mumbled something in his sleep. Lan Zhan was certain he'd heard wrong, but he also had excellent hearing, so he couldn't have been wrong! Could he...? "I -ove -ou..." the other mumbled in his sleep. Lan Zhan felt his heart quicken it's pace more. "I -ove -ou, -ijie..."

Oh...he's dreaming about his Shijie... Lan Zhan felt his heart drop. His next thought was, Why do I feel this way? What is this strange emotion? His brother already stated he couldn't help, but maybe his uncle could? Lan Zhan would inquire of him when they returned to Cloud Recesses. He was confused.

Lan Zhan decided it was best not to dwell on it. It was past his curfew. He could tell from the way his body felt heavy, and his eyes wouldn't stay open. He allowed sleep to take him over.

The storm ended sometime in the night, leaving the morning with a slight drizzle and receding clouds, allowing the morning sun's rays to peek through. At some point during the night, Wei Ying had thrown off the blanket. The chill in the air sunk into his bones, and he shivered. Searching for something warm to cuddle to, he found it. Though it was hard, it was radiating warmth like a furnace, and he loved it.

All Lan Zhan wanted to do was awaken the other, so they could leave in a few hours, but he never expected to be grabbed and dragged into the bed!

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..."

Wei Ying's face scrunched, and he held tighter to the dragon. A small whimper left his lips. Lan Zhan knew the other was having a nightmare. He calmed down and embraced the fox boy gently, rubbing their back to soothe and comfort them.

Lan Zhan did it for some time, but it didn't seem to help any as Wei Ying gripped tighter, whimpering louder and curling up as if in pain. Lan Zhan saw the blanket laying on the floor. He carefully - without disturbing the other - lifted it and wrapped Wei Ying with it, covering the boy's head.

Lan Zhan continued what he'd been doing. A few minutes later, Wei Ying seemed to calm and fall into a restful slumber once more. However, his grip did not loosen even the tiniest bit. Lan Zhan sighed and decided to care for the fox, while they still slept. He bathed and dressed him, and Wei Ying still slept.

Wei Ying could and would sleep all day if you allowed him to. Lan Zhan grabbed the blanket, wrapping the other in it once more and carried him.

The clouds had long receded into the distance, leaving the morning sun to light the world with its brilliance. Lan Zhan carried the still sleeping Wei Ying. The sun was warm. A slight breeze blew, cooling the air, but the chill was long gone. Lan Zhan looked down at the fox boy's peaceful face and smiled, thinking of just how beautiful they were even while sleeping. He kissed Wei Ying's forehead and departed to the next town.

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