Mental Check

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Wei Ying was taken to a healer, who concluded nothing was wrong with the young fox. Xichen, being a psychic, couldn't pinpoint why the fox boy had lost part of his memory either. After all, the Sect Leader wasn't a psychologist.

Lan Zhan: "Brother. Wei Ying thought it was all a dream, until this one told Wei Ying it had all been real. What really is worrying is when Wei Ying spoke of this one being swallowed by the Earth, and a voice speaking from nowhere. Wei Ying said it was part of the dream."

Xichen sighed, setting his tea on the table gracefully. "Wangji. You should speak to a healer about this. They could help you better than I can."

Lan Zhan was uncertain. He had a feeling Wei Ying wouldn't approve of seeing a mind healer, but the young fox boy needed help, and if seeing the healer was the only way to figure it out, Lan Zhan would risk Wei Ying hating him for it. Hopefully, Wei Ying would understand and not misjudge the situation.

That didn't happen...

"No!" Wei Ying threw a tantrum and refused to go anywhere near a healer. He sat on the floor stubbornly.

Lan Zhan groaned in irritation. "Wei Ying. Am only trying to help."

Wei Ying wouldn't hear it. "I'm not crazy if that's what you think! I'm perfectly fine!"

Lan Zhan: "Don't think Wei Ying is crazy."

Wei Ying eyed him suspiciously. "Then why are we going?"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying will understand once we arrive there."

Wei Ying thought about it. "Alright, Lan Zhan! I'll go," he said at last. "I'm trusting you on this." He stood upright. "Lead the way."

Lan Zhan sighed silently. "Wei Ying. Behave."

Wei Ying rolled his eyes and looked at him as if to say, 'Of course I'll behave! Who do you think I am?'

Lan Zhan sighed once more before turning to leave, Wei Ying following behind. Wei Ying clung to the dragon once they arrived, uncertain of who laid in waiting just behind the door. An older gentleman cracked the door. "Yes? Who is it?"

Lan Zhan: "New patient."

The healer opened the door. He eyed the two with suspicion. "Which one?"

Lan Zhan glanced to the fox boy behind him. "Wei Ying. Wei Wuxian." Wei Ying was hiding shyly behind the other. The healer nodded his head, bidding them entrance.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. I'm scared," he softly whispered.

Lan Zhan: "Everything will be fine, Wei Ying. Will be right here the entire time," he reassured the other.

The two were led to a small room at the back of the building and told to wait there. Inside were three chairs, two for patients and the other for the healer. There was also a couch along one of the walls. It felt crowded yet open at the same time. Wei Ying sat gingerly on the couch, while Lan Zhan stood.

As time passed by slowly, Wei Ying grew restless and more anxious. Seeing Lan Zhan standing for so long, he was afraid the other would leave as soon as the healer arrived. "L-Lan Zhan...?" He tugged lightly on the dragon's sleeve. Lan Zhan hummed in response. "Could...could you please sit? You standing is making me nervous..."

Lan Zhan was a bit surprised by the request, but he obliged and sat next to the young fox. Even sitting, you could see how much shorter Wei Ying was than Lan Zhan. More time passed slowly. Wei Ying was very restless at that point, swinging his legs forward and back, his hands jittery. Just as the Lan was about to speak up, the healer arrived.

Healer: "Now, let's see into that mind of yours, eh?" He pulled out a small, round object.

Wei Ying backed away as far as he could, hiding behind the dragon. "W-what is that?"

The healer slightly chuckled. "Little one, there is nothing to worry about. This object will help me to see into your psychosis better."

Wei Ying: " what...?" he asked blankly.

Lan Zhan: "The healer will use the object to see into the mind - conscious and subconscious. This is standard procedure for new disciples. Even this one had to do it."

Wei Ying made an "Oh," with his mouth. The healer observed Lan Zhan's reaction to it and chuckled to himself.

Healer: "You haven't kissed him yet, have you?" Lan Zhan and Wei Ying felt their hearts skip at the same time. Wei Ying hid more, hiding the blush on his cheeks. Lan Zhan looked away, trying to hide his red ears. "Lan Er Gongzi, I will need you to step aside," he spoke up after his laughter died. "This won't be easy, but you can - in no way! - touch him during this process. Understood?" Lan Zhan nodded. "Good. Let's begin."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! Don't go!" Lan Zhan moved away anyway. Wei Ying was frightened. "W-what are you g-going to d-do...?"

The healer sat next to Wei Ying as gracefully as Lan Zhan had. "Don't worry, little one. It won't harm you. I'm only going to peek into your mental state for a few minutes while you sleep."

Wei Ying shook his head vigorously. "No! I don't want to go to sleep! Not without Lan Zhan!"

Lan Zhan went to Wei Ying and bent down to his level. "Wei Ying. Will be right here. Won't leave." Wei Ying gazed at Lan Zhan with a deep trust and admiration the healer had never seen before. "Sleep," the dragon whispered. Wei Ying felt himself fall into darkness.

Before he fully slept, he managed to say, "Lan really are...quite sly..."

The healer thanked Lan Zhan and proceeded. He placed the object onto Wei Ying's forehead and closed his eyes, with his hand over the object.

Lan Zhan stood by the fox boy's side the entire time, never leaving as he had promised. After a few minutes, the healer's face contorted along with Wei Ying's. The healer stopped the process at once. However, Wei Ying was still sweating and breathing hard.

Lan Zhan immediately took action to awaken the young fox. "No! Leave me alone! Go away!" Wei Ying was kicking and screaming. The healer had to move away from the couch. " hurts..." Tears streamed down Wei Ying's face.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying! Wake up!" He held the other close to him, rubbing their back to try and soothe them.

Wei Ying awakened, gasping for air. He looked around him, only to find Lan Zhan sitting beside him, holding him. "Lan Zhan...!" He immediately wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck, bawling rather loudly. Lan Zhan continued soothing and comforting the other, humming an unfamiliar tune which seemed to calm the fox boy. The healer was baffled.

Wei Ying calmed down after a while, his breathing slowed and evened, with a hiccup every once in a while. The healer spoke softly to Lan Zhan so as not to disturb the boy. "Hanguang-Jun. How often does he have nightmares?" By the look Lan Zhan gave the healer, the answer was clear. "Has he had any lapses in memory recently?" Lan Zhan nodded, affirming it to be true. "I will tell you my thoughts for now if you are willing to listen, but you must first promise me you won't tell him or treat him any different." Lan Zhan nodded firmly once more. The healer breathed deeply and continued. "When I was inside his subconscious, I found there a much younger version of himself. That younger version was crying and seemed to be in severe pain. Then a darkness loomed behind him, and he froze. What I saw next frightened me near to death!" The healer paused and breathed deeply once more.

Lan Zhan: "What did the healer see?"

The healer seemed to hesitate in answering. "A shadowed man," he finally managed to say. "He seemed to be trying to take control of the young boy here, though I don't know why. However, the reason for his memory lapse is simple: the man in question is erasing them and replacing them with new ones. Why? I don't know. However, do not allow him out of your sight ever again. You never know what will happen when you aren't there."

Wei Ying stirred in his sleep. "Shijie...want...soup..."

Healer: "Remember what I've told you."

Lan Zhan thanked the healer and carried a drooling Wei Ying to the Jingshi. Wei Ying slept peacefully for the rest of the day, Lan Zhan never leaving his side.

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