"Come to Me"

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Wei Ying awakened to a cold, damp room. He wondered how he arrived there. Something heavy was felt on his legs. He tried curling up, the cold in the floor seeping through his robes to his skin, but whatever was weighing down his legs prevented him from doing so. He felt around him for any sign of Lan Zhan, but the jade dragon wasn't anywhere nearby. He sat bolt upright in a panic as realization took hold on him. He looked down to find his ankles bound by chains which were attached by a metal rod in the center of the room. A small window, which was barred, allowed for only a minute amount of light to enter.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan!" he called out. There was no reply. He realized all too soon...

...he was alone...

Wei Ying shook with fear, unwilling to accept the fact no one was there. He froze as the heavy, metal door to the room was slowly swung open, a loud creak from the hinges resounding throughout the room and echoing into the hallway of the dungeon. Wei Ying couldn't move. He was completely paralyzed with fear. He shivered from being cold as well as the fear itself. Footsteps sounded behind him - slow, painfully loud footsteps that stopped just behind him.

"Hello, little fox. It's been a while."

Wei Ying knew that voice. It was dark and menacing. It made the fox boy freeze more with every syllable. Wei Ying didn't dare to move. He shut his eyes tightly, laying his ears completely against his head, refusing to see or listen to the voice.

"Are you ready? I have a surprise for you. I'm most certain you'll want it very...badly..." The last two words were drawn out on purpose to show his meaning. The shadowed man snapped his fingers. There was a sound of dragging and something being thrown to the floor.

Wei Ying opened his eyes just enough to see what it was. He gasped when he saw Lan Zhan laying there, the pristine white robes soaked with blood. "Lan Zhan!" He tried reaching for him but was blocked by the shadowed man.

Lan Zhan groaned. "Wei...Ying..."

Wei Ying: "Move out of my way! Let me go to him!"

The man chuckled darkly. "You think it's that easy? I have tried so hard to erase this man from your mind, so you only see me, yet why is it he can't be erased?" There was silence. The man studied the two. He seemed to have found his answer as a sly smirk crossed his blank features. "Ah...I understand it now! You two are in love!" The two were shocked by this revelation. Wei Ying scowled, glaring at the dark figure. "Am I wrong? Then you are merely friends? If that is so, then I can just kill him altogether, erasing him from your mind completely, right?"

Wei Ying growled. "Don't you dare touch him!"

The man laughed darkly. "Then do as I say, little fox. Come to me in Nightless City. Forget him and come to me. I can give you far more than this dragon ever could, including a way to control your dark powers. I will be waiting for your answer, so think on it carefully." The man disappeared in a cloud of black.


Wei Ying awakened with a gasp. "Lan Zhan!" He was immediately gently wrapped in a pair of strong arms and held close. "Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan!"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Am here. Wei Ying is safe." He caressed the other's hair. Wei Ying cried and wouldn't stop calling out for the other. Lan Zhan patiently continued to reassure him it was alright, that it was only a dream. He wiped away the tears that continued to flow from the fox's eyes.

Wei Ying didn't want to forget Lan Zhan. He didn't want to leave him. He most certainly didn't want his dark powers to be unsealed. He loved the way he was. He didn't want Lan Zhan to hate him for hiding something like that from him. Wei Ying continued to cry, the cries turning to sobs and eventually hiccups. Tears still poured down his face, but he wasn't wailing anymore.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan..." Lan Zhan hummed in response, wiping the fox boy's cheek as another wave of tears made their way down his face. "That shadowed man..." He trailed off, uncertain as to how to say it without sounding offensive. Lan Zhan waited patiently, encouraging Wei Ying to continue. "He wants me to forget you and go to him in Nightless City."

Lan Zhan's hand stayed. There was more to it than that he was certain, but he knew Wei Ying would tell him when he was ready. "Why?" was all he asked. Wei Ying shook his head. Even he didn't know. Lan Zhan was worried. That man was after his beloved ward. He couldn't have that. Wei Ying was his and only his! "Don't worry," he spoke, holding the boy closer to him. Wei Ying could hear the heartbeat. It was rapid but steady. "Will protect Wei Ying no matter what."

Wei Ying was left in awe. "Lan Zhan..." he whispered. His bottom lip trembled as he began crying once more, only it was soft sobs and not wails as before. Lan Zhan thought for certain he'd said or did something to make the other upset. "You're so good to me. I can't even remember how I know you, or where I've seen you before, but you don't care. You made me a ward and gave me an equal status I don't deserve." He looked straight at the other with tear filled eyes. "Lan Zhan. Thank you."

Lan Zhan didn't speak a word. He only stared at the other softly. A gentle smile was on his face, though the smile was minute. Wei Ying froze at seeing the smile, his heart skipping a beat. Wei Ying couldn't help himself as he found himself drawing closer to the other very slowly. The next moment, Wei Ying found himself lip-locked with the jade dragon before him. Lan Zhan was taken by surprise, but his eyes soon drifted shut as he returned the kiss.


"Sire. Are you certain it will work?" inquired a servant.

The man on the throne grinned evilly. "I am most certain it will work. Come to me, Wei Wuxian."

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