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Wei Ying was pulled in closer by a pair of strong arms. He felt his lips pry open more and a foreign object in his mouth. He knew at once, Lan Zhan had deepened the kiss. Wei Ying wanted to break the kiss as he could feel his body heating up, but Lan Zhan had him held fast. Only after the dragon had bit the fox's lower lip was the kiss broken. Wei Ying was panting and left longing for more.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..."

The voice rang in the fox's ears as a sweet and savory sound. The way the other spoke his name sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. He at once grew frightened and tore himself from the other's grasp, scurrying away and hiding himself. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I'm sorry!"

Lan Zhan wondered why Wei Ying was apologizing. "Wei Ying..." The fox wouldn't look at him. Sure, Lan Zhan nearly lost control, but it wasn't the other's fault. Lan Zhan had been enjoying it a bit too much. "It's alright."

Wei Ying: "No it's not! This can't happen!"

Lan Zhan: "Why not?"

Wei Ying: "Because we're both male..." He trailed off. Lan Zhan felt his heart ache all at once. "Lan Zhan...I don't know what you feel about me, and I don't know what I feel about you, but we can't do that anymore. I being your ward is good enough."

Lan Zhan felt his heart wrench. Whatever they felt for each other, it should be fine. Right...? The dragon knew Wei Ying was scared. "Wei Ying..."

The fox boy glanced up only to be completely frozen as he saw the hurt in the other's eyes. "Lan Zhan. I-"

Lan Zhan hushed him with another tender kiss. "Wei Ying. It's alright." He embraced the other in a gentle hug. "It's alright."

Wei Ying felt himself tear up. It wasn't okay. It wasn't even proper. Being in love with another male, desiring another male, kissing another male - it was all improper. He closed his eyes, feeling drowsy, and he fell into a deep slumber.

The next moment he awakened, the scenery had changed, and Lan Zhan was nowhere to be found. "Lan Zhan!" He called out. No response. "Lan Zhan!" He froze as a deep, menacing laugh filled the air.

"Little fox. You will come to me. Won't you? I am waiting. I am not as patient as your dear Hanguang-Jun here, but I can manage to control myself long enough for you to make it to me."

Wei Ying had heard enough! "Now, listen up, fucker! I have no desire to go to you or anyone else! Leave me alone! Stop messing with my head!"

The laughter grew louder. Wei Ying's head pained him. "You will come to me. You will come to me...You will come..." As the voice faded, so did Wei Ying's vision as he fell into darkness.

Lan Zhan was right there to catch him. For some unknown reason, Wei Ying had a raging fever. "Lan...Zhan..." the fox boy whispered almost incoherently. "" Lan Zhan laid Wei Ying on the ground with the fox boy's head on his lap. He caressed the boy's hair, humming a tune to help calm him.

A few minutes later, Wei Ying awakened. He was feeling groggy and rather weak and tired. Lan Zhan was still caressing the other's hair. Wei Ying looked around for a few seconds and allowed his eyes to close once more. He inhaled deeply and rolled over onto his side. Lan Zhan moved his hand in one smooth motion from the fox boy's hair to their back and rubbed it gently. Wei Ying managed to relax and fall asleep once more.

Lan Zhan kept watch all the while over the sleeping male. Wei Ying didn't move an inch from his position. Even though it grew late and was passed curfew, Lan Zhan still sat there, comforting the other while they slept and keeping watch all night.


The man seated upon the throne rapped his fingers against the arm as he thought. He was growing impatient. He would have the young fox all to himself! or not at all! He groaned in frustration, grabbing hold of the nearest object and chucking it at the air. It just happened to be his favorite silver goblet. It flew through the air, smashing into the side of a servant's head.

Said servant had arrived to refill the goblet with wine, a jug of it in his hands. The goblet hit the side of his head, causing him to stumble backwards and fall, the jug of wine spilling all over the floor. The man raged at the servant. "Clean it up! Hurry! Before I decide to kill you!"

The servant scrambled to his feet, picking the goblet and jug off the floor and scrambled away to fetch towels and water. The man sighed. "Wei Wuxian! If you reject me then I will have no choice but to destroy everything you love!"

"Sire," a new voice spoke. The man looked up to see his advisor standing beside him. "Break his will, and then you can control him. Then you won't have to worry about him coming to you on his own."

The leader glared at the advisor. "Why would I do that?"

The advisor wasn't fazed. "Relax, My Lord. Just try it. It will work. Trust me. All good things come with time." The evil grin never left his face.

The leader was skeptical, but he soon agreed to it. "Fine. Show me how to do it, and I will try. If this doesn't work, it will be your head in my collection next!"

The advisor gulped and laughed nervously. "As you wish, Sire."


Jiang Cheng sat in his office, contemplating on what to do to help cure Wei Ying's legs. He was absolutely certain that dragon would help, but just in case it didn't happen, Jiang Cheng decided to do some research into how to cure paralysis.

He came up with nothing...

He threw his head back in frustration, slamming his fist into the desk, causing it to break in half and papers to scatter everywhere.

"I don't think slamming and breaking things is going to solve anything, Leader Jiang Wanyin." Xue Yang was standing at the doorway. "If you want, we can always take him to my master. They have some of the best healers there in Nightless City, but of course, it's completely up to you."

Jiang Cheng thought about it. He eventually nodded. "Let's go," he commanded without hesitation.

A dark smile graced Xue Yang's face. "As you wish." They left in search of Wei Ying.

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