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The next morning, Lan Zhan did the normal routine. He didn't wait for Wei Ying to awaken, however, and carried him to the next town. Wei Ying slept the entire way. Even when reaching town and booking a room at an inn, Wei Ying still slept. Lan Zhan wasn't worried. After all, the boy's body was still weakened, and he needed all the rest he could have before they proceeded again. The only problem being, Wei Ying still needed to eat. Lan Zhan tried shaking him gently awake only to receive no response. He sighed. He decided to check the boy's vitals. His pulse was normal, if not a bit slower, so why wasn't he waking up?

Lan Zhan decided to leave him be for the night. It may have been Wei Ying only needed to catch up on his sleep. After all, he'd been hunted and weakened severely from being chased. Lan Zhan would keep a close watch over him. He didn't want Jiang Cheng trying anything. Though, in his mind he wished the sect leader would. Lan Zhan wanted so badly to destroy the mutt!

Lan Zhan sighed. It wouldn't be worth it though. His mind turned back to Wei Ying. He decided if the boy didn't awaken the next morning, he would fetch a healer.

Wei Ying slept all night. He didn't even twitch. Lan Zhan didn't sleep at all, the worry and concern weighing on him as he watched over the sleeping male. Wei Ying still did not awaken the next morning. Lan Zhan began to wonder just what was wrong with the boy. He waited until around mid-day to fetch the healer.

The healer examined Wei Ying, concluding there was absolutely nothing wrong. The fox was in perfect health. It still baffled Lan Zhan as to why Wei Ying would not awaken. Another sleepless night passed by. Wei Ying hadn't moved from his position at all. Lan Zhan was frightened. He didn't know what to do. They were too far from Cloud Recesses for him to take Wei Ying to see one of their healers as theirs were more advanced in medicine than human healers.

Lan Zhan wished he could contact his brother, Xichen. As he thought it, a soft knock resounded at the door. Lan Zhan wondered who it could be. "Wangji. Open the door. It's me." Lan Zhan was dumbfounded to see Xichen there as he opened the door. "Wangji. Won't you allow me entrance?"

Lan Zhan hadn't realized he'd been standing there in shock. He moved aside, still somewhat in a daze. Words wouldn't enter his mind for the longest time. "Brother," he finally managed, "how...?"

Xichen chuckled. "I told you you always forget I'm psychic. Plus, I was bored with sitting around and doing paperwork." He shrugged. He walked up to the bed and sat on it. "You're doing well as his caretaker. Are you certain he isn't a pet?"

Lan Zhan: "Brother..." he warned.

Xichen laughed. "Sorry. I was only teasing." He touched Wei Ying's hand, gently laying his on top of the fox's. "He is beautiful. I will tell you now, you need to keep guarding him well. As soon as he is able to walk again, Jiang Cheng will try taking him back once more. If Jiang Cheng succeeds in doing so, you will never see Wei Gongzi again. You won't even be able to rescue him a second time. If it happens - that's all I can tell you right now.

"In this case, I can help you. Wei Gongzi is in a coma, but it is only because his body is trying to heal. However, the venom won't allow him to heal properly and continues to damage his spine." He pulled something from his sleeve. It was a jar, and inside it was the same spider. "This, Wangji, is the male of the species. The males are completely harmless. The only venomous ones are the females."

Lan Zhan: "How does brother know all this?"

Xichen: "An old healer. The same one which gave you the antivemon. Apparently, it's made from this little creature." Lan Zhan openly made a face of disgust which surprised and amused Xichen all at once. "Don't worry, Wangji. The healer gave me a book to read up on the effects of the venom. Only the females bite. If you should be bitten by one, you can eat the male right away and it will neutralize it. I know it sounds disgusting, but it's true."

Wangji was still feeling skeptical of the entire situation. He didn't like it.

Xichen continued. "However, I won't feed it to him. I was only informing you. You seem to have a handle on it. Using your qi to neutralize the venom was a good idea. If you keep treating him, he should be able to walk in about a week to a month, depending on how much venom still resides within his body."

A month? Wei Ying would be so heartbroken if he couldn't run around, being his mischievous self for a whole month! That was if he even awakened from the coma. Xichen placed the jar inside his sleeve and rose from the bed. "Wangji, I must go now. My clan duties keep me from staying longer. However, I will do one more thing for you."

Lan Zhan watched as Xichen transfered some of his qi to Wei Ying via the boy's forehead. He left the room soon after. Lan Zhan was baffled. His mind blanked completely. He wondered what his brother could have done. He heard a groan from behind him, resounding from the bed.

Lan Zhan watched as Wei Ying tried to move by rolling over, but awakened soon after, realizing he was still paralyzed. Lan Zhan went to him straight away. "Wei Ying! Thank the gods Wei Ying is awake!"

Wei Ying looked at him sleepily. "Lan Zhan...I'm so tired...I feel like I could sleep for a whole week..."

Lan Zhan sat on the bed and pulled the boy into a gentle and warm embrace. Wei Ying felt something wet on his face. Lan Zhan is crying? He wondered why the other would cry when all Wei Ying was doing was sleeping. "Lan Zhan, you fuddy-duddy, I was only sleeping. What are you crying for?" Lan Zhan wouldn't answer. Wei Ying sighed, giving up and allowed the dragon to hold him longer.

After a while, he tapped on the other's shoulder only to receive no response. It seemed Lan Zhan had fallen asleep. Wei Ying pushed him back some to see the other's face. Sure enough, Lan Zhan had dark circles under his eyes. It seemed to Wei Ying, Lan Zhan hadn't slept in at least two days from worrying over him. Wei Ying decided to lay down again and rest some more along with the dragon. He cuddled closer as best as he could. The strong arms wrapped around him tightened subconsciously.

Wei Ying giggled. "Good night, fuddy-duddy," he whispered to the other. The two slept in peace.

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