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No one knew how much time had passed, only that it was dark in the cell. Wei Ying was still sleeping, shivering every so often, either from feeling cold or having a fright filled dream. Lan Zhan held tightly to him, using his own outer robe to help the fox stay warm. The robe was made from a heavy satin material, but it was soft and very easy to maneuver in. Lan Zhan had wrapped the poor fox with it.

Wei Ying eventually calmed, cuddling closer to the dragon with his face buried in the other's waist. It was cozy and warm that way. Wei Ying felt he could sleep all through their dilemma, but it wasn't meant to be.

The door was viciously unlocked and the heavy, metal door violently swung open. Two guards stomped toward the pair, clearly annoyed at the task they were given.

Guard: "Now, you guys cooperate with us and we can have this done easily. Don't cooperate, and you get hurt or worse."

Guard 2: "Quit babbling already! Just tear the fox away from him! Not much this dragon can do anyway with his core having been sealed. Now, hurry it up! The Lord doesn't have all day!"

The first guard nodded and rolled his eyes. He took one step forward and froze. The guard's partner looked at him and shook his head from annoyance. "What's wrong with you now?! Just grab him, I said! Don't worry about the dragon since he can't do much of anything anyway!"

Lan Zhan was glaring at the man. A deep growl resonated from his voice, clearly warning them to stand back and not move any closer. He may not have been able to use his qi, but he could intimidate, and he also still had his inhuman strength. If anyone tried to touch Wei Ying to harm him, they would regret it severely.

The second guard wasn't afraid of a bit of intimidation. He'd dealt with mutts like Lan Zhan before. Luckily for Lan Zhan, Wei Ying was still sleeping.

Or not.

Wei Ying's eyes fluttered open. "Lan Zhan...? What's wrong? Why are you growling?"

Lan Zhan didn't answer. "Sleep," he whispered, still glaring at the two guards. Wei Ying was still feeling tired, so he nodded and fell into a deep slumber again only a moment later. The two guards weren't impressed.

Guard 2: "Take him!"

The first guard nodded and, with shaky legs, moved toward the pair. He didn't like the way the dragon glared at him or growled either. Just as he reached out to grab the fox, the dragon gripped his wrist and twisted it. There was a snapping sound as the man's wrist and arm was broken in several places like a twig. The man screamed, holding his arm which hung loosely at his side.

Several more guards entered the tiny cell. "Remove the fox and teach the dragon a lesson!" the second guard commanded. All the guards nodded once and proceeded to the task. Some tore Wei Ying from Lan Zhan, while others held the dragon in place.

Wei Ying awakened, startled by having his warmth taken away so suddenly. It took a moment for him to realize his situation he was in. "Lan Zhan! Help me! Don't let them take me away! Lan Zhan!!" He kept shouting, calling for the dragon as he was being dragged away from the dungeon, but it was no use. Even if Lan Zhan could fight, there was no way he could fend off twenty or thirty guards without his sword and with his core having been sealed. He would figure it out. Wei Ying only needed to wait for him.

Guard 2: "Now, dragon. It's just you and me. I'm going to pay you back for my pal's broken arm. Let's see. Which limb should I shatter first? How about your leg, so you can't escape? Sounds like a good one to me." He turned to the one standing beside him. "Break it! Break his right leg!"

The guard took the butt of his sword and smashed it against Lan Zhan's leg. It took two hits. A cracking sound was heard as the guard successfully broke Lan Zhan's right leg. All the guards laughed menacingly as the expression Lan Zhan had in his eyes turned to one of pain. They dropped him to the floor and left him there with a broken leg and no way to escape.

Hold on, Wei Ying! I'm coming!

Wei Ying was dragged through the hallways of the palace to an unfamiliar section. The doors were slowly opened, revealing what looked like a small lab healers and herbalists would use for their potions and medicines. Wei Ying was fascinated but frightened at the same time. The guards had mentioned earlier about how his memories were going to be erased, and he would be handed over to Wen Ruohan to be dealt with.

The fox struggled against the hold, but it was useless. One of the guards blindfolded him and shoved him inside with his hands tied behind him. Wei Ying could smell all kinds of herbs being processed there. The bitter and sweet scents mixed in his nose, causing a wave of nausea to his stomach.

"There you are! I was wondering when you would be coming," a deep voice spoke sarcastically. "Actually, I knew all the time the exact moment you would fall into my hands." A hand grasped at the fox's hair and pulled him up by it. Wei Ying groaned from the pain. "I really want to have my way with you, but I need to do something first." Something was forced into Wei Ying's mouth. His mouth was forced shut and he was made to swallow whatever the foreign object was. "There we are! Now, we only need to wait a few minutes for it to take effect. Once it does, you won't be able to resist anymore."

Wei Ying felt his body heating slowly. As he couldn't see, he felt everything twice as much. "It's taking effect much faster than I thought it would. This drug is amazing!" Wei Ying felt his ear being licked slightly. He moaned. He couldn't help it. The drug was making him feel weird. The man chuckled. "Perfect. Now, I will have my way with you." Wei Ying wanted to struggle. He wanted to fight! He couldn't, however, as the drug also paralyzed him, and he was unable to move. He could still feel, but he couldn't move.

He whimpered. Lan Zhan! Help me! he thought as he was unable to speak. A single tear made its way down his face. Unfortunately for Wei Ying, Lan Zhan was in a predicament of his own. Wei Ying was dragged off once more, still blindfolded. He whimpered the entire way. He could only hope and pray Lan Zhan reached him soon.

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