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Lan Zhan had been treating Wei Ying everyday. He couldn't understand why the fox wasn't walking yet. He wondered if the venom hadn't damaged the spine any. All the venom was purified at that point, so why wasn't Wei Ying walking yet? Lan Zhan decided to ask a healer once they returned to Cloud Recesses as theirs were more advanced than human healers.

Wei Ying wondered why he felt nothing in his legs still. Lan Zhan had stated firmly how the venom was completely depleted from his body, so why was it he couldn't walk yet? Wei Ying wondered if he was ever going to walk again. He was depressed at the thought of not being able to morph and run around and play with the other creatures, or even climb a tree just to laze around in it.

Their search for the one responsible for creating the array was brought to a halt when they found the person. However, that person disappeared as quickly as he'd appeared after seeing them. Wei Ying thought he'd recognized them as being the same one who murdered the Jiangs, but he couldn't be certain.

Lan Zhan was more concerned with having Wei Ying walk again than anything else, so they decided to return to Cloud Recesses. Lan Zhan decided to fly instead of them walking, so they would have less of a chance of encountering any danger.

When they arrived, Xichen was once again waiting for them along with Qiren. The moment Qiren saw his dearest nephew carrying Wei Ying, he fumed.

Qiren: "Wangji! How dare you bring this creature into Cloud Recesses with you?! Don't you know they're nothing but tricksters and deceivers? I ought to-"

Lan Zhan glared so hard along with Xichen, Qiren shut his mouth instantly. Lan Zhan didn't speak, but Xichen spoke for him.

Xichen: "Uncle. Don't be angry or alarmed. This young fox is nothing as you say he is. How can he cause trouble when he is disabled?"

Qiren was silent with shock for a long while. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. He cleared his throat. "I apologize, Wangji. It wasn't my place to judge."

Xichen: "Uncle. Where is our best healer, so Wangji may take the fox there?"

Qiren was shaken from his blank mind. He responded as if he hadn't heard what was said. "Huh? The healer?" Xichen nodded. "Right. Right. The best one is what you want and he is out picking herbs in the mountains right now. I would suggest keeping the young fox with you for the time being. However, when he is healed, if I catch him causing any form of mischief, I will boot him from this place and never allow him entrance again!"

Lan Zhan rolled his eyes. Qiren was taken aback by the action, so much so, he literally froze. Xichen dragged their uncle through the gate.

Xichen: "I'm sorry, Wangji. Uncle is right in a way though. Keep Wei Gongzi out of mischief, and all will be well. Also, the healer won't return for some days now. He may return in about a week's time." He glanced between the sleeping fox and his younger brother. "Had some fun on that adventure of yours I see."

Lan Zhan hurried passed his brother to the Jingshi. Xichen chuckled at the red ears Lan Zhan sported. It was going to be quite the adventure indeed.

Lan Zhan cared for Wei Ying, making certain he was comfortable in bed. Then he went to the Hanshi to speak with Xichen. The door opened before Lan Zhan could lift his hand to knock. He bowed to the other.

Lan Zhan: "Brother. May this one speak for a few minutes?"

Xichen smiled softly. "Of course, Wangji. Come in."

The two jades sat at the table, sipping tea. Xichen waited patiently for Lan Zhan to speak.

Lan Zhan: "Brother. Wei Ying thought the shadowed man was at a certain town. However, the person disappeared before we could have a closer look."

Xichen nearly choked on his tea. "Shadowed man? Could it have been a man wearing black robes?" Lan Zhan was uncertain.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying described them as being covered in shadow. They disappeared as Wei Ying had blacked out."

Xichen hummed and hawed over it, thinking. "That is strange. A man in shadow. I don't know how to help with that one. I can't even give you details about his features. He's a total mystery."

Lan Zhan understood, but he was still upset. That meant they would need to keep searching. He didn't want to have Wei Ying be placed in anymore danger or have him hurt anymore. It was hard enough having to watch him go through the month he did unable to walk or do anything at all himself.

Xichen: "I know what you're thinking, but danger comes with this search. You can't, and won't be able to, avoid it no matter what you do. Keep that in mind."

A servant rushed into the room. "Forgive this servant for his rudeness, but the young master is calling for Hanguang-Jun!"

Lan Zhan didn't bother bowing to his brother. He only wanted to go to Wei Ying. Xichen smiled knowingly. "Care for him well, Wangji."

Lan Zhan ran to the Jingshi. The sight he saw as he arrived left him baffled and dumbfounded. Wei Ying was standing in the doorway of the Jingshi!

The fox was holding himself upright by the door panel. His legs were shaking, but he managed to hold himself there, until Lan Zhan arrived.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! Look! I'm standing!" he exclaimed with a bright smile. The smile died as he lost his grip and fell forward.

Lan Zhan easily caught him. "Wei Ying shouldn't be out of bed."

Wei Ying: "I know, but...I wanted to try. I had some feeling in my legs when I woke up, so I wanted to try."

Lan Zhan couldn't be upset with the young fox. All he could do was try to help in anyway he could. "Healer will return in a week. In the meantime, Wei Ying must remain on bed rest."

Wei Ying pouted. "Ah, Lan Zhan~ You're such a worry wart!"

Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying back to the bed, keeping him upright and covering him with the blanket. "Stay," he ordered. Wei Ying pouted again. Lan Zhan had to control himself from pouncing on the poor fox. He left to fetch food for the two of them.

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