The Black Fox

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A figure hid in the shadows of the surrounding forest of Gusu. He flipped a knife in his hand impatiently. He'd cut himself a few times but didn't care. After all, the wounds healed in no time - almost immediately, in fact. He was growing tired of waiting. He had handed the young fox an invitation. Now, all he had to do was wait for the other to accept it and show. His plan was bound to work.

He tossed the knife into the air and caught it. The blade slipped in his palm, slicing it. A shallow cut oozed blood from its center. He sighed as he watched the red, viscous liquid flow down the blade and drip off at the tip. It was a sight he would never tire of. Only, something felt off. He watched the cut continue to bleed. It seemed his powers were weakening. He needed to find a new source. Well...he had found one. It was only a matter of time when they appeared.

He heard a rustle in the underbrush and stood stock still. He didn't want to be noticed in case it was an enemy. At the next moment, he felt a familiar power - smelled a familiar scent - and relaxed.

It was the one he'd been waiting for.


Wei Ying ran and ran and ran away from Cloud Recesses. He didn't look back. He didn't slow down. In fact, he quickened his pace. He needed to be as far away as possible, so he wasn't being caught and returned. He didn't wish to go back, and he never would, until he had full control of his power.

He knew very well how the dragon, Lan Zhan, would be highly upset by his running away, but he didn't care at that point. All he wanted was to protect everyone from himself and his dark power. He was certain Lan Zhan would eventually come to understand why Wei Ying made such a decision. It would take time, he knew, but hopefully the dragon would allow the fox to do what he needed to do.

Wei Ying ran through the forest for what seemed to be hours, until he came up on a clearing in the distance. He stopped still, frozen in his spot, as another figure emerged from the shadows.

The figure flipped a knife, blade first, in his hand. Its blade slipped at one point, slicing the palm of the figure's hand. Wei Ying watched in amazement and fear at the slow regeneration which took place before him.

Wei Ying: "It's you!" he finally spoke, managing to find the will to speak.

The figure grinned wickedly. "Hello, Little Fox. Yes, it's me. I knew you would come. I knew you would accept my invitation. I'm glad you remember me. It's a real honor. Too bad the same can't be said for Hanguang-Jun - your precious dragon friend. I'm certain he feels saddened you don't remember anything about him."

Wei Ying scowled. "Who are you, and how do you know all this? Lan Zhan isn't only my friend. I'm his ward."

Figure: "Ward?" He chuckled sarcastically. "Aren't you a bit old for being a ward? Are you certain he doesn't want something more?"

Wei Ying grew confused. He thought about it for a moment. "I'm not certain how it all works, but that's what he told me. I am his ward and his equal."

The figure crumpled to the ground, laughing hysterically. Wei Ying wondered what the other fox found so funny. "You can't be serious! He actually said that to you?! That's the best joke I've ever heard!"

Wei Ying seethed. "It isn't funny! Stop laughing!" Dark smoke rose from the ground all around him. His hands were balled tightly into fists. His eyes glowed red.

The black fox all at once stopped laughing. He stood on his feet once more, crossing his arms while watching the show with a wicked grin plastered on his face.

Fox: "I'm very sorry for laughing, my dear friend."

Wei Ying: "We aren't friends," he was quick to point out.

The black fox nodded. "It's only there are some things you have misunderstood entirely. I won't try to explain it to you. It's something you have to figure out for yourself."

Wei Ying ceased all at once - his curiosity growing more potent. He was wondering just who the other fox was and why they wanted to help him.

Wei Ying: "Who...are you...?" he inquired cautiously. "You aren't like everyone else. You aren't afraid of me, nor do you seem threatening. So, just who are you, and what do you want?"

The black fox grinned knowingly. He had the ninetails trapped in a snare from which there was no escape. "Me? My name is Xue Yang, and I am here to help you learn about your power."


Lan Zhan threw a tantrum, knocking everything over, breaking anything and everything he could touch. The Jingshi was in shambles. He painted, having ceased his raging temper.

How could Wei Ying do that to him? How?! After everything the dragon had done for him, how could the fox possibly run away like that?!

Lan Zhan felt a headache begin in his temples, so he rubbed them and sat on the bed. It was the only piece of furniture not broken. He was very careful not to break his guqin as well.

He needed to find Wei Ying. Only, he didn't know where to begin. Maybe he should speak with his brother? It was a risk though. If word were to be sent to Qiren, then Wei Ying may be forbade from ever entering Cloud Recesses again. He didn't want that.

As he gave up on the idea of speaking with his brother, he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Wangji? What happened here? Why is everything in shambles?"

Lan Zhan looked at Xichen from the side. "Don't want to talk about it."

Xichen sighed. "That's fine, but...where is Wei Gongzi? Is he not with you?" he inquired.

That was the wrong question to ask. Lan Zhan moved with lightening speed, knocking his brother over and throwing him outside.

Xichen gasped for air as he hit the ground. "Wangji! What's wrong with you?! Why are you acting this way?!" He was panicking. He'd only ever seen his brother act that way one other time before: the day their parents died.

Lan Zhan had blacked out, truly not knowing what he was doing. He proceeded to continue his rampage at his brother. For the first time in a long time, Xichen was filled with a pure fear. This power! It's as if it does not belong to him, but more as if someone were controlling him. I need to wake him up before he hurts anyone else!

Xichen proceeded to stand, only to be knocked down again. "Wangji, listen to me! You need to calm down! This isn't worth being upset like this over! Please wake up?! You're going to hurt someone!" He closed his eyes, ready for his brother to strike him. When nothing happened, he gingerly opened one eye as a slit, peering in the direction of the younger dragon.

Lan Zhan had ceased all movement entirely. He was frozen in place - his eyes wide without emotion. Then, it was as if he had thawed, and he fell forward as his body went limp - his eyes closing. Xichen caught him just in time. He sighed. Lan Zhan had passed out. "Oh, my dear little brother, what shall I ever do with you?"

Xichen carried his brother back inside, laying him in the bed, covering him with the blanket. He lit some incense, hoping it would help to calm the other. He blew out all the candles. "Good night, Wangji," he whispered as he silently closed the door and left.

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