Dinner and a Kiss

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Lan Zhan stirred the pot of stew over the fire. Wei Ying watched the liquid swirl inside the pot. His stomach growled rather loudly. He turned away to hide the blush on his face. Lan Zhan smiled and continued stirring. Wei Ying couldn't wait to try Lan Zhan's cooking!

Wei Ying was growing bored with having to wait. His stomach growled incessantly. Lan Zhan scooped some of the stew into a bowl and presented it to Wei Ying. The young fox gladly accepted it. At first, he tried scooping it right into his mouth, but he nearly burnt his tongue from it being so hot. Lan Zhan chuckled at the action. Wei Ying pouted, because Lan Zhan was laughing at him.

Lan Zhan gently took the bowl from the fox who whined from thinking his dinner was being taken from him. Lan Zhan scooped some of the stew from the bowl and blew on it. After a moment, he fed the spoonful of food to Wei Ying. The young fox was taken aback for a moment. He was uncertain, but he opened his mouth, engulfing the spoon into his mouth. Surprisingly, it wasn't hot anymore. He chewed it. He tasted all the spices and flavors of the meat and vegetables together. He loved it!

A large smile found its way to his face. He happily chewed away. It reminded him of his Shijie who would always cook him his favorite soup. The thought of her made him tear up. Lan Zhan stopped for a moment as he watched a tear escape the fox's eye.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. What's wrong?"

Wei Ying: "Nothing," he responded, quickly wiping at his eyes. "It's just so good it made me cry with happiness."

Lan Zhan set the bowl aside. No matter how much Wei Ying wiped the tears away, they wouldn't stop. Lan Zhan was a bit baffled, but he pulled him close, rubbing his head between his ears. The crying was replaced with purring. Wei Ying leaned into the touch more, the purring growing louder. He rubbed his head into the other's chest. Lan Zhan felt his ears growing warm.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying feel better?" Wei Ying only continued to purr in happiness. "Wei Ying needs to finish eating." Wei Ying had forgotten about his food. Lan Zhan lifted the bowl and continued to feed the fox boy.

When it was all gone, Wei Ying exclaimed, "That was amazing, Lan Zhan! It's almost as good as my Shijie's cooking!" His eyes widened at the thought of his Shijie. He was saddened again. He missed her very much, but he couldn't see her anymore as she was married to that rotten Peacock, Jin Zixuan.

Lan Zhan was concerned and confused all at once. "Lan Zhan...when we're done with this investigation, I want to see my Shijie. I miss her..." He cried silently again. He sniffled. "She was the only one who was kind to me after my parents died."

Lan Zhan waited for Wei Ying to explain in more detail, but all the other did was silently sob. He hated people seeing him cry. He turned away, not wanting Lan Zhan to see his tears.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..." The fox wouldn't look at him. He gently touched the other's face and turned Wei Ying's face, so he was looking directly at him. Wei Ying wanted to hide, but Lan Zhan wouldn't allow him to look away again. "Wei Ying can go see Wei Ying's Shijie. Will take Wei Ying there." Lan Zhan wiped at the tears with his thumb.

Wei Ying's lower lip trembled. He threw himself around Lan Zhan as best as he could and cried. Lan Zhan was shocked at first by the action. He had never had someone do that before. He gingerly wrapped his arms around the fox boy and held him close, rubbing his back to soothe and comfort him.

After a while, Wei Ying fell asleep, his crying having turned into quiet sniffles and sobs. Lan Zhan continued to comfort him, shushing him, telling him it would be alright. He couldn't help but to stare at the soft, rosy lips of the other. He gently lifted Wei Ying's face and kissed him tenderly. The other's lips were indeed as soft as always. He very much wanted to deepen it, but Wei Ying was sleeping, so he didn't, because it would have been rude to do so. Lan Zhan suddenly felt himself growing drowsy. He fell asleep, holding onto Wei Ying.

A familiar figure walked up to the two sleeping peacefully. "Wei Wuxian. Here you are. Xue Yang!"

Another figure, dressed completely in black, jumped from the tree. "I have put them to sleep as you see here. What more do you want?" he rudely inquired.

Jiang Cheng would have whipped him if it wasn't for the fact Xue Yang wasn't his servant. The mutt belonged to the Wen Clan. More specifically, to Wen Ruohan.

Jiang Cheng was frustrated to the point of cracking. Zidian sparked and crackled. "Don't test me Fox. Just do your job and carry Wei Ying for me." He was impatient. He'd chased all over God's green earth for his servant. Since he'd found him, he didn't want him escaping again. "Bring him."

With that, Xue Yang lifted the fox boy and carried him on his back. "I don't think you'll need to worry about him escaping."

Jiang Cheng: "What do you mean?"

Xue Yang smiled evilly. "Your servant would be of no more use to you. He is paralyzed."

Jiang Cheng froze in his tracks. He was infuriated! He finally found his servant only to learn he was useless! "Leave him then," he finally commanded. "I have no place for useless servants."

Xue Yang huffed in annoyance. He laid the fox boy carefully on the ground next to the dragon, covering him with the blanket again. The pair disappeared quickly as the sleep spell was only temporary.

Lan Zhan awakened. He didn't remember falling asleep. However, he did remember comforting Wei Ying. He looked down to see the fox boy was still sleeping peacefully. He covered him with the blanket up to his shoulder.

The sun had fully set, and the stars were shining, though barely visible through the giant canopy. The moon was full and lit the forest floor. Lan Zhan's eyes glowed from the reflection of the light. He noticed two different scents: two males had been there other than them.

Lan Zhan didn't bother with the one, knowing full well who it was. The other baffled him. He didn't know who's scent it was. He only knew from it, the person was very similar to Wei Ying: a fox spirit. Only, this new fox seemed more sinister in nature and walked around with a killing intent.

Lan Zhan startled from his thoughts when he heard Wei Ying move in his sleep. "Lan Zha-...come ba- to slee-ip..."

Lan Zhan laid down once more, pulling the sleeping fox to himself. Wei Ying tried cuddling closer. Lan Zhan helped him. Once Wei Ying was comfortably settled, he smiled in satisfaction and slept deeply, relaxing in the warm hold. Lan Zhan smiled, kissed the fox's forehead and slept.

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