Love is an Adventure

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Wei Ying was hiding, curled up in the far corner of the porch. He growled at Lan Zhan. Rather, he was growling at the thing in the other's hand. Lan Zhan sighed and waited patiently. Wei Ying glared at the evil container.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying has to drink medicine."

Wei Ying shot his glare from the bowl to Lan Zhan. The male wasn't fazed one bit. "I will not take that dreaded liquid! It smells so bitter, I can taste it without having to drink it!" He covered his nose with his hand.

Lan Zhan knew Wei Ying was being childish about it, so he waited patiently. Seeing how Lan Zhan wasn't backing down, Wei Ying gave up and pouted.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Drink medicine. Will take Wei Ying somewhere nice."

Wei Ying perked up at hearing that. He looked suspiciously at Lan Zhan. "Where?" he inquired.

Lan Zhan: "Is a surprise."

Wei Ying was still skeptical, but he drank the medicine anyway. The taste was as bitter as it had smelt. He made a face of disgust.

Wei Ying: "The surprise had better be good," he mumbled, glaring at the other.

Lan Zhan walked away into the Jingshi. Wei Ying, afraid Lan Zhan would leave him behind, followed quickly after him. Lan Zhan looked surprised - his eyebrows raised just the tiniest bit - at seeing the other panic.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Water." He offered a cup to the fox.

Wei Ying gingerly took it. He sniffed it. He didn't sense anything weird, so he drank it. It tasted sweet. He drank the entire contents of the cup and gave the cup back. A few seconds later, he passed out. Lan Zhan carried him outside and flew off.

Lan Zhan took him to a secret place only he knew of. He laid Wei Ying under a tall tree with lots of shade. The place was beautiful to Lan Zhan. It was the one place his mother had taken him to as a child. He sat by the flowing stream of clear water and drank some of it. He waited for Wei Ying to awaken.


Xichen went searching for his brother over the whole of Cloud Recesses. He reached the Jingshi. As he stepped foot inside, he saw a vision of his brother carrying a passed out Wei Ying, flying toward the woods. The scene changed. He saw him sitting by a stream in the sunlight. Xichen knew at once which place that was.

Xichen: "Oh, Wangji. You took him there? Don't tell me you mean to...!"

He saw a vision of the future which made him blush greatly. He had to leave and sit down outside for a while. "Wangji. My dear brother. You really are something else..."

Of course, he could have misinterpreted the vision. However, Xichen was never wrong when it had to do with his brother. Lan Zhan was like an open book to him - easy to read. Xichen knew at that moment how the two would not return before curfew, if they returned at all.


Wei Ying awakened with a groan. His body felt light, and there was something soft beneath him. He thought he was in the Jingshi, but he wasn't. He opened his eyes slowly. The scene before him revealed itself to be an open field with a stream flowing through the center of it. Just like back home. He sighed from the peace of the place.

Lan Zhan must have heard him, for he turned around and - what Wei Ying thought he saw - smiled. Wei Ying froze, his mind blanking. He stared at the male. The smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Wei Ying felt his heart skip a beat. He felt disappointed. He wanted to see more of that smile.

Lan Zhan went to him and sat next to him under the tree. "How is Wei Ying feeling?"

Wei Ying: "Like I slept on a cloud. What was that stuff you poured in with the water?"

Lan Zhan: "Relaxation potion. It's called Cloud Water."

Wei Ying formed an "Oh" shape with his mouth. Lan Zhan had to look away. He found himself staring at the other's lips with lust. Wei Ying was staring out into space, looking at the scenery. Lan Zhan gulped, his ears turning red. He found himself wanting - longing - to kiss the other. To feel how soft their rosy lips were. He bit his lip, trying to control himself.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. This place reminds me of my home. It's where I hid from Jiang Cheng. Lan Zhan. How did you find me?"

Lan Zhan: "..."

Wei Ying shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. I was only wondering since you had rescued me from Jiang Cheng. I'm grateful for it." He flashed a bright smile.

Lan Zhan felt his heart leap and spin in his chest. His breathing hitched. Before he knew it, his lips were hooked with Wei Ying's.

Wei Ying was very shocked and surprised all at once by the action, but, slowly, his eyes closed, and he enjoyed the feeling of it. A long moment passed by with the two staying that way. When the kiss was broken, both were left panting for air.

Lan Zhan paled, panicking as he realized what he had done. He turned away and apologized over and over. "Sorry! Am so sorry! Please forgive this one for this one's action just now?"

Wei Ying didn't know why Lan Zhan was apologizing. He had actually enjoyed it. What was so wrong with it? He thought about it more. He wondered if it was because they were two separate species, or if it was because they were both male? Probably both?

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. It's okay. Besides, I actually enjoyed it," he teased, winking at the other.

Lan Zhan bit his lip and gripped his robes, trying to remain in control of his body. Wei Ying laughed at the dragon as he saw the blush which crept onto the other's face.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Don't tease like that," he managed to breathe out.

Wei Ying looked at him with mischief in his eyes. "And what if I don't? What is the great Hanguang-Jun going to do about it?" he antagonized.

Lan Zhan looked at him seriously and replied, "Wei Ying. Sleep."

All at once, Wei Ying felt himself falling into darkness. Lan Zhan laid the fox's head on his lap. He caressed the soft locks of hair, humming a tune he'd written long ago.

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