Wei Ying Can Walk

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The healer returned to Cloud Recesses at approximately the time Qiren stated he would. Wei Ying was thankful. He was bored of being in bed. He was bored of not being able to run around and play. Lan Zhan tried to entertain him with longer reading and writing lessons, but it didn't work well. Wei Ying had a short attention span and an even shorter fuse. The more complicated the symbol, the longer it took him to understand how to write it.

Wei Ying was a genius. There was no  doubt about that. He learned very quickly and easily. However, trying to keep his attention on one thing for very long was like asking the sun to stand still in the sky forever. Lan Zhan was having trouble trying to find new ways to entertain the fox boy. He was glad when the healer returned.

The healer was sent directly to the Jingshi after settling in once more and organizing all his herbs. The healer knocked thrice on the door, softly, and waited. He bowed when the door opened. "Hanguang-Jun. I was sent here to tend to someone. May I enter?"

Lan Zhan moved aside to allow the healer entrance. The man was baffled to see a young fox sitting upright in the bed, pouting. "About time you arrived! Don't you know how long I've been waiting and how bored I've been not being able to walk or run around?"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying," he warned the other. "Be polite."

Wei Ying huffed, crossing his arms. The healer chuckled at the scene. "So, you are my patient, I take it?" he asked Wei Ying. Wei Ying looked up, startled. He had been distracted by something outside the window. The healer chuckled. "Just like a child. Children are so adorable. I haven't seen anyone so young in years. Anyway, let us begin, shall we?" He walked up to Wei Ying. "Young one, I need you to turn your back to me and remove your robes, if you wouldn't mind?"

Wei Ying, sensing no danger from the healer, looked to Lan Zhan for confirmation. Lan Zhan nodded slightly but firmly. Wei Ying did as he was told. The healer was surprised to see all the scars littered on the young fox's back.

Healer: "Hanguang-Jun. What are these scars from?"

Lan Zhan: "Whipping scars from being a slave."

The healer nodded. "I can heal these later. Right now, it's time for the main problem." He moved the hair aside which was blocking his view of the bite mark. The bite hadn't fully healed yet which wasn't unusual for that breed of spider. "No venom resides in his body. Did you do it, Hanguang-Jun?" Lan Zhan nodded. "Very well done. This will sting a little. I hope you're prepared."

Wei Ying: "I don't care what pain I go through, so long as I can walk and run and play as I want to."

With that, the healer began. "The damage to the spine is minimal, but it was still enough to paralyze him for a time. All I'm doing now, is repairing and healing that damage. The process takes approximately two hours to complete. You must remain unmoving for two days to ensure the damage is fully healed. Understood?"

Wei Ying nodded. The healer began the process, sending his qi through the bite mark and down through Wei Ying's spine. Nothing happened at first. The feeling was quite comfortable. Approximately an hour into the process, that comforting feeling disappeared and turned to a raging fire through his entire back. Wei Ying had trouble staying upright.

Lan Zhan, seeing the fox's discomfort, wanted so badly to run to him and comfort him, but he knew he couldn't, so he watched with worry and concern as the process continued.

Wei Ying was biting down on his lip hard to keep from screaming. There was blood dripping from it, but he continued to bite. "Hanguang-Jun. Bring a folded cloth for the young one to bite down on before he scars his lip." Lan Zhan moved quickly.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Here. Bite this." Wei Ying bit down on the cloth, muffling a scream. Lan Zhan held the other's face, touching foreheads. "Wei Ying. It's alright. Am here. Breathe." Wei Ying had tears streaming down his face from the pain.

Healer: "Nearly done," he declared. A few minutes later, he was finished, removing his qi carefully from the young fox. "All the damage has been repaired and healed. He must rest on his back for two days straight to ensure the healing completes fully. If he moves to sit up or anything, the chances of the damage returning are high."

Lan Zhan nodded, understanding. Wei Ying had passed out right as the healer finished the process. "Another thing: he may have a high fever for the next few days. Don't fret though. It's from his body healing itself. I will fetch a medicine you can give to him after two days. I will return with it then." He left.

Lan Zhan gingerly laid Wei Ying down, so the other was laying on their back. Lan Zhan kept watch over the young fox.

Just as the healer had stated, Wei Ying slept for two days straight with a raging fever. The boy felt as though his entire body was burning. On the third day, the healer returned with the medicine as he said he would. Lan Zhan was grateful for it.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Wake up. The healer is here." He caressed the boy's cheek.

Wei Ying's eyes slowly opened. He was in a fog from the fever. He stared at nothing. Lan Zhan continued to speak to him, trying to wake him some more. "It's alright, Hanguang-Jun. You can sit him up now. Feed him this medicine. It will help."

Lan Zhan took the bowl from the healer after sitting Wei Ying upright against the headboard. "Wei Ying. Drink this medicine. It will help." Wei Ying was in a fog, so all he did was nod slightly. Lan Zhan gently helped him drink the medicine. Since Wei Ying was in a fog from the fever, he didn't complain. Wei Ying fell asleep again the moment the bowl was empty.

Lan Zhan handed the bowl back to the healer, bowing in gratitude. The healer chuckled. "His fever should be broken tomorrow. If not, then come for me. I will see if I missed anything."

Lan Zhan nodded. He was more worried about Wei Ying at that moment than anything else. The healer smiled warmly at the scene before him. He could tell there was a fondness there the dragon lord had for the young fox. He left the two alone. Lan Zhan cared for Wei Ying for the entire night. The fever broke the next morning.

Wei Ying awakened to a bright sun and sounds of birds chirping outside. "Wei Ying!" He heard a voice and felt someone grab his hand. He looked over and saw Lan Zhan sitting there, looking disheveled. "Thank the gods! Wei Ying is awake! Wei Ying had a high fever for three days after the process the healer did." Lan Zhan had dark circles under his eyes indicating he hadn't slept in days.

Wei Ying smiled warmly. Lan Zhan helped the other to sit upright. "Lan Zhan. I'm hungry."

Lan Zhan: "What would Wei Ying like to eat?"

Wei Ying thought about it. "My usual. Meat buns!"

Lan Zhan: "What else?"

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan!" he teased. He laughed at the red ears Lan Zhan had.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying," he warned.

Wei Ying: "Sorry. I was only teasing. Honestly though, I can't think of anything else."

Lan Zhan nodded. He left to fetch the food. When he returned, he nearly dropped the tray he was holding. Wei Ying was sitting at the table, waving at him, a bright smile plastered on his face.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! What are you standing there for like a statue? Does it surprise you I walked over here by myself?"

Lan Zhan walked stiffly over to the table, setting the tray down. He was still in shock. "Wei Ying...can walk?"

Wei Ying: "Yep! My legs are as good as new! Though, I haven't tried morphing fully yet. Anyway! Are you happy?"

Lan Zhan pulled the other into a tight embrace. "Mn. Am happy! Wei Ying can walk! Am very happy!"

Wei Ying laughed. "Lan Zhan. You're so weird today."


So in case anyone is confused.
The process goes like this: the healer simply used his qi to repair nerve endings and damaged tissue fibers and the like in Wei Ying's back. The pain is caused from the feeling of the qi as being like a thousand needles constantly moving through your body. The healers at Cloud Recesses, and any other sects, use their qi as a surgical tool. It is why they are more advanced than human healers.
I hope that clears up any misunderstandings.❤️

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