A Game to Play

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Wei Ying was taken away from him once more. Lan Zhan panicked. He ran from the room, down the halls, kicking in every possible door along the way which he saw, only to no avail as Wei Ying wasn't found in any of them. Lan Zhan grit his teeth and tightened his grip on his sword, Bichen. The first place he stormed was the treasure room, taking back Bichen and ChenQing. Lan Zhan felt a great rage boil inside him as he was unsuccessful in his search. Where could they have possibly gone?!


The poor fox was taken to a secret chamber. Even those residing in the palace knew nothing of it. Wen Ruohan had taken great strides to make certain of that - even going so far as killing anyone who found it. Wei Ying was thrown onto another bed, only it was much softer than the last one. The same incense as before filled the room, wafting into his nostrils. Wei Ying felt his body heat up once more, only twice as much. It seemed whatever drug was being used, it had been doubled in strength to ensure the one party was weakened beyond all means.

Wen Ruohan tied the poor fox boy's hands to the bed once more. Wei Ying felt the mattress sink down somewhat as the other sat on the edge. He whimpered, crying silently. "W-why are you d-doing this...?" he inquired timidly. Tears were streaming down his face as he spoke.

Wen Ruohan smiled sinisterly. "Why? I'll tell you why, but you have to do something for me first." He removed the blindfold. Wei Ying glared at him. The man wasn't fazed at all. He gripped the fox's jaw tightly, causing Wei Ying to wince from the pain. "Unlock your dark powers for me, and I will allow everyone you know and love to be set free."

Wei Ying was horrified! "No!" he spoke resolutely. "You will not touch them! You will not touch any! of them! Especially Lan Zhan! You touch him, and I will kill you!"

Wen Ruohan laughed mockingly. "You think you can stop me?" His grip tightened. Wei Ying winced as more pain shot through his jaw. He whined from the pain. "I have more power and influence than you believe me to have! I can kill off an entire empire if I wish to! You are definitely in no position to tell me what to do!" He smacked Wei Ying, so hard, a bruise formed almost immediately where he'd been hit.

Wei Ying felt the sting, and heard the whoosh of air, as the man's hand made contact with the delicate skin of his right cheek. He tasted something metallic. Blood colored his already rose red lips, making them appear as if he wore lipstick.

She smacked him hard against his face. Blood ran down his nose and from the corner of his mouth. "Filthy mutt! Why can't you just cooperate and do as I tell you to?! Now, stand still and keep quiet!" Wei Ying did as he was told when the ring on her hand sparked.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan..." he whimpered softly. He wished very much at that moment for the dragon to find him.

Wen Ruohan had had enough. "When are you going to forget him?!" he raged at the other. "What's so special about him?!"

"Lan Zhan! I like you! I'm really happy you're my friend! I'm really glad to have you around!" he stated with excitement as he hugged the other. Lan Zhan hugged him back with pink ears.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan is my friend. He's always been my friend. In fact, he's never done anything to hurt me."

Wen Ruohan smacked the fox boy again, the bruise turning black. Wei Ying whimpered from the pain he was in. He felt his face swelling where the impact occurred. "Shut up! I don't want to hear anything more about that half-blood dragon!"

"How dare you try to seduce the second young master of the Lan Clan! I'll teach you to never do such a thing, you filthy mongrel!" Wei Ying whimpered from the pain as the whip in her hand made contact with his bare skin. He was then chained to the wall near the floor by his wrists. He curled in on himself to hide his naked body from her. She gripped his hair and pulled him up closer to herself. "Trying to hide now, are you? You didn't think about doing such a thing when Lan Er Gongzi was here," she hissed at him. She released her hold on him. He fell to the floor, his head banging off the wall. He scrambled into the corner, curling in on himself, trying desperately to escape. "Quit hiding! You're a coward of an animal!" She forced him to kneel in front of her as she eyed him from head to toe. "You will remain here until I say you can leave."

She left him in the dark room far from the compound. He shivered from the cold. He wished he'd had his robes. She took them all and burned them. He curled up to keep himself warm.

Wei Ying shivered violently from the memory. His head was throbbing. "Please...let me go...I don't want to go through that again..."

Ruohan: "I'll help you by erasing the memory, but only if you help me in return. Unlock your dark powers. Help me conquer the world. Only then will I make her disappear."

"Stop it! Leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" he cried out between heavy breaths. "I didn't seduce anybody! I'm telling the truth!" His body was paralyzed with fear and from the drug she used on him. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You didn't do anything wrong?" She pulled his hair harshly. "You talking back to me, for one!" She threw him backward, his head smacking against the wall so hard it placed him in a daze. His eyesight blurred from his tears and the injury to his head. "I tell you what - let's play a game."

Ruohan: "Let's play a game. Let's see how long you can hold out before your precious dragon arrives - if! he arrives at all!"

Wei Ying didn't know what he did to deserve any of it. He only wanted to be free from his past, but it seemed he was still held captive by it.

Lan Zhan! Save me! Hurry!


Wow! Okay! This chapter just got deep! Wow...I wasn't meaning for it to go this way.😶 After all, this is supposed to be a 'cute' adventure story - not like this. But rest assured! The next chapter will be much happier!❤️🦋

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