Awakening - Part 1

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Wei Ying stood still, his arms crossed, waiting for the other to continue. The silence was heavy between the pair. The air was thick and made it hard for the young fox to breathe. Then again, that was part of Xue Yang's plan. Drag the little ninetails into an area where he couldn't escape and the black fox could maintain control of the entire situation. It was perfect!

Well...almost perfect.

Wei Ying was being most uncooperative. He was in a foul mood and didn't feel like being messed with. "What do you mean you're here to help me learn about my power? I already know about it."

Xue Yang smirked. "Is that right? You know everything about it? Are you even able to control it? You weren't even able to keep it at bay earlier when I upset you. Think you can still do so?"

Wei Ying scoffed in his mind. Of course he could control his own power! Just...not when he was angry...The fox gave up. He might as well. After all, the black one-tailed fox had a valid point.

Wei Ying: "Alright then," he spoke cautiously. "Show me how to control my power, since you're such an expert at it."

Xue Yang smiled wickedly. "I'm glad you finally surrendered. I thought for a moment I would have to battle you to make you understand. This is good progress." He paused for a moment and studied the ninetails from the side. He was leaning with his back against a tree. "As for being an expert, I am very much one. For, you see, I too, have the same power. Only, mine is much weaker than yours."

Wei Ying was taken aback for a moment. He grew excited at the prospect of someone other than himself having that power.

The baffled expression upon the ninetails' face was priceless to Xue Yang. He treasured every moment of his soon-to-be victory.


Xichen stayed with his brother the entire day. Lan Zhan still hadn't awakened, and it concerned the elder brother very greatly. With Lan Zhan being in a coma, it could be a big problem. Xichen knew something was wrong. Only, he didn't know exactly what it was. He needed to figure it out and quickly! Otherwise, something worse might occur, and the elder brother didn't want that, nor did he wish it upon his younger sibling.

So he left to go search for the solution.


Wei Ying was still uncertain as to whether or not he could trust the one-tail. The other only smirked. A mystery surrounded him, and Wei Ying wanted to know all about them.

Xue Yang began releasing his power. It slowly curled into the air from his feet. The control was steady and unwavering.

Wei Ying watched in amazement at first. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "That's easy enough!" He responded by releasing his own power. He was able to maintain control for a time - a very short period of time. Then it dissipated into the air and was gone. The young fox wondered what happened.

Xue Yang laughed at the ninetails. Wei Ying grew highly upset and tried again and again, but each time it would disappear after only a few seconds.

Xue Yang: "See?! You can't even control it long enough without it dissipating on you!" He continued to laugh, rolling over the ground and kicking around like a madman.

Wei Ying had finally had enough of the one-tail's shenanigans. "Shut up!" he growled with hostility.

Xue Yang only continued to laugh at the other. "The fact we are the same, but you can't even control your own power! How pathetic and worthless are you?"

Wei Ying's rage grew all the more. His power poured out in black billows, surrounding him. His eyes glowed a deep red. A menacing growl escaped his lips.

Xue Yang stopped to watch the show. His heartbeat quickened with excitement and anticipation as he stood there, watching the other's performance. He smiled broadly at the immense display of dark power. It was very thing he'd been hoping for! Causing the ninetails to grow angry or even annoyed was a perfect way to trigger their power. Now, if only they could control it, the Xue Yang would be able to siphon it from them.

He was wrong, however, and he soon found out why.


Qiren sighed. Then he fumed. "What do you mean he's unconscious?! I thought we'd had that taken care of years ago?" He pounded the table in anger, nearly busting it in half.

Xichen smiled and laughed nervously. "It was probably just a fluke. He was highly upset when Wei Gongzi left on his own accord to find someone who could help him with his power."

Hearing that only made the elder dragon more furious. "What!? What do you mean the fox is gone?! After everything we did for him, he's just gone and left?! How did he even move passed the barrier?"

Xichen tried to calm his uncle. "Uncle, why don't you relax for a while? You'll go into qi deviation of you keep this up." He slowly approached the elder to help them sit down.

Qiren would have none of it. "I don't need to relax! What I need to do is to reinforce the barrier and have it so the ninetails is no longer allowed in Cloud Recesses. Those are my final words. Wei Wuxian is no longer allowed inside Cloud Recesses as of this moment. Now, leave me! I wish to be alone, while I figure out what to do with Wangji." He dismissed the entire matter with a wave of his sleeve.

Xichen bowed politely, backing away slowly toward the door. "Yes, Uncle. I take my leave." As he closed the door behind him, he heard his uncle groan loudly in frustration. He sighed. I'm sorry, Wangji, but your beloved fox is no longer allowed inside. So, tell me, what shall your choice be?


I'm deeply sorry for this having taken so long. I've been busy this week with no time to write anything. However, it's here! Part 1! Be sure to leave a comment❤️

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