Caretaker Lan Zhan

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The next morning, Lan Zhan was up at five as usual, while Wei Ying was still sleeping. Lan Zhan cleaned everything and had everything packed by the time Wei Ying awakened. The fox was hungry, so Lan Zhan cut him some fruit he had picked earlier that morning and gave it to him. Wei Ying ate it all. Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying to the stream to bathe him. While doing so, he treated him the same as he'd done the day before.

The burning feeling wasn't as bad to the fox. It still hurt, though. Wei Ying thought he felt a slight tingling in his legs, but he could have imagined it. He decided to wait to tell Lan Zhan in case it wasn't what he'd thought it was.

After bathing him, Lan Zhan helped dress him and they set off once more for the town over. It would take a good half a day to reach it. A full day in the case of the pair, seeing as Wei Ying couldn't walk on his own yet. They would need to rest every couple of hours or so. Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying on his back, the blanket wrapped around the other to help keep him warm.

The air was chilly that day even though the sun shown brightly. The cold didn't bother Lan Zhan as he was used to it. However, even with the blanket, Wei Ying still shivered somewhat. When the shivering didn't stop, but it increased instead, Lan Zhan stopped and seated Wei Ying under a tall tree on the side of the road. He was almost certain and even afraid as he felt the other's forehead and found it burning slightly. It was only mid-day, but Lan Zhan didn't want to risk it, so he made camp there in the tree line.

Lan Zhan realized he hadn't given Wei Ying the medicine yet and quickly popped one of the pills into the fox boy's mouth. He built a fire while he kept watch, never wandering far from him. After a couple of hours, Wei Ying's fever seemed to die. Lan Zhan sighed with relief. He didn't dare move him, however, for he didn't know if it would cause the fever to enrage again.

Wei Ying slept the entire afternoon. Around seven in the evening, his eyes slowly opened. He felt very tired and sleepy even though he had just slept most of the day. He glanced over to find Lan Zhan tending the fire, cooking something in the pot. The smell hit Wei Ying's nose, and he turned to the side and vomited.

Lan Zhan, seeing Wei Ying was awake, was concerned as the fox was vomiting and quickly tried to soothe him by rubbing his back. Wei Ying vomited until all he could do was dry heave. Lan Zhan didn't know why it was happening. Wei Ying passed out again. He was sweating and his breathing was ragged. Lan Zhan tried a qi transfer. It didn't seem to help. He didn't give up, however, continuing the action. After about an hour, Wei Ying finally calmed with his breathing.

Lan Zhan moved him away from the pile of vomit, cleaning the other's face. He had been hoping Wei Ying would be well enough to want to eat, but it seemed to be he was wrong.

Wei Ying, in fact, wasn't well at all. He'd been hiding his fever from the other for some time as it only was there for a very short time.

The fever worsened. Lan Zhan was uncertain as to what to do. The fever wasn't one as from a cold. He wasn't entirely certain if a qi transfer would continue to help it or make it worse.

Wei Ying mumbled in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. "No...please! S-stay...stay away! No!" He shot straight up, breathing heavily. Something cold dropped onto his lap. He startled for a moment, then saw it was a cloth.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan was sitting right there. He pulled the boy into a hug. He touched foreheads with the other. He sighed with relief as he felt the other's temperature was normal once more.

Wei Ying was wondering why Lan Zhan appeared so tired. "Lan Zhan? Haven't you slept yet?" Lan Zhan shook his head. "What happened?"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying had a bad fever. It just broke. Am relieved Wei Ying is alright." He smiled minutely. He hugged the young fox once more.

Wei Ying: "Where are we?"

Lan Zhan: "Half a day's journey to the next town. Needed to stop to care for Wei Ying."

Wei Ying looked down in shame. "I'm sorry..."

Lan Zhan wondered why his Wei Ying was apologizing. "Wei Ying. It's alright. Wei Ying's care comes first."

Wei Ying was confused. He'd lived most of his life as a servant to the Jiangs after his parents died. He was never treated with such care before. It made him feel uneasy to know Lan Zhan was willing to do it. Wei Ying always had to work, even when he was sick, or he would be punished severely. So, he learned to hide his illness from others. He always had endured it himself. Knowing Lan Zhan cared to a fault, it made him want to cry from shame.

Lan Zhan thought Wei Ying would be happy, but he was wrong. Wei Ying seemed to hate being cared for by others, and Lan Zhan didn't understand why that was. "Wei Ying." The fox looked away. Lan Zhan gently caressed the other's face with his hand. "Wei Ying. This one will be Wei Ying's caretaker."

Wei Ying thought it was a joke, but he froze as he looked into the other's eyes. He saw only seriousness and pure honesty. "B-but Lan Zhan! You can't be my caretaker! I'm only a servant! That means you would be serving me! That can't be happening. You are a Dragon Lord and I'm a lowly fox. I should be the one serving you!"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Am serious."

Wei Ying: "I know, Lan Zhan. It's just..." He paused, searching for the right words. "How can a lord serve a citizen? It makes no sense."

Lan Zhan sighed. "Wei Ying will be equal with me. No one will be able to take Wei Ying away or say anything against Wei Ying."

Wei Ying couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was baffled and dumbfounded all at once. He didn't know how to answer. His mind went blank. Lan Zhan kissed the other's forehead. Wei Ying gently grasped Lan Zhan's wrists and cried. Lan Zhan touched foreheads with him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying is my equal. Wei Ying is mine, and this one belongs to Wei Ying. We are equals. No one will ever make Wei Ying a servant again. Wei Ying is my ward."

Wei Ying continued to cry. He heard what Lan Zhan had said. He just couldn't believe it. He didn't believe anyone cared. There was Lan Zhan, waiting and willing to care for him and make him an equal. A lowly fox, without a family or a clan, being equals with a Dragon Lord. It seemed to good to be true.

Wei Ying finally responded, though it was somewhat broken apart with his crying. Lan Zhan understood him however. Wei Ying nodded, the tears streaming down his face. "Lan Zha-! you rea-y mean it?" Lan Zhan hummed.

Lan Zhan: "This one will never allow any harm to come to Wei Ying. Nor will this one allow anyone to touch Wei Ying without permission. Wei Ying is safe. Wei Ying is secured. Wei Ying has nothing to fear."

Wei Ying continued to cry. Lan Zhan held him close, the other's head against his chest. Wei Ying fell asleep again from crying so much. Lan Zhan kept watch over the young fox who was now his own.


Hope you're all enjoying the story❤️ I thought this scene was super adorable❤️🥺

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