Nightless City

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Wei Ying refused to move from his place for several days after the fire. He refused to eat anything to the point he grew thinner. He slept all day as his sleep at night was plagued with nightmares. He would awaken, sweating and his heart racing. He wouldn't sleep for the rest of the night, even with Lan Zhan comforting him and staying by his side. Even Yuan couldn't help. All Wei Ying did was hold him and cry silently.

One day, around a week later after the incident, Wei Ying gave up. Lan Zhan had no clue as to what to do or say to the poor fox. Not being good with words in the first place, all he could do was stay by the boy's side, until they decided to move on. Wei Ying ran away one morning. Lan Zhan and Yuan had awakened to find his bed empty, with no trace he had ever slept in it. The two grew very worried. If the shadowed man caught Wei Ying, they didn't know what the entity would do to him, but they couldn't allow that to happen! They packed up the camp and took off in search of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying was about four miles from Nightless City. He stood atop a large hill on the side of a mountain. From there, he had an excellent vantage point where he could study it without being caught. He created a large mirror with his qi, allowing him to see the city up close. He studied every inch and crevice of the city for hours, gathering intel on the change of guard and what hours it was busiest - anything which would give him an advantage.

He destroyed the mirror. Just as he did, a voice rang out, calling to him from a distance. "Wei Ying!"

"Where are you, Wei-Gege?!"

Wei Ying sighed. Those two would never give him a moment of peace, he knew, which is one reason he snuck off without telling them. He turned in time for Yuan to smash into him, giving him as much of a giant hug as he could for being small. Lan Zhan also embraced the fox boy as if he'd just found something precious he'd lost - which to Lan Zhan, Wei Ying was very precious.

Wei Ying sighed again. "You guys. I was going to return soon. Why did you search for me?"

Lan Zhan: "Was worried about what the shadowed man would try to do to Wei Ying," he whispered. "I cannot lose you," he spoke much softer.

Wei Ying was happy, but he was a bit annoyed at the same time, along with being completely embarrassed. "Alright. Alright. Let's go back. I'm hungry anyway."

Lan Zhan: "Cannot go back. Packed already. Will make camp here." Lan Zhan was happy Wei Ying wanted to eat. Wei Ying rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement.

Wei Ying: "I was studying the layout of the city and the people's habits. This way we can create and execute a plan without problems arising. Although, it is still a good idea to be prepared for any changes, known and unknown."

Lan Zhan hummed in response. He was busy stirring the pot of vegetables he'd sliced earlier. There was an entire deer on the spit, roasting to a golden brown. The scent wafted into Wei Ying's nose. His stomach growled rather loudly. He blushed from embarrassment. His mouth also watered at the sight of it. He could already taste the meat.

Yuan was laughing at him as the little boy watched the fox drool all over his face, a puddle having formed on the ground where Wei Ying was sitting. Wei Ying's stomach growled incessantly to the point Lan Zhan had to find a way to crave the poor fox's appetite. (That's what Wei Ying got for not eating for an entire week - even if he had been using inedia).

As soon as the meat was finished cooking, Wei Ying tried snatching it for himself. Lan Zhan stopped him, however, stating the fox needed to wait. Wei Ying pouted. Lan Zhan ignored it, but not without his ears having turned a deep red first from how adorable Wei Ying looked. Lan Zhan really wanted to pounce him, but he couldn't - especially with a child with them. Lan Zhan maintained control just barely.

That night, they stormed the city, entering the palace unseen. It surprised them how easy it was. There were no barriers or guards around as Wei Ying had seen before. Well, it was the changing of the guard, but Wen Ruohan normally had some forty or fifty guards set round the palace at night. Wei Ying began to wonder why the guards were not there. They had only seen around ten guards in total while atop the tower of the gate. He looked to Lan Zhan who nodded in agreement through their silent communication.

Wei Ying took one step forward and froze as the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hallways of the corridor. Someone clapped in sarcastic applause, the sounds drawing ever closer. Wei Ying had a bad feeling. Lan Zhan knew something was wrong and immediately stood between Wei Ying and the other, hiding Wei Ying behind himself in a protective manner.

The figure stood in the shadows, not wishing to reveal himself just yet.

Lan Zhan drew his sword, Bichen, pointing the blade at the shadow shrouded man. Wei Ying was shaking worse than if he were cold. He knew the presence very well. He stayed behind Lan Zhan, clinging to the robes of the dragon, nearly tearing them from the deep fear he felt. Lan Zhan wanted nothing more than to comfort the poor fox, but he would have to do it later as the situation called for more defensive measures.

The man shrouded in shadow stopped just before reaching the corridor. Not a single lamp was lit within the building. It was obvious the man loved living in darkness.

Man: "Well, well, well, well, well. Congratulations! I'm surprised you came at all. I was preparing to go fetch you myself, Wei...Wuxian..." He laughed manically. Wei Ying whimpered, his shivering growing worse. "Oh yes! I'm so glad you've come. Before I reveal myself, I have one last surprise for you."

He clapped his hands and a fleet of guards surrounded the pair. Wei Ying clung closer to the dragon, wrapping his arms securely around the other's waist. Lan Zhan stood steady, his sword raised and ready to defend his beloved ward. The guards all had their swords drawn as well. The man in shadow snapped his fingers. All at once an array lit at the pair's feet. When the light dimmed, the pair was shackled by the ankles.

Man: "Stow them away in the dungeon! If they resist, kill the dragon!"

The guards bowed in respect as he left. They stole away Lan Zhan's sword, Bichen. The pair was dragged off to the dungeon. At one point, one of the guards felt they weren't moving fast enough, so he shoved them. Lan Zhan stood steady as he was very physically strong, but Wei Ying fell to the floor. The guard who shoved them held a whip.

Guard: "Stand up, you ungrateful mutt!"

As the guard went to whip Wei Ying, Lan Zhan grabbed the whip and pulled it out of the guard's hand, burning it with his qi. A slight pain arose where his core was. Then it disappeared just as quickly.

Lan Zhan helped Wei Ying to stand. "Is Wei Ying alright?"

Wei Ying was shaking badly. "I-I'm f-fine...Lan Zhan..."

Lan Zhan wasn't having it. He lifted Wei Ying and carried him the rest of the way to the dungeon.

One of the guards sneered. "Look at them! It's disgusting! I don't know why the Lord is desiring these two, but I say we just kill them and have it over with!"

He was smacked in the back of the head by his fellow guardsman. "You dumbass! If we disobey the Lord's commands, we wound up dead just like those people in Yiling!"

Guard 2: "Hey! You're revealing too much!"

Guard 3: "Then shut up already! Don't worry about it. Once we have them in the dungeon, their memories will be erased anyway. Then the Lord will have his way with the fox and the dragon will be sold off for profit."

The two guards laughed. Lan Zhan had heard the entire thing. Wei Ying did as well as his grip around the dragon's neck tightened, his face digging into the crevice of Lan Zhan's neck. Lan Zhan sighed silently.

They finally reached the dungeon. The pair was thrown inside without a care, the door shut and locked without mercy. Lan Zhan gently sat on the cold, damp floor, caressing the other in his arms, trying his best to comfort and soothe him. All they could do then was wait for the right moment to take down Wen Ruohan and escape. There was no way in Hell Lan Zhan was going to allow anyone to have Wei Ying. He immediately began to scheme a plan, while Wei Ying slept.

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