A Gift For Wei Ying

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Lan Zhan paid for a single room with two beds at an inn once they entered the next town. He laid the sleeping Wei Ying on one of the beds, covering him with the blanket, and proceeded to depart to search the streets. As he wasn't good with communication, he only walked around, listening to the people's gossip. He knew it was against the rules, but it was his only way of finding information without having to ask questions.

At one of the stalls, he spied a peculiar object. It's shape was oblong, and it was coated in silver. Lan Zhan walked over to study it closely. He didn't wish to touch it, so he only stared at it. Curiosity grew inside him. He wanted to know what it was, but he didn't know how to ask without sounding cold.

The stall keeper saw the Lan's interest in the object and smiled. "You seem interested in this small thing. You have a wife you want to give it to?"

Lan Zhan was startled out of his thoughts. A wife? He wasn't even married yet! His mind flashed over to Wei Ying. He wondered if the fox would like something like that. "What is it?" he finally managed to ask.

The owner smiled. "Sir, have you never seen a woman's hair comb?" Lan Zhan shook his head. The woman sighed. "It's okay. Do you have someone in mind you would like to give it to?"

Lan Zhan imagined Wei Ying with the silver comb in his hair. The dragon's ears turned a light pink at the image. "Mn," he responded, nodding. He decided to purchase it. The lady wrapped it and tied a ribbon around it.

She handed the gift to him. "Whoever she is, I hope she loves it!" She shot him a bright smile.

Lan Zhan placed the present in his sleeve and proceeded to the inn to check on Wei Ying. When he arrived, the fox boy was still sleeping soundly. "Wei Ying," he called to the other, caressing their cheek.

Wei Ying's eyes fluttered open. He stretched and yawned. "Morning, Lan Zhan~" he said sleepily with a bright smile.

Lan Zhan made no mention of the fact it was already late afternoon. He pulled out the gift he'd purchased and gave it to the young fox. Wei Ying was bewildered. Why was Lan Zhan giving him a present? He gingerly accepted it and opened it slowly. He loved the red ribbon tied around the brown paper.

Wei Ying blushed, a light pink dusting his cheeks, as he stared at the object before him. "Lan Zhan...why are you giving me a silver woman's hair comb?" he inquired.

Lan Zhan felt his heart drop. The dejected expression showed in his eyes. "Does Wei Ying not like it?"

Wei Ying felt a pang of guilt. "No! No. I love it! I was only wondering as to why you would give me a gift? This must have been expensive, and it's not as though I'm anyone special."

Lan Zhan took the comb. Wei Ying was afraid he'd angered him in some way. Only Lan Zhan didn't say anything. Instead, he turned Wei Ying around, so his back was facing him. He loosened the ribbon, allowing the fox's long hair to fall completely, and proceeded to comb the other's hair.

Wei Ying thought Lan Zhan would punish him in some way, but the dragon only pampered him as always. Lan Zhan finished tying Wei Ying's hair. Only, he styled it in a bun, setting the comb at an angle inside it. Wei Ying marveled at the intricate design of flowers on it. Roses were carved into it, painted red to stand out from the silver.

Wei Ying blushed a deep red. "Lan Zhan! This is too much! I look like a woman!"

Lan Zhan hummed and nodded. "Wei Ying is more beautiful than a woman."

The statement made Wei Ying blush deeper. "Lan Zhan..." It left the fox's lips as a quiet whisper. His heart raced. "D-don't tease...like that..."

Lan Zhan: "Am not teasing. Speaking the truth."

Wei Ying felt as though his heart would leap out of his chest at any moment. He didn't know what to say. He was frozen in time, the words of the dragon echoing in his mind. His mind felt as though it would explode!

Lan Zhan was concerned. "Is Wei Ying alright?"

Wei Ying could only nod. "Just...feeling a bit tired today is all..."

Lan Zhan nodded. "Don't sleep anymore. Need to search for information."

Wei Ying only nodded slowly and yawned. "Lan Zhan. I don't know if I can go around looking like this in public..."

Lan Zhan kissed the other's forehead. "Wei Ying will be fine. Will cut down anyone who slanders my ward."

Wei Ying couldn't help the chuckle which left him at that moment. Lan Zhan thought the other was poking fun at him, but the statement which left their mouth spoke otherwise. "Lan Zhan! You truly are something special!" Lan Zhan calmed his emotions and smiled. Wei Ying froze, seeing that smile, and his mind blanked completely. "Lan Zhan. You know? You have a very nice smile!"

Lan Zhan: "Will fetch food." He left the room.

Wei Ying watched how gracefully the other walked. He couldn't help but to stare. He had seen them walk hundreds of times before, but never had he stopped to observe it, and Wei Ying found it to be - beautiful!

Wei Ying was caught off guard by the way he was staring. He quickly looked away from the door and to the floor, hiding his embarrassment. Lan Zhan returned sometime later with the tray of food. Seeing Wei Ying still in the bed, he grew concerned.

Lan Zhan checked on him. "Wei Ying...?"

The fox had fallen asleep again. He startled as he was shaken awake by a strong hand. He blinked a few times, his vision a bit clouded from being tired. As soon as it cleared, he said simply, "Oh...Lan Zhan...It's you..."

Lan Zhan knew the other was lazy and would sleep all day if allowed to, but this was something else entirely. He watched as the other's eyes slowly closed again. "Lan Zhan...I'm so...tired..."

Lan Zhan was very concerned. "Wei Ying. Wake up." No response. "Wei Ying?" He shook the fox only to receive no response still. "Wei Ying! Wake up!" Either the fox was ignoring him, or they had truly fallen into a deep slumber. Lan Zhan removed the comb and undid the other's hair.

Wei Ying slept through the night. Lan Zhan watched over him every second, never leaving his side.

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