Stars Fade Away

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Chapter Five
Stars Fade Away

Ooohh. I have a song for this chapter: Undone by Haley Reinhart

Oh also I haven't fully written chapter three. So I went back and wrote the rest. So if you'd like you can read it. I think it helps a lot because in chapter four she's already with Conrad in Talia's room.

So Yeah. Sorry.


Talia: Yo Melody. Where were you last night?

Talia: Melody? I didnt see you come back to the party.

Talia: Melody. replyy!!

Talia: Melody?

Talia: melody answer me

Talia: i can see your online

Talia: Melody!

Talia: what happened???

I scoff, like you don't know.

Talia: melody I WILL come to you if you dont reply

I get up from my desk and lock my dorm door. Sliding a chair under knob and checking the time. 8:00am my watch says. Nine 'o' clock is my lecture for Design Class. Fun. Another notification from Skype from Talia pops in the right hand corner of my laptop.

Talia: why aren't you replying??? What did i do?

I ignore the messages, she calls. The annoying Skype call sound fills the room. I groan ending the call. I don't have time for this right now, I key. My figure hovering over the enter button. I press it- immediately she answers.

Talia: but what did i do?

Melody: You know exactly what you did.

Talia is typing . . .

I semi-close the screen sliding off the bed to keep my mind off that topic. I open the patio doors and a gust of English wind blows through my hair and my loose papers on my desk fly across my room. I chuckle lightly, stepping out into England's somewhat summer air.

I hunch over the railing, resting my arms on the cool steel railing. So this is what feeling lonesome feels like.

I stare ahead at the field, flashes of last night appear in my head. Images of him. I close my eyes, shaking my head furiously trying to forget. Get it together.

"I had a dream the other night,
About how we only get one life . . . "

I run back inside my room, picking up my phone and checking the caller id.


I end the call looking at the time in the process. 8:25. I unlock my phone, she calls again. I end the call, accidentally-somehow-playing a song in the process.

A familiar piano tune plays its way into my mind stopping me from skipping the song.

I'm sorry, I'm really a mess right now
I'm trying my best to get it together somehow
I can't stay this way, locked up in this pain that you left me
I'm unraveling- looking for things that will never be

I toss my phone onto my bed, sitting on the edge and picking up my laptop.

Talia: what did he do

Melody: so you knew

She replies after a while. Obviously already thought of what to say if I ask.

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