One More Time

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Chapter Fifty Five
One More Time


The bubbles build up from the pit of my stomach, going up my oesophagus. I jump out of bed, out of the tangle of arms and legs.

I stumble to the nearest door, praying it leads to a bathroom. I thank God that it is. Collapsing in front of the toilet, purging. The alcohol draining from my bowels.

I close my eyes, the tears materialising.

My hair falls around me, creating a curtain. My body jerks as I cough up spit. I ache everywhere, especially down below.

The sensations build again and I balance between holding my hair and keeping myself upright on my knees against my jerking body. But lean hands take my hair, pulling it away from my face.

I clean the tears of my face, wiping it on my bare thigh. I bite my lips, turning my head to get ready to apologise and also thank the person.

But I see his green eyes and I stutter with my words slipping off my tongue. Changing it into completely new words.


I backpedal to the wall and his hands release my hair. He crouches down to my level in just his boxers.

Shit shit shit.

I bite lip, hard. Inflicting pain somewhere to take my mind of the fact I slept with him.

"B-but you were with s-someone e-else," I whisper, willing myself to think this is a dream. "I-I saw you. Your hair-" He got a haircut.

Fucking idiot.

I bring my knees to my chest, using the wall to help me bring my shaking knees to stand. He touches my arm, I snake it away.

"Don't touch me." I spit, looking down at my half naked body. I burn against the cold wall, finding no safe haven in my head.

Fucking asshole. Fucking idiot. Getting drunk like that. What were you thinking? Oh there's a party afterwards! I have to fucking go, Conrad is obviously going to be fucking there. Both of you fucking drunken off your fucking minds. Nothing could possibly fucking happen, right Melody?

"I thought you knew." He whispers. Running a hand through his hair.

His fucking shortened hair.

I dig my nails into my palm. The bubbling feeling in the pit of my stomach gone. "I didn't fucking know, Conrad. Why the fuck did you even do it in the first place? What the fuck made you think to take advantage of me?"

"I didn't take advantage of you!" He defends. "I thought you knew, Melody. I didn't know you were fucking thinking I was with someone else, you were just leading me on. I barely even had a-"

I go for the toilet again, barfing right there and right now. He goes down for my hair. I fucking scream, making him flinch and step back.

"Don't you fucking touch me, Conrad Jennings. Don't you fucking dare." I retract from the basin. Flushing what was once in my stomach.

I go to the sink, washing my mouth.

"So what now, Melody?" He says in annoyance. "Are you going to fucking going to try to forget? Tell yourself everything you've heard before but never listened?"

I ignore him, the pain digging a hollow in my stomach.

"What are you going to do, Melody?"

He takes my arm, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I don't know!" I say pulling myself out of his touch. "Leave!"

I stalk to his bedroom, taking no effort in looking around. I head straight to the door, picking up my clothes. I go for my pants first. The vibrations within me murderous.

"Leave and do what? Get drunk again just so you can forget again? Thinking maybe this time you'll head straight home to sob into your pillow? Is that what you do every time something happens? Cry, and fucking regret?"

I pull my my hoodie straight over my bra. He can fucking keep my remaining clothes.

I stuff my socks in my shoes, holding them in my hands. I take a step to the door but he takes my hand, harshly turning me to face him.

"Leave me alone!" I shout, tears fall from my eyes. "Don't you fucking see that I don't have a response? That I can't fucking talk about this?" My voice breaks erratically between words.

But he won't stop. He pulls me into his arms. And I try my best to escape. Pleading words. Let me go, please, don't, no, Conrad, I can't. He withstands, resisting against my hands on his chest. My nails burying into his skin.

And I'm left with his head on my head, his arms around my shoulders. Breathing him in.

Why didn't I see this before? Feel this before?

"It hurts," he murmurs pressing his lips to my head, "when you do those things."

What things?

"Say things like you usually do after something happens." He sighs into my hair, the caress sending chills down my spine. "You change so quickly, Mel." His voice shatters me inside, his tone and embrace cutting me with knifes straight at my heart. "You change and act like everything between us never happened."

How does it hurt? You did the same thing with me. Left me for granted.

"I-I just get so lost in the moment, Mel. I forget my boundaries. I forget things- I forget you haven't said yes."

I step away from his arms. From the warmth flourishing. But I keep looking at his eyes. Padding further away from him. "I-I can't."

"Melody," his eyes shine in the dim lighting. The sunlight blocked by shut curtains. I don't think anyone's eyes shine without tears. "Please."

I suck in a breath, my hand clasping around the handle.


The alcohol cleared up one part for me that was fucked up. Cleaned and scraped it raw.

Don't you see I can't hold the feelings down anymore? Don't you see that I feel the same way too? Don't you see I can't let them show?

I turn the handle, sprinting down the hallway. I wait for his voice, for the sounds of my name but they don't happen.

The tears fall and spread down my cheeks like webs. I reach into my pocket, pulling out my keys. My bare feet pad silently down the paved streets, my shoes left by his door.

Don't you see I fucking LOVE you too?


I thought about ending the book like this. Not the series. No man, I have a hell load of scenes and events that need to happen before I end this series.

- Naaty

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