I Could Take You

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Chapter Forty One
I Could Take You

Remember the midnight memories Mel.
The screaming lights.


We arrived on Sunday afternoon. Mum, being the amazing person she is, said Talia's staying with us. And with everything in my mind and the jet lag, I slept until three in the afternoon on Monday.

And worst part was the moment I woke up everything hit me at once. Flashes of everything from coming home from Alex's house to handing Conrad his jersey. His jersey that is still draped over the backrest of my desk chair.

But today is Tuesday. And I'm sitting watching last years movies with a tub of ice cream in my lap.

"Melody," Talia calls from the kitchen. I haven't had more than a one word conversation with her, only when my parents around I pull on a smile and move onto one sentence. No more, no less.

The door swings open, revealing my escape plan. "We're leaving in ten minutes, will you please put on a proper shirt."

I pull the blanket further up my chest, covering my red camisole.

"Eh," I say setting the empty tub underneath the coffee table.

"Conrad's going to be here-" she's interrupted by several short knocks on the door. I turn, as if by telekineses I could magically open the door.

Talia sighs loudly, picking the two backpacks and putting one strap over her shoulder. She opens the door with her one free hand, "she's not moving, she's refusing to."

Conrad steps in and I flip back to the to the T.V. screen. Turning their voices into background noise. But their sounds penetrate my concentration.

"She's pissed off. Why is she always in a mood whenever something happens between you two."

"She's not mad, but I'll look into it. Isn't she going to chan-"

"She's not!" Talia exclaims, I follow her footfalls to the door. "Melody we need to fucking leave, can you get off your ars-"

"I'll handle it," my eyes widen at the movie, "you head for the car, I'll talk to her."

"Wait," I hear the realisation in her voice. I feel the relief as my heart beats faster.

"It's fine Tal, I'll talk to her. Wait in the car, we'll only be a couple of minutes."

"Don't do anything stupid," Talia says slowly shutting the door. Shutting the door against this situation. We're alone Talia. There's a fucking bedroom a few meters from here.

How do I know he won't just undress me, touch me and then dress me in different clothes again? Why the fuck would you close the door Talia?

He walks in front of me, picking the remote of the coffee table and turning of the T.V. My breathing chain splinters. Escaping in short exhales through my slightly parted lips.

There's a ringing silence banging on my ear drums.

"How do you want to do it," he starts, "the easy way or the hard way."

That seems like such a cliché movie line the villain would say, before do you have any last words, _____ ? I would say yes, and spit on the person. But that's just me.

"What's the difference?" I say.

"Do I really need to answer that?"

I swallow the lump in my throat, but it forms again. My eyes dart to the stairs, to the sanctuary in my room. Already without planning, I rush to the stairs.

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