My 'Date' With Jack

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Chapter Ten
My 'Date' With Jack

Does this remind you of a chapter in Walls Up?
My 'Date' With Conrad?

GUESS WHAT?! I read Gone Girl :P that's not really surprising as I'm such a big reader but it's an amazayn accomplishment to me . . . Andddd I watched the movie a few days ago *shudder*. Let me just tell you something. IT IS SCARY. Not like horror movie scary, like murder and a lot of blood scary.

AND. Zayn left 1D. That's it. I'm literally crying, as I write this. Fuck man.


This is a bad idea. Not just going on a date with Jack but actually dating him.

Is it?

I chew on the inside of my cheek as Jack drives us to the cinema.

Didn't Kyle take me to the cinema the week before Con-

No Melody. You can't bring this up now. Your in a car with Jack- your boyfriend. I take Jack's hand in mine just to take my mind off those thoughts.

His phone buzzes and he takes his hand out of mine to pull it out of his pocket. He switches hands so his right hand is on the wheel and his hand- near the window is typing the reply.

Who is it?

Crazily enough I get a wrong feeling about this. About who he's talking to. Why would he switch his hands? But I shake the feelings off when he slips his phone into his left pocket and turns his head and smiles. I return the gesture with no side thoughts.


"I'm going to call her unless you do it."

"I can't, Conrad."

"Yes you can, Talia."

He takes my phone out of my hand and pulls up her contact. "Call her."

I take the phone out of his hands. "Get out then I will."

He clenches his hands around mine. "No, I want to hear what she has to say."

I sigh in defeat. So stubborn.


Sometime though the movie Jack catches my attention and kisses me before I had the chance to move in for it.

"I'll never hurt you Melody, I won't be like Jack or Kyle, I'll be over-protective, I'll be whatever you want."

"Why?" I had to ask. "I'm not a cheerleader, I'm not like all the others."

"That's the thing, your unique," he runs his thumbs up and down my cheek. "I can't help myself to be around you."

"Why," I say.

"Because I'm in love with you Melody."

Something hard hits me in the chest. Not physically. I pull away, moving my head to the side. He doesn't act effected. He tries to kiss me again but I block his lips with my cheek. He clenches his jaw, brushing it off and stares ahead at the screen. I look at the screen my body trembling.

My nose prickles; like it always does when I'm about to cry. But I stop myself, sniffling and wiping my nose briefly with my free hand.

Another throb in my chest. I look down at my stomach and everything seems normal. Then I realize what my minds trying to tell me. Instead of a thought it replays a memory of Kyle.

"There's something I need to tell you. That night when I left with Talia, before we left, Conrad told me something."

"What did he say?"

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