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Chapter Thirty Five
Space |Day Three In Hospital|


I watch him as he pulls up his pants. I hand him his shirt from beside my bed. Quickly returning shutting the door behind me. I blush as he fiddles with the hem of the shirt. Slipping it over his head.


I panic, "one minute!" I call out to the woman on the other side of my door. Conrad widens his eyes. One handily, I push him into the offed shower, shutting the door making him look like a part of the wall through the fogged glass.

I grab another towel, quickly switching it and throwing the wet one into the shower. Conrad catches it, giving me a seriously? look.

I smile apologetically, opening then door with a exhausted smile.

"Melody, so sorry to disturb you, you weren't currently in the shower were you?" The nurse who gives me my food looks in, gazing at the shower, I block her view with my body.

"I was," she apologises, "its fine, what was it?"

"Breakfast," she points to the trolley sitting outside the door. I look at the clock opposite the room, eight fifty five am it reads. Conrad's lecture is at ten.

I look to left at the shower, the nurse gives me a weird look, peering in at fogged glass that thankfully doesn't let people see through.

"Anything wrong?" The nurse asks, taking a inch step closer. I bite my bottom lip, my body trembling. Want would they do if they find a boy in my shower? Ban him from visiting? Stop my treatment?

I can't say nothing now, I've wasted too much time. "The water," I say before I can even think about it. "It's cold."

"You poor thing," she smiles sweetly, touching my shoulder, "you have to leave it on for a while before going in. How about turning it on now, and have your breakfast while it heats."

Inside, my stomach flips. I smile innocently, biting my bottom lip as I nod walking over to the shower. I look back over my shoulder at her, she continues to smile. Fuck fuck fuck. I reach the shower, sliding open the door.

She doesn't see Conrad but I do. He looks at me with wide green eyes that I respond with a small sorry smile. I turn on the shower, watching as the water soaks Conrad, I can't stop my smile watching as he gets wet with lukewarm water. He drops the towel he's holding.

I slide close the fogged door. Turning to the nurse, "it's really good that you've started walking. Greg will come in about an hour for a brace for your back to prevent the stitches from becoming undone as they set in your skin."

"Okay then," I walk out the bathroom door, closing it behind my back. The nurse flashes me a wink and I catch a glance at her name tag- Scarlett- as she turns around at the door.

"Would you like breakfast now or after you get the brace?"

"After," I say, "please."

"Okay then," she nods and I close the door once I'm sure she won't say anything else.

Then I run to the bathroom door, swinging it open. Conrad stands in the middle of the room looking pissed off as ever.

"I'm so sorry," I mumble unable to contain my smile watching him shiver in his drenched clothes stuck to his skin.

"'The water is cold'?" He repeats, "really? The water is fucking cold. That's your great coverup?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not good at covering up my emotive like you," I fold my arms over my chest, holding the towel in place. "Its not like you could do any better."

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