bad days

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you slowly opened your eyes, the sun was nearly gone as the sun began to set. you slowly sat up, your back was in pain, you must have slept on it wrong. you pushed your legs over the bed, your feet touching the floor. you stood up and walked to the door, your hand touched the doorknob. it was cold to the touch, you sighed as you opened the door. you walked out and headed to the kitchen, it was quiet it didn't feel right. 

'thump, thump, thump, thump' your footsteps as quiet as a mouse, though it still made a small noise that you heard.

your heart began to speed up, you had no idea why. where you were scared, you thought to yourself. you took in a deep breath, it was going to be fine you been threw worse. you stopped at the stairs, you took in another deep breath before walking down the stairs. 

'thump, thump, thump, thump' you stopped halfway as you heard a sound, like someone scrubbing something. 

you took another breath before walking down the stairs, you sighed as you got to the bottom of the stairs. you stopped as you saw Evan washing the wall with a bucket next to him.

"you're awake," he said as he kept his eyes on the wall.

" yea, couldn't sleep anymore," you said as you walked to Evan.

" The kids are with Vinnie at the park, they'll be back in an hour," Evan said as he dipped the S.O.S pad in the bucket that had Mr. clean in it.

you nodded and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

" food is in the fridge, Vinnie made enough for you," he said as he scrubbed off the drawing off the wall.

you nodded and grabbed an empty glass cup before filling it up with water, you took a sip of the cool water. you sighed as the water washed down the guck from the back of your throat, you smiled as the once dried throat was now moist. you finished the drink before walking to the fridge, you grabbed the bowl full of food before sitting down and eating it. a smile crawled on your face, the food was heavenly.

" so how was your sleep (Y/n)" he asked as he dipped the pad in the bucket before scrubbing the wall.

" It was good, haven't slept like that in a while," you said with a mouth full.

he nodded as he got the last of the canyon off the wall, he smiled as he put the pad in the bucket before getting up and bringing the bucket to the bathroom. he grabbed the pad and threw it in the sink before dumping the dirty cleaner in the toilet, he placed the bucket in the tub before heading out of the bathroom.

" so how was the cleaning," you asked as you placed the last bit of food in your mouth.

" good, I guess most of the skin on my hands has been scrapped off," he said as he sat down placing his head on the table.

you nodded as you pat his head.

" Thanks, that's much better," he said sarcastically.

you chuckled as you grabbed your bowl before putting it in the sink, washing it with cold water before putting it away.

" How did the kids treat you," you asked him.

" good, they were nice. Vinnie helped me with the twins, they were the most difficult" he said as he sat up and looked at you with a smile.

" you should get some sleep," you said with a small smile.

he nodded and got up, heading to his room to get some sleep. he was tired of the hard work of cleaning the wall and watching four kids. you sat back down and looked at your hands, you began to think. life was cruel especially to you, Vinnie, and Evan, you always wondered what your life would have been if you never met your husband, if you had a happy normal life. you sighed as you looked out the window, it would have been boring or something bad would eventually happen. it always does, it something that your family has; like it is a curse that won't leave like it was always there. you sighed as you got up and walked to the living room, you turned on the tv and watched the news. you sighed as you watched the same old thing, everything was bad, it always bad, very rare to find good things on the news. you looked at the woman on the screen, she looked so young and happy but through her eyes, they were full of sadness; there was no life like she was on autopilot. you knew how to tell when people had them, you used to have eyes like that. that only had sad, or basically had no life.

" anyways on the news there was a car accident that took two people out of the world, David (L/n) and Sarah (L/n) died due to a drunk driver who was on the wrong side of the road. sadly they left behind their niece the only one left as the second one is missing. though we will pay respect to them at the community hall tomorrow at 9 pm as everyone in the city will hold a candle to show their respect." the women said, you only rolled your eyes.

well, today only got worse, now your aunt and uncle are dead; though you didn't really care. they never looked for you, they never noticed you only your eldest sister who was the stare of everything she did. they stopped talking to you after your parents died as they were the only reason they came, they wanted money from your parents. they blocked you when they found out you were pregnant, they hated your guts as you weren't 'perfect. you really didn't care, you hated them too. you sighed as you turn off the tv and walked to the bookshelf grabbing the biggest book before going to the couch and reading it. you had better things to do than sympathy with them, they didn't deserve it. you sighed as you got up and put the book back before heading to the bedroom to get some sleep, the mood was ruined.

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