First Day

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Buzzz. Buzzz.

Jimin was woken up by my annoying alarm. He groan and sat up and stretch my arms up. He look at the alarm. 7:20. Fuck! He quickly stand up not fizing his bed and go to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

He just got a new job to a famous Company as a secretary of the CEO there. And he want to be as early as he can. He was excited because its his dream job but nervous at the same time. He also think that the CEO won't like him because he wasn't the one interviewed him.

Once he finished bathing, he immediately dry his self and wear his now ready suit cuz why not. The interviewer said he can wear whatever he want for the first day, but he also want to impressed the CEO.

Once he was sure his everything's fine, including his hair, suit, and whatever, he immediately made his way to the bus station and get ready for his first day.


Jimin finally manage to get to the building. Min Corp. He look at his watch, 8:00am. Early as he planned. He was supposed to be at the Company at 9. And as i told you, he want to impressed the CEO.

He ran to the entrance and showed his id. "Oh, so youre the new secretary huh? Park Jimin." The guard said reading his id. Jimin shyly nodded as the guard gave back his id. "I wish you the best kid. Mr. Min can be a monster when he wants to." The guard warned, sounding a little scared making Jimin gulp.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Jimin stutter. But the guard just look at him and smiled. "You'll see." And with that, the guard look down and continued to read his newspaper. Jimin sighed and completely entered the building.

"Hey Park Jimin!" He heard a shout from his back. He turned around and just to see the one who interviewed him. "Oh Hoseok hyung its so nice to see you again." He greet as the man was beside him.

"Same as you Jimin-ssi. And please, just call me Hobi or hyung. Its not that im on a higher rank here." Hoseok chuckled making Jimin chuckle too. "Oh and by the way." Hoseok blurted as he give Jimin a file.

He opened it and frown. "Mr. Min's informations and a list to avoid making Mr. Min annoyed." Hoseok explained. Jimin nodded as he read the file.

Name: Min Yoongi

Age: 25

Father: Min Youngjae
Mother: Min Seulgi

Day of birth: March 9th 1993

Place of birth: Daegu Town

Live alone at a mansion in xxxxx

Likes: Rapping, tangerine, black coffee, peace

Dislikes: Noises, crowded people

Own the company at the age: 20
Reasons: His father died because of cancer, and his the only child

Fears: ?

Preferred: Black suits(any brands)

List to not annoy him.

1.) Don't be late.
2.) Knock before you come in to his office.
3.) Finish the reports in time.
4.) Don't disturb him, especially when hes sleeping.
5.) Buy him a black coffee(only black) and tangerine to relieve his stress.
6.) Call him Mr. Min all the time.
7.) Don't annoy him.
8.) When he calls for you, you should be by his side immediately.
9.) Don't ever, EVER disrespect him.
10.) Give whatever he wants from you.
11.) Dont stare at him that long, he can feel it.
12.) Dont sit next to him, only in meetings
13.) Good luck :)

Jimin read the rules repeatedly. He just wish he don't break one of this rules. He really need this job. Once he was in his office, he immediately start working.

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