Car and The Meeting and new Friends

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It was hours ago since he saw Mr. Min, but he's still flustered. He just finished some of papers, and he was sure he'll get into trouble.

He jumped when suddenly the door slammed open revealing a masculine men. "Please pack some papers Mr. Park." One of the men said. Jimin frown and widen his eyes as he realized...Shit!



"You finally showed up Park." Jimin gulp at the CEO's voice. He sound annoyed. "A-I'm sorry Mr. Min. It won't happened again." Jimin said then bowed apologically. "All of my secretaries said that, and look what happened to them." Mr. Min hiss making Jimin and the men tremble.

A men open the car for Mr. Min as Jimin made his way at the passenger sit next to the driver. "And where do you think are you going Park?" The CEO asked crossing his arms. "Uhm, getting in?" Jimin said unsure.

Yoongi clicked his tongue, disappointed. "Youre sitting beside me." He said. Some of the men and Jimin was shock at this. "B-but-"

"I said what i said."

The CEO snapped. Jimin nods and made his way beside the CEO. Once he was in, the men closed the door and the car immediately start and drove.


The drive was 50 minutes long before they arrived to their destination. The driver get out and open the door for them. Jimin was the first to come out, followed by the CEO.

He look up the building. It was also huge but his workplace were bigger and taller. "We're at the Jin-hit Entertainment. Sound familiar?" The CEO asked looking at Jimin who was busy staring at the building.

Jimin snap out and look at his boss and look down embarrassed. "W-well, i heard it before, but didn't know anything about it. I only know that the CEO named it after his husband, Kim Seokjin." Jimin explained trying to loosen his blush.

Yoongi chuckled. Cute. Wait what? What is he thinking? Did he just found his secretary cute? He shook off his thoughts and make his way to the building, his secretary following.


Jimin and Yoongi were finally at the meeting place. It looked fancy, and too much pink. They sat to a random seat greeting some people who was already there and waited for the other businessmen to arrive.

"Hello." Jimin turn to his side just to see a smiling strger at him. "Uhm..hi?" He greet back. The stranger giggled "Im guessing youre Mr. Min's new secretary aye." The stranger said.

Jimin just nodded with a smile. "I'm Kim Taehyung by the way, Mr. Jeon's secretary." Taehyung reach for Jimin's hand as Jimin accepted it. "Park Jimin, you already know who's my boss." They both giggled.

They also both jumped when they heard a cough to Jimin's side. It was Mr. Min, moving at his seat and fixing his suit but not looking at them. Jimin look at him confused but Taehyung just smirked.

"Mr. Kim, mind to tell me why youre holding Mr. Min's secretary's hand?" A man beside Taehyung asked. It was Mr. Jeon. Taehyung and Jimin immediately let go of their hands. "Sorry Mr. Jeon, i was just being friendly." Taehyung pout.

Mr. Jeon chuckle and pat his secretary's head. "Its okay kitten." Jimin's jaw dropped. Mr. Jeon just called his secretary a nickname. Jimin look over at his boss, as the boss just nodded. Guess they're dating huh.

The door opened revealing a middle aged man with a man in all pink clinging on his left arm. They all stand up and bowed to them. "Sorry if we're late ladies and gentlemen." The CEO of the building, Kim Namjoom said as he sat on the main chair.

They all look at the man in all pink as the man gasped. "Why is there a cutie here?" The man said looking at Jimin. Jimin feel all eyes are on him and look down.

But they all took off their eyes on him as Mr. Min glared to all of them. Even them are scared of him. Except the man in all pink. "Yoongi honey, be a good boy and let me borrow him later okay?" The man in all pink said blinking his eyes repeatedly.

Yoongi just glared at him. "My answer is no Kim Seokjin, now just go to the point and start the meeting." He hiss making the people gulp including the head CEO of the meeting. And with that, the meeting started, the man in all pink smirking all the time looking at Yoongi and Jimin.

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