Mr. Min is blushing?

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Jimin made his way to Mr. Min's office carrying a Black coffee and some sweets. He knocked at the door and heard a 'C-come in.' Weird. Mr. Min started to stutter a lot. Is he sick?

Jimin opened the door and froze.


Hes so red. Now he was sure that his sick. He crossed his arms. "What on earth youre doing here?" Jimin asked. The CEO looked at him confused. "B-because im the CEO?" Yoongi stutter. Jimin click his tongue and shook his head, disappointed.

He place down the coffee and sweets on the table. "Doesn't mean youre the CEO, you should always work." Jimin said making the CEO more confused and more red. Jimin sighed "Are you sick Mr. Min?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi's right eyebrow furrowed. "Pardon?" He asked. "I said are you sick?" Jimin asked louder this time. Yoongi shook his head. "No, why?" He respond. Jimin frown.

"Then...why are you so red?"


"Thats so embarrassing!" Jimin whine burrying his face to his small hands. Hoseok chuckle. "No its not. You totally sounded like a wife, his wife." Hoseok joked but seing Jimin deeply blushed make him realized.

"Omo, d-do you like Mr. Min?" Hoseok exclaimed smiling like an idiot. Jimin widened his eyes and blushed even more. "O-of course not, im just worried that hes sick. Hes probably very tired since he have a lot of work to do." Jimin explained.

"If you say so. But i think Mr. Min likes you." Hoseok said smiling at the younger. Jimin frown. "Why would say that?" Jimin asked. Hoseok chuckle.

"Well, first things first, you make him blush and a stutter mess. Jimin, i work here for 3 years, and its the first time i heard Mr. Min blushed. Second things second, his secretary only stayed for a day." Jimin was shocked. If Mr. Min's past secretaries just stayed for a day, how would it total since the day he became CEO?

Jimin just chuckle "Oh c'mon Hobi hyung, don't joke around about this situation." He said but Hoseok just look at him seriously. "A-are you really serious!?" Jimin exclaimed. Hoseok sighed and look at the window.


"I think youre changing him."

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