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Yoongi made his way to Jimin's door, nervous. He had to convince Jimin to take a pregnancy test. Dont get him wrong, he's happy that he's gonna be a dad but nervous at the same time. He isn't sure if Jimin was really pregnant because of the sickness and attitude. And Jimin's a guy.

He need to make sure his lover is pregnant. "Jimin! I brought some...cake and ice cream." He called as his mother said to buy those food as she knows pregnant people loves it.

In a second, he heard their rooms door open as Jimin ran to him. "Oh my god! I've been craving for this. How'd you know?" Jimin asked with a sparkly eyes that made Yoongi coo and nervous.

"Oh uhm..i just guess sorry, i scold you earlier. Im just really worried you know." Yoongi admit hugging Jimin's waist. "Aww..its alright, im sorry too, i must be too much to handle. Its all okay now, love you." Jimin peck Yoongi's lips as the older said "I love you too." while their lips still connected.

Then, Yoongi remembered something. "And uhmm..once you finish eating some sweets, go to the room immediately okay? I have something to tell you." Yoongi said makibg Jimin worry as he sound serious. Jimin nod and happily dive in the sweets.


Like Yoongi told him to, Jimin made his way to now their room just to see Yoongi sitting on the bed with...a pregnancy test? Did Yoongi cheat on him and made someone pregnant?

"Is-is that.." he pointed at the pregnancy test on Yoongi's hand. "Before you said something about me got someone pregnant, let me explain." Yoongi start. Jimin nodded and sat beside him.

"Okay so..uhm..this sound so weird but this pregnancy test is for you." Yoongi admit. Jimin frown. "Based on my mom, she experienced all your feeling right now and told me to buy you a test." Yoongi hand Jimin the test.

"Just give it a try yeah?" Yoongi said. Jimin hesitate but nodded. "I-i don't know how tho." Jimin admit making Yoongi chuckle at his cuteness. "Come, i'll help you."


Yoongi and Jimin patiently waited for a beep sound. Its been a minute but the test doesn't beep yet. Until-

Beep! Beep!

The two stumbled their way to the pregnancy test. The look at each other.

"Want to see the result?"

"I-im scared Yoongi."

"Shh, its okay." Yoongi kissed the top oh his head as Jimin flip the pregnancy test so they could find out the result.


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