Day off

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Jimin woke up first because of the sunrise hitting his face. He tried to sat up but failed as a strong pain in his lower part and back met him. Then, je remembered what happened last night.


" won't fit.."

"Dont worry baby, we'll make it fit."

"AHH!! Hurts! Hurts!"

"Shhh...its alright baby..tell me when i can move yeah?"

"Y-you can move..."

"I'll make you forget that man Jimin, i promise.."

"Ngh~ f-faster please-ahh~"

"As your wish princess."


He blush madly and look at the naked man beside him. The man looked so peaceful, he still look pretty even hes just sleeping. Unfair.

He tried and tried to stand up but failed as the pain got stronger. 'How many rounds did we do it?' As he was trying harder, he heard a chuckle behind him.

"Guess i made a good job last night 'aye?" Yoongi tease. Jimin just roll his eyes and keep trying. He smiled triumphantly when he manage to stand up, but it soon faded when he fall to the ground.

Yoongi just laugh his ass out as Jimin was cursing him. "The heck you laughing? Help me! This is your fault, you know." He state, trying to sound angry. But to Yoongi's ears, he sound like a cute kitten.

Yoong chuckle and made his way to Jimin and helped him by carrying him in bridal style. "W-what are you doing!? You can put me down now." Jimin ordered. But the CEO was very stubborn and made his was to the bathroom.

"Lets shower together."


As they finish showering, Jimin panicked while Yoongi stared at him confused. "D-dont we have a work today? Oh my god, im sore.." Jimin whine.

But the whiny eyes become glare as Yoongi laugh at him, again. "No, silly. We have a day off today. Since an event happened, all workers we'll rest. Just today though. Wait, did you forgot everything happened last night at the event?" Yoongi asked, hoping he would say yes.

Jimin nod his head. "Kinda? I only remembered making a speech...and our activity last night." Jimin blush saying the last part, making the CEO coo at him.

"Your so cute when youre blushing."

"I'm not."


"So, what do you want to do today?" Yoongi asked. "I don't really know. Im still sore for fuck sake." Jimin said soon hissing when he sat beside Yoongi.

"Im sorry, i must've been hard last night." Yoongi apologized resting his head on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin look at the ceiling. Something happened to them last night. What are they now? Should he bring it up now? Or maybe wait till his boss say something? He doesn't even know if his boss were dating someone, secretly. He slept with his boss, a well known CEO, he probably missed up.

Little did he know, Yoongi was thinking the same as him.

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