Event(gone wrong)

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September 10, 2021

The event finally come, and so is the invited businessmen/women. Jimin was the one greeting them from the entrance.

"Oh hey Jimin, nice to see you again!" What he remembered Seokjin exclaimed hugging him tightly. "I-its nice to see you too hyung, its been a while." Jimin said trying to breath.

Seokjin's husband, Namjoon chuckled and tried to grab his husband away from Jimin so he could breath. "I apologize for his behavior Mr. Park, hes been energetic lately. Especially when he heard hes seeing you again." Namjoon chuckled as he look at his husband who was still hugging Jimin's arm.

The three of them turn around when they heard someone cough. "Kindly distance yourself from Mr. Park please." Yoongi warned glaring at the man in all pink. Jin just giggled and attach his self to his husband and made their way inside.

Yoongi's arms made its way to Jimin's shoulder. "Yoongi don't do that, not here and now." Jimin whispered smiling awkwardly at the guests. But the CEO was stubborn and didn't listen.


The event will finally start for a minute. Jimin and Yoongi made their way to their sits, beside Mrs. Min.

Jimin felt weird as he feel someone was staring at him. He look around but no one were looking at him before making eye contact with someone. The man was wearing some expensive things(well duh) while smirking at him.

Jimin gulp and look away, his palms already sweating. "Is everything alright Jimin?" His boss worriedly ask noticing his sudden change. Jimin look at him and smiled awkwardly. "I'm perfectly fine, just nervous for my speech later." He lied.

Yoongi nod and smiled. But he can tell it something was wrong but shrugg it off.


The event were going very well. Jimin and Yoongi finally made their speech as the event proceed. Jimin still feel the man's eyes on him all the time. And it was a weird feeling.

"Mr. Min, im just going to the restroom. I'll be back." Jimin excused earning a nod from his boss. He immediately ran to the restroom.

Jimin was currently washing his hands as he heard the door was being locked and he quickly turn around.

The man who was staring at him earlier come near to him.

"Why hello there pretty boy."


Yoongi was tapping his foot, waiting for Jimin to come back. But the boy didn't came back. "Mom, im'ma just check up on Jimin." Mrs. Min just nodded also worried about the boy's disappearance.

Yoongi quietly made his way to the restroom. "Jimin?" He called, trying to find the boy. But failed, until he heard some whimpers.

"Try to make some noise, you'll see." He heard a man said, and the whimpers sounded like Jimin's.

"J-jimin! Jimin is that you!?" Yoongi yelled as he tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Y-yoongi?! Yoongi help!! Yoo-AH!"

"Shit! Jimin!! Fuck!"

Yoongi tried and tried but failed, and did what he had to. He strongly kicked the door and successfully breaking it.

And what made his eyes twitch when he saw the man straddling Jimin, his Jimin. "GET OFF YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON HIM!" Yoongi ranged as he charged the man. Yoongi was strong enough to separate the man from Jimin, even tho the man was bigger than him.

He started punching the man's face repeatedly, making the man's nose bleed and cheeks puff.

"Y-yoongi stop!" Jimin said trying to stop Yoongi but the older just pushed him and continued punching the man. Jimin ran to the door and started yelling for some help.

Luckily, there's some people there and immediately ran for him. The people ran to Yoongi and separate him from the man who was about to pass out.

"No! Get off me! I'm not done with that asshole!!" He screamed trying to free his self and punch the man who touched his property.

Speaking of his property, Jimin got infront of him and cupped his cheeks making him stop. "Y-yoongi stop, im f-fine." The younger whispered trying to calm his hyung down. yoongi stopped moving and hugged Jimin.

"Im so sorry Jimin, i didn't protect you. Im sorry." He cried, burrying his face on his secretary's neck, inhaling his scent. The younger hugged him back and whispered 'its okay' over and over.


The event continued but Jimin wants to go home already. Yoongi decided to drive him home, scared that he'll get in a trouble again. Jimin said he's fine by his self but the CEO was stubborn and didn't listen to him.

40 minutes past, they were finally at Jimin's apartment. As usual, Yoongi opened the door for him and guide him out. They reach Jimin's door and they turn to each other.

Yoongi's blood boil when he saw some fresh hickeys on Jimin's neck. His fingers made its way to the hickeys and trace it. Jimin hiss at the feeling as the pain still didn't fade away.

"I really want to fucking kill him." Yoongi grumbled remembering the smug look at man's pathetic face. Jimin giggled. "Hyung, lets forget about what happened. I don't really want to remember it." Jimin said making Yoongi got an idea and smirked.

He kissed Jimin's neck earning an audible moan from the younger. "What about i make you forget it tonight, baby."

And let just say they had a very long night after that;)

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