Side Story: END

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Jimin watched in amusement, looking around the room full of kids, parents, birthday decorations, and lots of yummy foods. Thanks to Jin.

"Looks like our birthday boy is having so much fun." his husband whispers to him, carrying Sumin who was deep asleep.

"As he should, he's been waiting for this time. I'm so glad he's enjoying his self." Jimin smiled admiring his son who suddenly looks at them, probably felt their stare, and waved with the biggest smile.

The parents smiled and waved back to the happy birthday boy.

"Happy birthday to you~" they all clapped as Jiyoon blew his candle. The birthday boy cheered.

"What did you wish for?" Jimin asked his son. The boy giggled.

"If I tell you, it wouldn't come true." he teased. Jimin shook his head jokingly.

They ate, then once finished, the parents talked, and the kids continued to play.

Jimin felt a presence behind him and his eyes widen when he saw who it was. He slowly walked to them, carrying Sumin. Yoongi silently followed.

Jin smiled and excused his self, so he won't be a bother to the family.

"Jimin." his mom started, with a small smile.

"M-mom, dad... I..didn't know you'll both come." he stuttered. Shock but gald that Jiyoon's grandparents came.

"Of course, its our grandson's birthday. We even bought gifts." his mom said and showed them four paper bags.

"This three bags are for Jiyoon, and this one is for Sumin." his dad said and gave Yoongi the bags. Yoongi bowed respectfully and accepted the gifts.

"Papa! Who are they?" Jiyoon asked running towards them, sweaty.

The two elder looked down at him with wide smiles glued on their faces.

"They're papa's parents. Your grandparents." Jimin explained to his son.

Hearing that, Jiyoon's face lit up. "Yay! My wish came true!!" and hugged his grandparents.

Jimin and Yoongi was shocked at this.

The grandparents and grandson talked happily, as the young boy probably forgot his friends.

Jimin couldn't believe that his life would turn out so beautiful.

He couldn't ask for anything else.

A lovable, loyal husband,
Precious children,
Trustworthy friends,
Kind mother-in-law

And now, his parents also joined his happy life.

Jimin smiled at his self,

"Thank you."


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