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Yoongi and Jimin walk in the company, hand in hand. It catches some of the employees attention but the CEO didn't care and ignored them and just enjoyed the warmth in his right hand.

"Th-they're staring at us hyung, its embarrassing." Jimjn whispered to Yoongi as he saw all eyes are on them. Yoongi look around, glaring at every workers making the workers flinch and mind their own business.

Once they were near Yoongi's office, they heard a laughs inside it. Jimin and Yoongi look at each other before opening the door. It was Alex and Mrs. Min. Samantha was the first to notice them and ran to Yoongi. Before she could reach Yoongi,

Yoongi slapped her, hard enough make her fall. Mrs. Min and Jimin froze at the sudden outburst. "Dont ever said those shitty things to my secretary and just zip your pathetic mouth." Yoongi said darkly making the other 3, including the girl on the ground shake.

"Y-yoong-yoongi, w-what are y-you talking about?" Samantha stuttered as Mrs. Min helped her stand up. "Dont play innocent Sam, you think i don't know what did your pathetic mouth said to Jimin." Yoongi spat. At this point, Jimin was crying as Mrs. Min comfort him.

Alex frown and glared at Jimin. "You! I told you to shut your fucking mouth up-!"

"I told him to tell me what you said to him. Youre insane Samantha, pathetic. Get the fuck out and never come back in my company, now." Yoongi growled pointing at the door. Alex shook her head.

"N-no i, Mrs. Min i-"

"Just leave Sam, you made a big mistake." Mrs. Min said still comforting the crying boy. Samantha look at them in disbelief before rushing out to the door and leave.

Yoongi sighed and go to his lover. "J-jimin, Jimin its all fine now. She'll never ever be near you. I won't allow it." He sooth and kissed the boy's forehead. The both of them heard a gasp from Mrs. Min.

"Are you two..a thing now?" She asked pointing at them. Yoongi smiled at his mother and nodded. That made Mrs. Min squeal. "Oh my god! Finally my ship has sailed!!" She screech and ran out the office.

"W-where is she going?" Jimin ask as he calm down. Yoongi chuckle and shrugg, "I think she'll spread the new that we're dating. She's been tellibg me to make you mine you know, she's really fond in you." Yoongi said earning a sweet giggle from his lover.

"Well, time to work Mr. Min."

"Oh man."

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