Kim Samantha(pt.1)

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1 month later..

Its been a month since Jimin and Yoongi slept together. And thankfully, nothing was awkward. Infact, their bond grew stronger after that. They always hang out, inside and outside the company that some employees were suspicious about. Yoongi always stayed at Jimin's apartment, and sometimes sleep there, nothing dirty.

Everything is almost perfect, almost. Until a certain person ruin it.

"Oh c'mon Yoongi, just today please." An Australian half Korean, Kim Samantha whine trying to get Yoongi's attention. Samantha is Yoongi's childhood friend, but sadly, she had to move to Australia for their family's business. She may be Australian but she's fluent in Korean.

"Can you shut up, im doing my work. And please, speak Korean. Its not that you forgot speaking our language." Yoongi grumble wanting the girl to shut up. "Tch, rude. What happened to the Yoongi i know. C'mon Yoongi, i know you had a crush on me before." Samantha said making Yoongi look at her.

"That was before, now shut the fuck up and let me do my work." Yoongi growled making Samantha flinch a bit.

Not so long, the door opened revealing Jimin carrying a lot of paper. Jimin made his way to Yoongi's table when Samantha make him fall and the paper scrambles and fly everywhere.

"Jimin! What the fuck Samantha!?" Yoongi shout angrily and stand up to help Jimin. "What? I didn't do anything? And why would you help a lowborn secretary like him?" She giggled.

Yoongi was about to charge her when Jimin hold his crumbled hand while smiling at him telling its alright. Yoongi sighed and smiled back and glared at Samantha.

"Kindly get the fuck out of my office before i call a guard to drag you out." Yoong spat. Samantha rolled her eyes and get out the office.

"A-are you okay Jiminie? Something hurt?" Yoongi asked really worried that Jimin has been hurt. Jimin chuckle and stand up then place the paper on the table. "Im fine Mr. Min, thank you for worrying." He bowed and leave the office.


Its finally time to go home. It was dark and raining heavily outside.

And Jimin has been ignoring Yoongi all day. Samantha finally leave the company hours ago, but Jimin still ignored him. And he will confront him later.

Yoongi made his way to the main door of the company hopibg to see Jimin there. And thankfully, he did. "Jimi-"

He didn't even finish saying the boy's name when suddenly Jimin started running away, now soaking because of the rain. "No! Wait! Jimin you'll catch a cold!" He shout and ran after the younger.

He finally catch Jimin and made him stop by grabbing his wrist. "L-let go Mr. Min. Go back there, you'll get sick you know." Jimin said trying to escape, not looking at the older. But Yoongi just hold him tighter.

"No, i won't go back there unless you tell me what's wrong." Yoongi said then grab Jimin's shoulder. "Why are you ignoring me all day? Did i do something wrong? Tell me Jimin, i'll fix it." As he said that, Jimin began crying.

He doesn't know what he said wrong that cause the younger cry. "Oh, no baby. Don't cry, what's wrong? Tell hyung what's wrong." Yoong hushed, hugging the smaller boy who was higging him back. They don't care if they were soaking wet, wha matter now is they have each other in arms.

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