Side Story: MEMORY

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"Okay Jiyoon-ah, it's your first day in nursery! Be good okay?!" Adult Min Jimin said fixing his now finally schooling and soon to be 5 years old son while carrying his 3 months old baby girl who they named Min Sumin, on the baby carrier behind his back.

"Yes Papa!! Jiyoon will make lots of friends and invite them to my birthday soon!!" Jimin smiled at his humble son while thinking back the day that Jiyoon was born.

4 almost 5 years ago...

"And what would you name your baby boy Mr. Min's?" the nurse who was assigned to take care of the patient Jimin asked the couple who was busy adoring their new born son.

"Could you wait for my mother? We'll let her name our boy." Yoongi genuinely said adoring his family. Jimin nodded, "Yes, she might arrive in a few minutes or so." Jimin shyly said, making both the nurse and Yoongi's heart race from how adorable Jimin just now.

The nurse was about to respond when the door suddenly slammed open revealing Yoongi's mom who has a few guards who were carrying some bag behind her. "No need to wait for me sons!! Your lovely mother is here!!" she shouts.

The room fell silent in a few seconds before the baby starts crying. People there including the guards who look like they could kill a bear by their own hands panicked at the cry of their new young master.

"Mother!" Yoongi whisper shout while helping Jimin to make their baby calm down. Mrs. Min nervously chuckled and turned to the nurse. She crossed her arms to her chest and raised her right eyebrow to the nurse. The nurse nervously gulped.

"T-the couple mentioned that you'd be n-naming their son?" The nurse rushed. The two fell quiet before Mrs. Min burst laughing. "Mom what the heck!?" Yoongi shouted as their son again, cried.

"I-I'm sorry it's just, hehehe!! Don't worry Ms. Nurse I don't bite." Mrs. Min once again laughed at the flushed face of the nurse. "Okay seriously, thank you for giving me the responsibility of naming my grandson Yoongi-ya, Jimin-ssi." Mrs. Min said smiling at the couple who were looking back at her.

Mrs. Min cleared her throat, "It takes me days to think of a name for my first grandchild." She started. Yoongi groaned, "Ma, just get to the point.. We're also waiting!" Yoongi stated talking about the nurse, Jimin, the guards and himself.

Mrs. Min giggled and said, "Fine.. I'll be naming my handsome grandson who obviously took it from his other father since-" "Mom." the rest of them laughed making the baby giggled loudly.

"Alright, alright! I'll be naming him.." Mrs. Min stopped and looked at the baby who was now looking back at her and smiled. It made Mrs. Min smile back before she turn around to the nurse.

"Min Jiyoon, his name will be Min Jiyoon!"


Jimin chuckled at the memory making his son stare at him confused. "It's nothing son, papa just remembered something heart-warming memory." Jimin said before Jiyoon could ask him.

Jiyoon nodded and exactly that moment, the bell ranged loudly making the baby on the baby carrier behind Jimin's back cried. "I'm sorry min-ah, big brother will play with you later. Bye papa!! Bye appa!! " Jiyoon kissed Sumin's head who stopped crying at her brother's affection, before kissing Jimin's cheeks, he waved at their car before finally running to enter his nursery.

Jimin looked at his son who was talking to his teacher energetically as he feel the baby carrier getting light.

"Our son is growing up now, wanna make another one?" Jimin gasped at that and slapped Yoongi's bicep. "Really, right in front of our infant daughter?" he sassed as their daughter slowly falling asleep on her father's arms.

Yoongi chuckled and kissed Jimin's forehead. "I'm just joking around, but why no-Ouch!!" Yoongi hissed at the pain where Jimin doubled the pain.

Jimin rolled his eyes and entered their car leaving Yoongi and Sumin outside.

Yoongi chuckled,

"Jimin-ah, you'll never gonna change being a cutie huh, you better take that after your papa Sumin."


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