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"Is everything okay now? Lisa, the sound system!?"





"Done Mr. Park!"



Jimin was busy taking care of the venue to even feel someone behind him. "Youre doing great baby." The man whispered to his ears, making his knees wobble.

Jimin turn around and glared at Yoongi, as the said man just smiled at him innocently. "Dont ever do that Mr. Min. Especially at work." Jimin whispered.

They immediately made a space between them as they heard someone cleared their throat. It was Mrs. Min. "Wow, this venue is fantastic. Great job Jimin." Mrs. Min said, impressed at the designs and arrangements.

"Th-thank you so much ma'am." Jimin bowed at the woman. The woman smiled at his politeness and look atvher son. And winked, making her son blush and look down.

Jimin continued to take care of the venue, as the Min's admired him. "Don't let him go son, make him yours as soon as possible." Mrs. Min whispered to his son who was admiring the said boy, lovingly.

"I well mom, very very soon."

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