Mr. Min

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Jimin has just been started working and there's already a lot of paperwork needed to compile reports. He sighed as he continued to do his work on his computer before he heard a-

"Calling the attention of Mr. Park, kindly come to my office. Now."

He think it was Mr. Min's voice. So he stumbled on his way to the CEO's office. He knock at the door and heard a loud enough 'come in'.

He opened the door and immediately met by expensive look of the office. Everything was shining. The table, floor, everything. But he was cut off by a cough. He look at the man sitting on the table.

And he was shock. This is Mr. Min? Min Yoongi? He looked like a demigod. Hes attractive to Jimin's eyes, very attractive.

"D-do you need anything Mr. Min?" Jimin ask trembling. He can't stare long to his attractive CEO and just focus on his work, not his fantasies. The CEO chuckled making Jimin's heart ache. "Dont be nervous around me Secretary Park. I dont bite, unless you want me too." Jimin's jaw dropped.

Did the rumored cold CEO just flirt with him.

'Calm down, calm down Park Jimin. Hes just testing you'

Jimin cleared his throat, trying to act not affected by the words. "I repeat, do you need anything?" He mentally pat his self and thanked all the gods for not stuttering this time.

Yoongi nod his head impressed.

Clothes? Check.

Politeness? Check.

Face? Check.



He smirk. 'Impressive' he thought. "Oh nothing much, just some black coffee and some cookies." He watch his secretary-more like sexytary nod its head.

"Right away sir." The secretary bowed and get out the office. The CEO chuckle and look at his computer.

"Youre interesting, Park Jimin."

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