Side Story: Exhausted And Workaholic Jimin

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"Alright, here you go Jiyoon oppa!" Jimin placed a plate of breakfast at the table for Jiyoon as he was also preparing Sumin's. Yoongi left for his business trip last Monday after they drop off Jiyoon for his first day, and will be back later today, so for today, Jimin'll drop Jiyoon off to his nursery.

"Jiyoon-ah, can you tell papa what happened last Monday since we didn't got to talk about it the past days? What did your classmates said?" Jimin asked as he feed Sumin. Jiyoon munches his food really fast to talk. "Th-they said they'll come!! Even Miss Han said she'll be there!!" Jiyoon happily exclaimed, excited for his birthday party tomorrow.

Jimin smiled at his son. They all finished breakfast as Jimin put Sumin to her carrier and Jiyoon also getting in the car. "Papa, open the radio please." Jiyoon genuinely asked. Jimin agreed and opened the radio as his son asked to.

After the long ride, they finally reached the nursery. "Jiyoon-ah, be good today!" Jimin called at Jiyoon who was already running to the nursery. "Yes papa!!" the boy shouted back. Jimin sighed and looked back at his daughter who was just sucking her pacifier peacefully.

Jimin was about to drove home when his phone rang. "Jin hyung, you called?"

"Oh yes Jimin-ah, if you're free can we hang out?" Jin asked through the phone. "Oh no I can't, sorry hyung, I have to look after Sumin and the house." Jimin said. He heard some noises at the other side before Jin spoke.

"Oh, is that so. Then maybe me and Tae will just go to your house? C'mon, we barely see each other nowadays. " Jin whined at Jimin. Jimin chuckled at his silly hyung and agreed. "Fine, fine. Then maybe see you later." he hang up not even waiting for Jin to answer and drove off.


Jimin was cleaning Sumin when he heard the doorbell rang. "Jiminie, I've missed you!!" Taehyung jumped at Jimin. "Ugh, you smell!! Don't tell me you've been cleaning everything you see dirty!!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jimin slapped his arms. "Silly, it's not like that, fool! And besides I don't know what to do while waiting for you both so yeah." Jimin shrugged.

Jin and Taehyung looked at each other with a look.

Jimin let them in and give them some treats. They talk about their lives and whatever for hours until Jimin excuses his self. "Excuse me, I just have to grab something." the two visitors nodded and played with Sumin.

Minutes later, Jimin still didn't come back. "Jin hyung, don't you think Jimin's taking so long? It's almost 11 am, what about Jiyoon?" Taehyung stated while cradling Sumin. Jin nodded then stood up. "I'll go to him." Taehyung nodded.

Jin walked upstairs and of course, having difficulties to look where Jimin is since the was really big. (FYI, Yoongi decided to not hire maids and butlers since Yoongi has trauma with them, just guards to guard them.)

It took Jin few seconds when he saw a room opened, he assume Jimin where could be. "Yah, Jimin-ah.. What's taking you so-" he stopped talking when he saw Jimin sleeping on his stomach soundly. Jin also noticed the tiredness and exhaustion on Jimin nowadays.

Since Yoongi left for his business out of town, and will probably come back anytime later, Jimin has been the only one who's looking and taking care of their kids since Mrs. Min was also busy. Jin sighed and fixed Jimin carefully, not waking him up. He put the blanket on Jimin and turn the AC to normal temperature.

"You've done well Jimin, let us take care of your matters this time." Jin mumbled and shut the door off. Jin came back downstairs, "Where's he? Why are you not with him?" Taehyung rumbled, still admiring Sumin. Taehyung really liked the kids and treat them with care and love, same with the rest of their friends.

Jin smiled and shook his head, "Give me Sumin. It's already 11, pick up Jiyoon, I'll make lunch."


Jimin groaned and turn to his side then frowned at the sudden warmth.

"You sure is workaholic even as a husband." Jimin snap his eyes open just to see smiling Yoongi who was still on his suit. "Y-yoongi, you're already here? Since when? And how long was I asleep? Th-the kids Yoongi!! Where're the kids!?" Jimin was about to get up when Yoongi layed him down again.

"Aish Jimin-ah, you sure is the wife of the house. Don't worry, they're having fun with the guys. Also, Samantha and Hoseok visited earlier with gifts, they also promised Jiyoon to be on his party tomorrow." Yoongi said while hugging Jimin tightly, glad to be home with his family.

They decided to go downstairs as their group of friends that were having fun with their kids and dogs welcomed them and also teased them being lovey dovey walking down.

Oh how Jimin loved this kind of sight.

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