Morning sickness?

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Jimin stiffem at his sleep when he suddenly feel a weird feeling in his stomach. He suddenly woke up when he felt like..puking.

He ran to his bathroom and vomit all the foods he ate last night. His sudden burst cause his lover to wake up and follow him to make sure everything's alright. "Baby, is everything- oh dear..." Yoongi ran to Jimin's side as the younger puke his life out.

Once Jimin was done, he wipe his mouth and flush the toilet. "Jimin, what suddenly happened? May i know when does this started?" Yoongi said really worried about his lover.

Jimin look at him by the mirror. "J-just now. Its really weird since i know we eat the same meal last night, and you didn't feel sick." Yoongi nodded.

"Just stay home today. Dont overwork your self." Yoongi said then kissed Jimin's nape. "No, dont overwork your self. And im going to work, this might  just vanish later." Jimin smiled then peck his lover's lips. Yoongi nod as they both start their day.


But Jimin was worng, very wrong as he still feel like shit. And he regret goibg to work. "I told you to stay home and rest baby. But you didn't listen." Yoongi scold, caressing his back.

"I'll tell my drivee to get you-"

"No, im alright now. I still can-"

"No Jimin, listen to-"

"No, listen to me. I-"

"No, you're going home and rest. I can work by myself. I promise." Yoongi said trying to make Jimin rest because his sickness was getting worst.

Jimin rolled his eyes and huff before pushing Yoongi and walk out the restroom. "Fine! Im going home, happy? Im just taking a bus" Jimin snap. Yoongi was a little shock by the sudden attitude.

"Jimin, i-" but before he could finish, Jimin slam the door close. Yoongi sighed, he collapse in his couch and massage his forehead. What cause Jimin to act like that? It was a sudden attitude.

The door opened revealing Mrs. Min with a frown. "Yoongi, what happened to Jimin? He looked...mad?" Mrs. Min said unsure. Yoongi sighed and lean back the couch.

"He just got mad at me. He woke up puking, i told him to just stay at home but he didn't listen and told me he'll be alright. But his sickness didn't stopped at all and he continued puking, he even puke in my restroom. I told him to go home this time and i can finish all the work and he suddenly got mad and pushed me away. I swear i didn't do anything wrong." Yoongi explained.

As he explained all of it, his mom didn't move a bit, mouth agape. "M-mom, did i do wrong?" Yoongi ask maybe he did do wrong. But what his mom said next froze him.

"Yoongi, buy him a pregnancy test."

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