Epilogue: 5 years later

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"Min Yoongi! Min Jiyoon!  You better drag you asses here, right now!" An adult Min Jimin screech as he look at the mess around the living room.

The father and son revealed their self to avoid more yelling, head low. Jimin coo at his husband and son but act angry. "Who made this mess?" Jimin spat making the two flinch.

They point at each other. "Appa stawted it Eomma.."

"W-what!? Jiyoon started it!"

"Nuuu~ yu Appa"

"No, you"



"You both shut up or i'll beat your asses at the same time." The two shut their mouth and look down again. Jimin sighed and pick up Jiyoon as he saw his son's lips quiver and eyes glistening.

"J-jiji sowwy Eomma, J-jiji just wan to hab fun wif Appa~.." the 4 year old boy confess. His parents coo at him and hug him. "Aww..its okay Jiji, Eomma is just joking. I would never beat your cute little ass just for this thing." Jimin sooth and kiss his son's cheeks.


"What do you want for dinner Jiji?" Yoongi ask getting ready the pan. "Hmm..Jiji wan nuggets Appa." Jiyoon giggled making his father's heart swell because of the sound he made.

Since Jiyoon was born, everything went well. Samantha apologized to them and surprised them when she said she's dating Hoseok. Jimin, Jin, Taehyung, and Mrs. Min grew very close. Yoongi's company become the 1st Company to earn billions in a year. And finally, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. It was all magical that they want to play it again and again.

"Oh, what is my lovely husband cooking." Jimin said once he entered the kitchen, still drying his hair. "Just nuggets for Jiji hun." Yoongi said letting his husband peck his lips. "Youre a great dad, and a husband of course." Jimin said that make Yoongi smile his gummy smile.

"Eomma! Jiji wan kissies too.." Jiyoon whine making grabby hands at his Eomma. Jimin and Yoongi chuckled at their son's cute action. Jimin pick Jiyoon up and attack him kisses eliciting a giggle from their son.

"Now, listen to me both of you. I have to tell you guys something really important." Jimin seriously said as he set Jiyoon down.

Once they all are sitting around their dining table, Jimin cleared his throat. "So uhm...before i said something, can you look what's inside the oven sweetpea." Jimin said as he look at his son who nodded his little head.

Jiyoon obeyed what his Eomma said and opened the oven. Once it was open, Yoongi and Jiyoon look at it curiously. Inside the oven was a...bun?

Yoongi look at Jimin confused. "A bun...in the oven?" Yoongi asked as Jiyoon get the bun and walk to them. "What does this mean Eomma?" Jiyoon ask.

"Let your Appa think of it." He said then crouch down to Jiyoon and kiss his forehead. Yoongi just frown more before just realizing it.

Yoongi widen his eyes as he smile widely. Jimin smiled back as he guess his husband finally knew. "Y-youre...pregnant??" Yoongi ask just to make.

Jimin nod as a tear slide to his cheeks. Yoongi coo at him then hugged him tightly. "Aww Jimin, i love you sooo much." He whispered then peck Jimin's lips.

"Jiji still dun get it Appa." Jiyoon whine, wanting his Eomma to hug him too. Yoongi chuckle as he pulled out the hug and pick Jiyoon up.

"Youre gonna be a big brother Jiji." Yoongi explained making Jiyoon gasp. "J-jiji? B-big bwother?" He asked as his Eomma giggled at while wiping his tears.

"Yes you are Jiji, aren't you excited?" Jimin said as he lean to his husband, caressing his son's back. Jiyoon shook his head "J-jiji dun wan too, c-cebause Eomma and Appa's attention won't be at him anymowe." He admit as his eyes glisten and lips quivering.

"Aww...don't think like that baby, youre our first angel. So youre very important to us, you'll still have our attention you know?" Yoongi sooth as he pass the now crying boy to Jimin's arms.

The boy nod his head through his Eomma's neck as Jimin rock him to sleep. As they heard a small smoribg sound from their son, they both chuckle and kiss.

"I love you so much, My Secretary."

"I love you more, My CEO."


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