Mrs. Min

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5 days later...

Its been 5 days since that serious talk with Hoseok and 7 days of him working in the company. Some of the employee congratulate him for being a strong secretary.

Jimin was on his way for lunch when he bump to someone. It was a woman. The woman was pale, beautiful, and wearing a very expensive clothes and accessories. Probably a businesswoman.

He panicked and immediately apologized. "I- im so sorry madam. Im not looking where im going." He said still bowing. He was ready to be cursed at but the woman just giggle.

"Oh no dear, don't do that. Im guessing youre a new worker?" The woman asked. Jimin nods "Im a-actually Mr. Min's current secretary." Jimin said as the woman nod.

"Did you just applied yesterday hun?" The woman ask expecting to have the answer she expect, but to her surprise "Uhm no madam, its actually my 7th day working here." That leaves the woman shock.


"Tell me more about yourself dear." The woman said as they were currently inside Jimin's office. The woman was still a stranger to him but she's interested about him.  He still doesn't even know who's she.

"Uhm...i think i have nothing to say more madam. I don't have some amazing experiences in my life so...yeah." Jimin said. The woman nodded.

"So you said that you applied here to have a bigger amount of pay for your mother's hospital bill?" The woman said as Jimin nodded with sad eyes.

"T-that's my case ma'am. I really need a bigger money to pay for her hospital bills since working at a café isn't a big help since my paycheck isn't enough for her medicines." Jimin said trying to hold his tears.

The woman comfort him and speak.
"One last thing dear.." she start.

"Are you gay?"


Yoongi sat on his office chair and groan. Its been 30 minutes and his mom still isn't here. His mom was supposed to be in his office minutes ago, but to his surprise, she's late. His mom were always early for times like this.

Yoongi was realky impatient and called his guard. "Did my mom already arrived?" He asked through the phone. "Oh, uhm..yes sir. She arrived 1 hour ago." The fuck?

That's strange. Hes been waiting for minutes and his mom was here all the time!? He hang up the phone and get out his office. He asked all of his employees in the hallway if they've seen his mother. But all of them answered no.

He look all over his company but failed. Only one place left, his secretary's office. He don't want to go there and purposely avoiding the boy but he had to. He was about to knock at the door when he heard a laughs through the door.

It doesn't sound like Jimin, it sounded more like his mother's!! He slam open the door revealing Jimin..and of course, his mom.

Jimin was the first to notice him and immediately stand up and bowed to him. The woman look at him confuse and turn around.

"Oh son, finally found me?" The woman, Mrs. Min said standing up with a smug look on her face. Jimin froze. This woman, was Mr. Min's mother!!

"Y-youre..." Jimin start unable to form a sentence, shakily pointing at the woman who just giggled at him.

"Nice to meet you Park Jimin, im Min Seulgi."


"So, mind to tell me why are you in my secretary's office all this time?" Yoongi said sitting on his office chair, his mother following.

"I just want to be friendly, hes a sweetheart you know." His mother said looking at her nails. Yoongi sighed as his mother started talking about Jimin.

"You know Yoongi, you should treat Jimin nice. Dont fire him, please." His mother begged as he look at her shock. "A-and why is that?" He internally curse his self for stuttering infront of his mother.

"Just...please...listen to me." Mrs. Min said. Yoongi just sighed and nodded. And with that, they started talking about the business.

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