"Dont overwork yourself"

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The meeting finished with all of them clapping. They all stand up and bowed to each other.

Some of the businessmen already leave and some stayed talking to Mr. Kim, including Yoongi. And Jin took this opportunity to talk with Jimin.

"Hi there cutie, guess yours that old hag's new secretary." Jin start walking beside Jimin who was talking to Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung bowed at the same time as Seokjin laugh. "Oh please, you two don't need to do that. Especially you Tae, im your friend remember. And now you're too." Jin said making Jimin shock and happy at the same time. Did the infamous Kim Seokjin just said that?

"So, what's your name dear?" Jin asked looking at them. "This is Park Jimin, Mr. Min's new secretary." Taehyung said. Jin smiled and reach for Jimin's hand. "Nice to meet you Park Jimin, im guessing you already know me." Jin said.

Jimin nodded but when he was about to shake Jin's hand, someone grabbed his wrist. It was Mr. Min. "Its time to go now Park." Yoongi said dragging Jimin out the office.

Jin, Taehyung, Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim look at each other, then smirked.


It was already dark when they get back their building. The meeting were long as Jimin expected.

"You can go home now Park." Mr. Min said making his way to his office. "W-what about you Mr. Min? You should go home now too." Jimin said leaving his boss shock. Its the first time a secretary said that to him. None of his past secretary said that, none.

He continued walking to his office. "No i have to fi-" but before he finish his words, his secretary stopped him. "No! Youre going home, now!" The secretary exclaimed leaving his boss really shock in the hallway.

After Jimin finished packing his things, he go to Mr. Min's office to make sure the CEO also packed his things. Thankfully, he did.

"Did you already call your driver?" The secretary asked. He sound like a wife scolding his husband for being late. "Y-yeah." The CEO stutter. Wow, it was the very first time the CEO stutter. Luckily, it was just him and his secretary was in the building as everybody got home already.

They made their way to the exit, Jimin leading.An expensive car was waiting infront of them. "D-do you have any service?" There it is again, the stutter. He don't know why but he keep stuttering infront of Jimin. His cold aura vanishing.

Jimin look at him and shake his head. "No, i'll just take the bus." Yoongi was about to say something but Jimin beat him by walking away.

"Oh and Mr. Min." Jimin said loud enough to still hear. Yoongi look at him.

"Don't overwork yourself."

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