Side Story: Yoongi's Nightmare

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"J- Jugyeom noona? Are you still there?? Please let me out of here!! I'm gonna be a good boy now, please!!" four years old Min Yoongi shouted, banging the wardrobe he is in now.

"No, young master.. You've been a bad boy just now, you need to be punished properly." he heard his maid said and a bang and clicking sound.


Little Yoongi was just playing with sand in front of their mansion since his parents left again for work, when he was purposely pushed away from it.

"Young master, you dirt the front again. We just finished cleaning!!" Yoongi shakes from fear at the butler who was calling the janitors to clean again.

Yoongi flinched when the guy turned to him and glared. "You need to be punished, young master."

The torture continued for years until Mrs. Min found out about it. The Min family immediately fired them and filed a case for child abuse. The maids and butlers that tortured Yoongi was imprisoned.

They apologized to their young master repeatedly, but it was too late. Because on that very day, Yoongi became cold, emotionless, and heartless.


Yoongi woke up with a huff and tears flowing out his eyes. He groaned and furiously wiped his tears. 'That again?'

Yoongi turned to his side to cuddle his husband but just finding out he's nowhere to be found. Yoongi frown and sat up. He saw the bathroom's lights on and immediately walk over there.

He found Jimin brushing his teeth. What time is it? It's only 4 am, too early.
"Why are you up so early?" Yoongi broke the silence gaining Jimin's full attention. Jimin signalled to wait for his response as he finished brushing his teeth.

"It's Jiyoon's birthday, don't tell me you forgot." Jimin said wiping the sides of his mouth. "Of course no. But why too early?" Yoongi yawned and back hugged Jimin. "Nothing, just feel like it." Jimin turn around to face Yoongi. He frowned.

"Why's your eyes red?" he asked while touching Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi closed his eyes and rested his head to Jimin's shoulder. "It's that again." Jimin understand and sighed.

Oh how he pity his husband. A lot of people keep bashing him just because he looked emotionless and doesn't have any care to what is happening around him, but they're all wrong. Yoongi is a definition of the saying, Don't judge a book by its cover.

"It's all done now, it won't happen again. Not even to Jiyoon or Sumin. And beside, I'm with you, remember?" Jimin said caressing Yoongi's hair softly and affectionately. Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi never wished to have a such kind and loving lover, just because he doesn't deserve it. But look at him now, he found more than a loving and kind lover. He found Jimin, he found an ally. Jimin gave him what is impossible for him to have. A family.

A home.

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